Oct 01, 2024  
2021-2022 Cal State East Bay Catalog 
2021-2022 Cal State East Bay Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Reading and Literacy, M.S. (Self-Support Only)(Online)

This program is only offered through Self-Support. Self-Support refers to programs offered through Continuing Education. Separate registration, enrollment, and/or fees may be required for programs offered through self-support.  See also “Continuing Education” in the glossary .

Reading and Literacy, M.S. Program

Program Description

The Department of Teacher Education at California State University, East Bay offers two levels for graduate study in the area of reading and language arts:

  1. The Reading and Literacy Added Authorization (RLAA) is granted by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC) upon recommendation by Cal State East Bay. It authorizes service as a reading specialist at a school site. This program is 14 semester units.
  2. The Master of Science in Reading and Literacy is granted by Cal State East Bay. Candidates who have earned the Reading and Literacy Added Authorization or previously earned the Reading and Language Arts Specialist Credential, are eligible to continue their graduate studies and earn the M.S. degree. This program is 30 semester units: 14 units for the Reading and Literacy Added Authorization and 16 additional units beyond those required for the RLAA.

If you completed your credential within five years of the MS completion date (7 years with a waiver), you may complete the 30 units including the Reading Added Authorization courses (14 units) and MS courses (7 units) by bringing in 9 units of coursework from an accredited credential program.   If you completed your credential over five years beyond MS completion date (7 years with a waiver), the electives TED 670, 671 and 672 may be completed to meet this remaining 9-unit requirement. The entire program, including the Reading and Literacy Added Authorization and the MS degree can be completed in one calendar year with the inclusion of 9 approved credential program units. 

Upon successful completion of coursework and three or more years of classroom teaching, candidates will be recommended for the state-issued Reading Literacy Added Authorization.  Candidates with less than three years of teaching experience are welcome to complete the program and apply for the Reading and Literacy Added Authorization once they have the required classroom teaching experience. Candidates complete three more graduate courses to receive a MS in Reading and Literacy.

Career Opportunities

Gradutes may become specialists in Elementary and Secondary Literacy Development. They may also work in interventionist positions, such as Reading Intervention Teacher, Literacy Coach, District Literacy Specialist, Grade Level Chair, and/or Department Chair.

Admission Requirements

  1. Baccalaureate degree from an accredited university.
  2. GPA of 3.0 in upper division undergraduate courses and post-baccalaureate courses.
  3. A valid Multiple Subject or Single Subject Teaching Credential.
  4. Demonstrated potential to become a leader in reading and language arts curriculum and instruction.

Admission Process

Submit the following to the Department of Teacher Education:

  1. University graduate and post-baccalaureate application (online CSU application)
  2. Graduate application fee
  3. Statement of residency if a first-time Cal State East Bay student
  4. One official copy of all transcripts from all colleges and universities attended
  5. An application form for the Teacher Education Department.
  6. Personal Data Summary Form
  7. Basic Skills Requirement, such as CBEST scores
  8. Copy of either a valid Multiple Subject or Single Subject Teaching Credential.
  9. Three letters of recommendation, two of which address the candidate’s ability to teach and work with K-12 students

Candidates who meet admission requirements will be notified by email and must then successfully complete an admission interview with the Program Coordinator.


No more than 9 units taken in nonresident status can be applied toward a master’s degree. This includes approved credit-bearing extension courses, transfer courses, and residence courses taken before admission to the master’s degree program. Lower division, non-credit Extension, 700 level, and Credit/No Credit (Pass/Fail) courses are not applicable to the degree except courses offered only for Credit/No Credit (Pass/Fail). Filing for a substitution for this last item is up to the student. Nine units of coursework from a basic credential program (Multiple or Single Subject) may be applied toward a master’s degree.

A student with minor deficiencies in the requirements below may be admitted to a program as a “Conditionally Classified Graduate” student.

  • To be awarded “Classified Graduate” standing, a student must:
  • Have a GPA if 3.0 or better in all upper division work in the major and in all post-baccalaureate work;
  • Hold a valid teaching credential and/or show evidence of successful classroom teaching experience as determined by the department;
  • Have met the MCC-UDEAN-GRADIR- Graduation Requirement in Writing Proficiency [GRADUATE](GDRP)(GRAD) . (For more information on meeting the University Writing Skills Requirement, contact the Testing Office at 510.885.3661)

Advancement to Candidacy

To be Advanced to Candidacy for the degree, a student must:

  • Have met the University Writing Skills Requirement. For more information contact the Testing Office at 510.885.3661)
  • Be a “Classified Graduate” student in good standing;
  • Have completed at least 30 semester units considered by the Department to be applicable toward the degree requirements with a GPA of 3.0 or better;
  • Have an approved program of study for the degree (on a Major Check Form) signed by the advisor;
  • Have completed or be currently enrolled in TED 688, Research in Education;
  • Have been approved for Advancement to Candidacy by the department on the recommendation of faculty teaching in the student’s area of study. This approval is initiated by filing the form, Petition to Establish Thesis/Project Committee, with a thesis or project abstract attached, or by obtaining permission to register for the Graduate Synthesis course.

GPA Requirement

A student must maintain a GPA of 3.0 or higher in all courses taken in the approved program signed by the advisor, whether the courses are taken at Cal State East Bay or elsewhere. A student whose GPA falls below 3.0 will be placed on probationary status, will be subject to disqualification from the program, and may be recommended for dismissal from the university. (The department also requires that the use of the “CR/NC” grade option in any course applied to a master’s and/or certificate program must be approved in advance by the Graduate Coordinator.)

Degree Requirements (30 units)

To receive the M.S. in Reading and Literacy, a student must have:

  1. Been Advanced to Candidacy;
  2. Completed 30 semester units of approved graduate work, subject to the following conditions:
    • All units must have been earned within the past five (5) years immediately preceding completion of the requirements for the degree;
    • No fewer than twenty-one (21) semester units may have been completed in residence (i.e., after admission to the program as a regularly matriculated student) in the graduate program at Cal State East Bay;
    • No fewer than two (2) nor more than four (4) semester units may have been assigned to a University Thesis, nor more than four (4) to a Department Thesis or Project, nor fewer than three (3) in the Graduate Synthesis course;
    • No more than nine (9) semester units of approved courses may be transferred from another institution, taken through approved extension courses (including Open University), or taken as an “Unclassified Post-Baccalaureate” student;
    • At least fifteen (15) semester units must have been in courses in the 600-series or equivalent graduate level; 
  3. Satisfied the University Writing Skills Requirement; for more information contact the Testing Office at 510.885.3661.
  4. Earned at least a 3.0 GPA in all post-baccalaureate work and in all graduate work at Cal State East Bay and in all units satisfying the requirements of the degree program;
  5. Completed a Project acceptable to the department faculty.
  6. Met, within five (5) years of admission to the program, the specific requirements of that program.


A student must apply to graduate and request a degree check during the first two (2) weeks of the semester prior to the semester in which completion of the program is expected. Students must apply online and pay the required fee.

Other Degree Requirements

In addition to departmental requirements, every student must also satisfy the University requirements for graduation described in the Graduate Degree Information chapter in this catalog. These include the 21-unit residence requirement, the five-year rule on currency of subject matter, the minimum number of units of 600-level courses, the 3.00 grade point average, and the University Writing Skills requirement.

Program Learning Outcomes

  1. Demonstrate a thorough understanding of theory and research on an effective culture of literacy for diverse prekindergarten through high school students, their families, and communities;
  2. Demonstrate knowledge of research-based instructional practices in each component of literacy and the ability to assess, instruct, and provide intervention for each component of literacy instruction, including phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, oral language development, reading and listening comprehension, and vocabulary development, and writing;
  3. Successfully plan and implement a balanced literacy environment, including the selection and use instructional materials, technology, routines, and strategies that are appropriately aligned with students’ assessed language and literacy needs; and 
  4. Complete an action research project in the field of literacy, including a review of the research literature, planning and implementing an instructional unit, and an analysis of student learning and research results.

Reading and Literacy Degree Requirements (31 units)

Reading and Literacy Added Authorization (RLAA)

These six (6) courses for 14 units are required for both the Reading and Literacy Added Authorization and the M.S. in Reading and Literacy:

Additional M.S. Coursework

In addition to the courses for the RLAA, the following additional five (5) courses for 13 units are required for the M.S. in Reading and Literacy.  TED 670, 671, and 672 are required for students who do not carry units over from a credential program:

M.S. Capstone

The following Master’s Project is required to complete the M.S. Reading and Literacy degree requirements:

Other Graduate & Post-Baccalaureate Degree Requirements

In addition to departmental requirements, every student must also satisfy the University requirements for graduation as described throughout this catalog. These include the 70% unit residence requirement; the five-year rule on currency of subject matter; the minimum number of units in 600-level courses; the “C” minimum grade for each graduate course; the 3.00 cumulative grade point average; and the University Writing Skills Requirement.

Note: For information on meeting the University Writing Skills Requirement, see Graduate Policies  or call the Testing Office at (510) 885-3661.

Department Courses Listed by Course Type

Teacher Education Courses

Department of Teacher Education

Go to information for this department.


Education: Interdisciplinary - Graduate

Education: Online Teaching and Learning

Teacher Education

Teacher Education: Graduate

Teacher Education: Post-Baccalaureate