Program Description
Environmental scientists study and analyze the physical and biotic components of the environment; determine the impact of humans on ecosystems; develop strategies and plans to mitigate negative natural and human impacts; protect human and natural environments, and restore natural systems. The Environmental Science program provides interdisciplinary scientific preparation for students wishing to pursue knowledge and employment in the fields of environmental research, consulting, and oversight. Additional objectives of the program include provision of sufficient preparation for graduate studies in environmental sciences and allied fields and partial satisfaction of the Single Subject Matter Preparation Program for a teaching credential in science. The Bachelor of Science degree major in Environmental Science is an interdisciplinary program of study in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences with faculty participation from the Department of Biological Sciences (Undergraduate), Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry (Undergraduate), and Department of Anthropology, Geography and Environmental Studies (Undergraduate). In contrast to the B.A. degree major in Environmental Studies, the B.S. degree major in Environmental Science requires students to take a structured core of science courses from a variety of physical and life science disciplines, as well as a specialized upper division option in life science, physical science or environmental systems and resource management.
Student Learning Outcomes
Students graduating with a B.S. in Environmental Science from Cal State East Bay will be able to:
apply knowledge of the principles of form, function and organization of organisms at the levels of molecules, cells, tissues, organs, organisms, populations, and communities;
apply knowledge of the fundamental principles of chemistry, chemical structure, bonding, equilibrium, dynamics, and reactions, as well as classes of organic compounds and reactions;
characterize the nature and distribution of earth materials, the processes by which the materials are formed and altered, and the nature and development of the landscape;
synthesize knowledge of the major components of the physical environment, including landforms, climate, vegetation, and soils;
critically analyze environmental issues through the evaluation of scientific literature, and present their positions clearly and persuasively in written and oral form.
Career Opportunities
Air Quality Controller
Atmospheric Scientist
Biological Consultant
Bioremediation Consultant
Chemical Consultant
Ecosystem and Habitat Restoration
Environmental Consultant
Environmental Field or Lab Technician
Environmental Health Scientist
Environmental Manager
Environmental Policy Developer
Environmental Protection and Regulation Manager
Hazardous Waste Manager
Industrial Hygienist
Pollution Control Technician
Risk Manager
Soils Scientist
Solid Waste Manager
Technical Writer
Urban Planner
Waste Water Treatment Manager
Water Manager
Wildlife Manager
Advanced Placement
Students who earn a grade of 3 or higher on the College Entrance Examination Board’s Advanced Placement Test in Environmental Science will be given 4 units of credit equivalent to ENSC 2800.