Oct 25, 2024  
2015-2016 CSU East Bay Catalog 
2015-2016 CSU East Bay Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Undergraduate Admission and Degree Information

Cal State East Bay welcomes students to apply to study at our university. There are four steps to the application process for most prospective students:

  1. Applicants must submit an online CSU application for admission at www.csumentor.edu.
  2. Applicants must submit all supplementary documents required such as transcripts and standardized test scores.
  3. Cal State East Bay will determine an applicant’s eligibility based on criteria discussed in this chapter.
  4. The university will notify the student of the decision.

How does one become a Cal State East Bay student?

  • A prospective student, applying for part-time or full-time undergraduate programs of study, in day or evening classes, must file a complete undergraduate application online and pay a $55 application fee. The $55 non-refundable application fee should be in the form of a check or money order payable to “The California State University” or the student may use a credit card at the time of submission of the application. The application fee may not be transferred or used to apply to another term.

  • The CSU undergraduate and graduate applications are accessible at www.csumentor.edu. Paper applications are not accepted unless the student does not have access to a computer. In those instances, paper applications can downloaded from the CSU Mentor website.

  • An applicant must complete all required information, including the Social Security number. (The university uses this number to accurately identify student records and evaluate financial aid applications.) Be certain to accurately enter the requested academic information. Any misrepresentation could result in an offer of admission being rescinded.

  • The applicant must submit all required items indicated on the student’s MyCSUEB To Do list at https://my.csueastbay.edu by the deadline provided.

  • After a student has sent all application materials and fees, they may check the status of their Cal State East Bay application at https://my.csueastbay.edu.

  • Cal State East Bay corresponds with applicants by mail and by e-mail, so it is important to make sure contact information on the application is complete and accurate.

  • If an applicant wants to pursue a major in nursing, they should see the Nursing chapter for special admission requirements.

  • The bachelor’s degree major in Music requires students audition in order to determine admission. If a student wishes to pursue a major in Music, see the Music chapter for special admissions requirement.

  • It is important for students to take time to read this catalog and become familiar with the specific policies and procedures of Cal State East Bay and the CSU system. This will help the student to understand their rights and responsibilities, as well as the rights and responsibilities of the university.

Who must complete an application?

All students in the following categories must complete an undergraduate admission application:

  • High school graduates

  • Community college transfer students

  • Cal State East Bay students who have not been enrolled for three consecutive quarters

  • Students who have a degree from a college or university and want a second baccalaureate degree if applying to an eligible program. Learn more about rules and restrictions atwww.csueastbay.edu/admission.

  • Students who have been enrolled in Continuing Education Special Sessions Programs and Open University

  • Students who have attended Cal State East Bay as visiting students from another university

  • Students who want to audit classes1

  • Students who were previously admitted to Cal State East Bay for a particular quarter but did not enroll

If a student is uncertain whether they are required to apply, they can contact the Office of Admission at (510) 885-2784.

If an applicant holds a baccalaureate degree and wishes to pursue post-baccalaureate study or a graduate degree, they must submit an application and application fee, even if they are a Cal State East Bay graduate.

The following regulations and procedures govern admission to both the Hayward Hills and Concord campuses. They are subject to change without prior notice if necessary so that university policies are consistent with those established by the Trustees of The California State University.

What are Cal State East Bay’s admission procedures and policies?

Requirements for admission to California State University, East Bay are in accordance with Title 5, Chapter 1, Subchapter 3, of the California Code of Regulations. Complete information is available at www.csumentor.edu/planning/.

Electronic versions of the CSU undergraduate and graduate applications are accessible at www.csumentor.edu.

Applying online via www.csumentor.edu is expected unless electronic submission is impossible. An acknowledgement will be sent when online applications have been submitted. Paper applications may be downloaded at www.csumentor.edu and mailed to CSUEB’s Office of Admission.

The university advises all prospective students to supply complete and accurate information on the admission application, residency questionnaire, and financial aid forms. In addition, students must, when requested, submit authentic and official transcripts of all previous academic work attempted. Failure to file complete, accurate, and authentic application documents may result in denial or rescission of admission, cancellation of academic credit, suspension, or expulsion (Section 41301, Article 1.1 of Title 5, California Code of Regulations).

Declaration of Objective

When a student applies for undergraduate admission they may state an objective (major and degree) to be pursued. The applicant may also be admitted as an “Undeclared Student.” In addition, once the student has been enrolled at the university, faculty and staff of the Academic Advising and Career Education Center are available to assist the student in selecting a major and degree program. The responsibility for meeting the specific requirements of a program or major rests with the student, but the advisor or the department chair of their selected major will help the student determine the courses remaining for completion of major requirements. Academic Advising and Career Education may also assist the student in determining General Education requirements.

Impacted Programs

The CSU will announce during the fall filing period those campuses or programs that are impacted. Detailed information on campus and program impaction will be available at the following websites:

Campuses will communicate their supplementary admission criteria for all impacted programs to high schools and community colleges in their service area and will disseminate this information to the public through appropriate media.  This information will also be published at the CSU campus individual website and made available online at www.calstate.edu.

Some programs are impacted at every campus where they are offered; others are impacted only at a few campuses. If a student is applying for admission to an impacted program the student must file their application during the initial filing period. If a student wishes to be considered for admission to impacted programs at more than one campus, they should file an application at each campus for which they are seeking admission consideration.

The Nursing major (Clinical portion) is the only impacted program at Cal State East Bay. Supplementary admission criteria are listed in the undergraduate Nursing chapter.

Supplementary Admission Criteria

Each campus with impacted programs uses supplementary admission criteria in screening applicants. Supplementary criteria may include rank-ordering of freshman applicants based on the CSU Eligibility Index Table (see “Eligibility Index” later in this chapter), or rank-ordering of transfer applicants based on the overall transfer grade point average, completion of specified prerequisite courses, and a combination of campus-developed criteria. Applicants for freshman admission to impacted campuses or programs are required to submit scores on either the SAT or the ACT. For fall admission, applicants should take tests as early as possible, and no later than December of the preceding year.

The supplementary admission criteria used by the individual campuses to screen applicants for freshman admission to impacted programs are made available by the campuses to all applicants seeking admission to an impacted program. Details regarding the supplemental admissions criteria are also provided at www.calstate.edu/sas/impactioninfo.shtml.

Use of Social Security Number

Applicants are required to include their correct social security number in designated places on the application for admission pursuant to the authority contained in Section 41201, Title 5,California Code of Regulations, and Section 6109 of the Internal Revenue Code (26 U.S.C. 6109). The university uses social security numbers to identify students and their records, including identification for purposes of financial aid eligibility and disbursement and repayment of financial aid and other debts payable to the institution. Also, the Internal Revenue Service requires the university to file information that includes the student’s social security number and other information such as the amount paid for qualified tuition, related expenses, and interest on educational loans. This information is used by the IRS to help determine whether the applicant, or a person claiming the applicant as a dependent, may take a credit or deduction when reporting their federal income taxes.

If the student is a taxpayer who claims Hope Scholarship or Lifetime Learning tax credit, the student is required to provide Cal State East Bay with their name, address, and Taxpayer Identification Number.

When is the deadline to apply?

Application Filing Periods
The application filing periods are listed at www.csueastbay.edu/deadlines

Cal State East Bay accepts applications until its capacity is reached. (Many campuses limit undergraduate admission in an enrollment category due to overall enrollment limits.) If applying after the initial filing period, the student should consult the campus admission office for current information. Similar information is also available at www.csumentor.edu/filing_status/Default.asp.

Does the university have any special provisions for enrollment and admission?

High School Students

High school students may be considered for enrollment in certain special programs if recommended by the principal and the appropriate campus department chair and if preparation is equivalent to that required of eligible California high school graduates. Admission to a special program is valid only for the specific program and does not constitute the student’s right to continued enrollment.

Transfer Policies of CSU campuses

Authority for decisions regarding the transfer of undergraduate credits is delegated to each California State University (CSU) campus. Most commonly, the college level credits earned from an institution of higher education which is accredited by a regional accrediting agency recognized by the United States Department of Education are accepted for transfer to campuses of the CSU.

The CSU General Education-Breadth (GE-Breadth) program allows California community college transfer students to fulfill lower-division general education requirements for any CSU campus prior to transfer. Up to 39 of the 48 GE-Breadth units required can be transferred from and certified by a California college. “Certification” is the official notification from a California community college that a transfer student has completed courses fulfilling lower-division general education requirements. The CSU GE-Breadth certification course list for particular community colleges can be accessed at www.assist.org. 

Campuses may enter into articulation agreements on either a course for course or program to program basis. Such articulations are common between CSU campuses and any or all of the California community colleges, but may exist between CSU campuses and other institutions. Established CSU/CCC articulations may be found on www.assist.org.

No more than 70 semester units (105 quarter units) may be transferred to a CSU campus from a previously attended institution which does not offer bachelor’s degrees or their equivalents, e.g., community colleges. 

Non-Matriculated Enrollment

Most courses taught by regular Cal State East Bay faculty are available to students through Open University. To enroll in an Open University course, applicants must complete an online Open University application form each term they wish to attend.  The application deadline is the eighth instructional day of the term. Go to https://www.ce.csueastbay.edu/ce/programs/open-university/ to apply online and view application deadlines. Late applications will not be accepted. 

Hardship Petitions

Cal State East Bay has established procedures for consideration of qualified applicants who would be faced with extreme hardship if not admitted. Contact the Office of Admission for information on policies governing hardship admission. Students should also see the “Admissions Appeals” section under “How will the student be informed of the admission decision?” in this chapter.

Educational Opportunity Program

The Educational Opportunity Program is designed to improve access and retention of historically low-income, first generation, and educationally disadvantaged students. EOP identifies and admits students who have the potential to succeed at California State University campuses, but who have not achieved their educational goals because of economic and/or educational background. EOP provides students with the resources, tools and skills to ensure academic and personal success through a variety of academic support services. These services include admission assistance, a Summer Bridge program for first-time freshmen, an EOP Welcome, academic counseling, resources/referral services, and an EOP grant for eligible students.

EOP accepts students who qualify for regular admission, as well as a limited number of students who do not meet regular admission criteria. Only low-income and educationally disadvantaged undergraduate students who need admission assistance and/or support services to succeed at CSUEB are admitted to EOP. Additionally, students must be first generation, California residents or AB 540, and meet the income eligibility criteria.  They must also demonstrate academic potential and motivation to succeed.

To apply for admission to the program, prospective students must complete the online CSUMentor Application for Undergraduate Admission and check the appropriate box for EOP services. Once the CSUEB application is submitted (online), EOP applicants will receive an online EOP link and have access to complete the EOP Applicant Information Form and two EOP recommendation forms. Students must have all three documents submitted in order for their EOP application to be complete.

EOP is a high-demand program which only accepts applications for Fall term from applicants new to the CSU system. Currently enrolled and/or previously enrolled students (not formerly in an EOP CSU program) are not eligible to apply. Applicants who submit all required documents will be reviewed and if selected, will be admitted to EOP. All EOP freshmen receiving exception admission are required to attend the EOP Summer Bridge program as a condition of their admission for Fall term.

For assistance or for further information about EOP, please visit the EOP Office at the Library Complex (LI), Room 2500, or online at www.csueastbay.edu/eop. Prospective applicants can also  email us at eopadmissions@csueastbay.edu or call 510-885-4683.


Veterans who meet the admission requirements may attend under full veterans’ benefits. Information concerning veterans’ programs is outlined at www.csueastbay.edu/veterans.
First-time freshmen and lower division applicants who are California resident veterans of the U.S. Armed Forces, but who do not meet regular entrance requirements may be considered for undergraduate admission if, in the university’s judgment, the veteran has the potential to perform satisfactorily at the collegiate level. To be considered under this provision, veterans must have served 181 days active duty since 1955 with a discharge or separation under conditions other than dishonorable.
If an applicant wishes to be considered under this provision, the application for admission must include supporting documents, including separation papers (DD 214), and a letter petitioning special consideration. Transcripts and test scores are also required.

Early Start Program

All new freshmen students who have not demonstrated college-readiness in mathematics and English will need to begin work on becoming ready for college-level English before the start of their first term.
The goals of Early Start Program are to:

  • Better prepare students in math and English, before the fall term of freshman year;

  • Add an important and timely assessment tool in preparing students for college; and

  • Improve students’ chances of successful completion of a college degree.

Newly admitted freshman students who are required to complete Early Start will be notified of the requirement and options for completing the program as part of campus communications to newly admitted students.

Adult Students

If a student is twenty-five years of age or older, they may also be considered for admission as an adult student if all of the following conditions are met:

  1. The student has earned a high school diploma (or the equivalent as demonstrated on the Tests of General Educational Development or the California High School Proficiency Examination).

  2. The student has not enrolled in college as a full-time student for more than one term during the past five years. Part-time enrollment is permissible.

  3. If the student has attended college in the last five years, and has earned a “C” average or better in all college work attempted.

The student’s admission will be based upon a judgment as to whether or not they are as likely to succeed as a regularly admitted freshman or transfer student. An assessment of basic skills in the English language and mathematical computation will also be considered in the admission decision. If an applicant is seeking enrollment as an adult student, they must submit a statement to the Office of Admission outlining the factors and experiences which the student believes indicates their probable academic success.

Meningococcal Disease Information

Each incoming freshman who will be residing in on-campus housing will be required to return a form indicating that they have received information about meningococcal disease and the availability of the vaccine to prevent contracting the disease and indicating whether or not the student has chosen to receive the vaccination.
The above are not admission requirements, but are required of students as conditions of enrollment in CSU.

How will a student be notified that their application has been received?

An applicant who applies within the published filing period may expect to receive an acknowledgment from the campus to which they applied within two to four weeks of filing an application. This notice may also include a request that the applicant submits additional records necessary to evaluate their academic qualifications. An applicant may be assured of admission if the evaluation of relevant qualifications indicates that he or she meets CSU admission requirements, and in the case of admission impaction, Cal State East Bay requirements for admission to an impacted program. Unless specific written approval/confirmation is received, an offer of admission is not transferable to another term or to another campus.

What information is necessary for evaluation of admission eligibility?

After an applicant receives an acknowledgment from Cal State East Bay that their application has been received, they will be requested to submit required documents (i.e. official transcripts, test scores, etc.), if they have not previously done so. It is the applicant’s responsibility to see that all official transcripts are sent directly to the Office of Admission from each previous institution attended by the deadline specified on the student’s MyCSUEB To Do List. Neither evaluation of transcripts and test scores nor determination of eligibility is possible until all required documents have been received.

  1. First-time freshmen must submit official transcripts of high school work (grades 9-12). Scores from the ACT or SAT examinations are required, unless exempt (see next paragraph); however all students should submit ACT/SAT scores for English and math placement review. If an applicant is still in high school, they must submit transcripts of work as instructed and a final transcript after graduation.

    A first-time freshmen or lower division transfer applicant, whose high school grade point average is at least 3.00 (3.61 for nonresidents) will have the test score requirement waived. The applicant’s high school grade point average calculation will include only those grades earned in approved college preparatory courses taken during the 10th, 11th, and 12th grades.

  2. If an applicant is applying for undergraduate transfer, graduate, or post-baccalaureate admission, they must submit an official transcript from each college or university previously attended by the deadline specified on the student’s MyCSUEB To Do List, regardless of length of attendance, and even if no work was completed.

  3. If the applicant is a transfer student with fewer than 90 transferable quarter units (60 semester units) the applicant must, in addition to item #2 above, file one official transcript showing courses and grades earned during high school (grades 9-12), as well as scores from the ACT or SAT examinations. If the applicant’s high school grade point average is at least 3.00 (3.61 for nonresidents) the test score requirement will be waived.

  4. If an applicant is an international student or non-U.S. citizen, they may be required to submit additional records. See “Are there special admission and eligibility requirements for international students?” in this chapter.

Note: The University has the obligation to determine whether a transcript will be accepted as official. All transcripts and records submitted for admission or readmission become the property of the university. Students may access their academic records according to policies and procedures established by the campus. Applicants must submit official transcripts from all colleges and universities they have attended so their entire academic experience can be evaluated. Failure to do so will be grounds for denial of admission or readmission or for dismissal from the university.

How will an applicant be informed of the admission decision?

After an applicant’s eligibility has been established, they will receive a letter of admission to the university for the term indicated. The applicant will also be informed of residency status.
Applicants may be assured of admission if the evaluation of relevant qualifications indicates that they meet CSU admission requirements, including if applicable, campus requirements for admission to an impacted program. Unless specific written approval/confirmation is received, an offer of admission is not transferable to another term or to another campus.
The university reserves the right, however, to select its students and to deny admission to the university, or to any of its programs, based upon the university’s determination, at its sole discretion, of an applicant’s suitability and the best interests of the university.


If for some reason an applicant cannot be accommodated at Cal State East Bay, their application will be redirected to their second choice CSU campus unless they are seeking admission to a system-wide impacted program or the alternate campus has reached its capacity in the applicant’s chosen program of study.

Admissions Appeals

Section 89030.7 of the California Education Code requires the California State University establishes specific requirements for appeal procedures for a denial of admission. Each CSU campus must publish appeal procedures for applicants denied admission to the University. The procedure is limited to addressing campus decisions to deny an applicant admission to the University.

Admissions appeal procedures must address the basis for appeals, provide 15 business days for an applicant to submit an appeal, stipulate a maximum of one appeal per academic term, provide specific contact information for the individual or office to which the appeal should be submitted and must also be published on the campus website.

If the applicant does not meet published admission eligibility standards, the student may petition the Admissions Appeals Committee for reconsideration. There is a limit on the number of exceptions to published admission criteria for which the campus may grant an exception. The Committee, therefore, considers a number of factors, normally favoring applicants who are close to qualifying and who are upper division students. Instructions for submitting an appeal are provided to eligible denied students.
If the applicant comes from a disadvantaged background or is a veteran, they may be considered under special criteria in addition to that stated above.

What are the minimum admission requirements for freshmen?

Generally, a first-time freshman applicant will qualify for regular admission if they meet the following requirements:

  • The student has graduated from high school, have earned a Certificate of General Education Development (GED) or have passed the California High School Proficiency Examination; and

  • The student has a qualified minimum eligibility index (see the Eligibility Index Table in this section); and

  • The student has completed, with grades of “C” or better, each of the courses in the comprehensive pattern of college preparatory subject requirements, also known as the “a-g” pattern. (See “Subject Requirements” later in this section.) Courses must be completed prior to your enrollment in The California State University (special high school programs are exempted from this rule).

Eligibility Index

The eligibility index is the combination of the high school grade point average and scores on either the American College Test (ACT) or the SAT (math and critical reading sections only). Grade point averages (GPA) are based on grades earned in courses taken during the final three years of high school. Included in the calculation of the GPA are grades earned in all college preparatory “a-g” subject requirements taken in 10th-12th grades, and bonus points for approved honors courses (excluding physical education and military science).
Up to eight semesters of honors courses taken in the last three years of high school (including up to two approved courses taken in the tenth grade) can be accepted. Each unit of “A” in an honors course will receive a total of 5 points; “B,” 4 points; and “C,” 3 points. Up to two 11th grade IB, AP or honors courses with 11th or 12th grade course content taken in 10th grade may also receive bonus points.
A CSU Eligibility Index (EI) can be calculated by multiplying the grade point average by 800 and adding the total score on the SAT (the mathematics and critical reading scores). If a student took the ACT,the EI is calculated by multiplying their grade point average by 200 and adding ten times the ACT composite score. Students who are California high school graduates (or residents of California for tuition purposes), need a minimum index of 2900 using the SAT or 694 using the ACT. The Eligibility Index Table illustrates a matrix of eligible required test scores and grade point averages. If a student applies for admission before graduating from high school, they should compute their GPA using grades earned in courses completed after the 9th grade. Do not include grades expected to be earned in courses during the remainder of the 12th grade.
The university has no current plans to include the writing scores from either of the admissions tests in the computation of the CSU Eligibility Index.
Students who neither graduated from a California high school nor those who are a resident of California for tuition purposes, need a minimum index of 3502 (SAT) or 842 (ACT). Graduates of secondary schools in foreign countries must be judged to have academic preparation and abilities equivalent to applicants eligible under this section. (See “Are there special admission and eligibility requirements for international students?” in this chapter.)
An applicant with a grade point average of 3.00 or above (3.61 for nonresidents), is not required to submit test scores. However, all applicants for admission are urged to take the SAT or ACT and provide the scores of such tests to each CSU where they seek admission. Campuses use these test results for advising, course placement, and determination of Early Start participation, and may require them for admission to impacted majors or programs. Impacted CSU campuses require SAT or ACT scores of all applicants for freshman admission.
An applicant will qualify for regular admission when the university verifies that the applicant has graduated from high school, has a qualifying minimum eligibility index and has completed the comprehensive pattern of college preparatory “a-g” subjects. Applicants applying to an impacted program must also meet all required supplementary criteria.
Note: The CSU uses only the ACT score or the SAT mathematics and critical reading scores in its admission eligibility equation. The SAT or ACT writing scores are not currently used by CSU campuses.

Eligibility Index Table for California High School Graduates or Residents of California2

3.00 and above qualifies with any score
GPA Act Score SAT Score (Math and Critical Reading total)
2.99 10 510
2.98 10 520
2.97 10 530
2.96 11 540
2.95 11 540
2.94 11 550
2.93 11 560
2.92 11 570
2.91 12 580
2.90 12 580
2.89 12 590
2.88 12 600
2.87 12 610
2.86 13 620
2.85 13 620
2.84 13 630
2.83 13 640
2.82 13 650
2.81 14 660
2.80 14 660
2.79 14 670
2.78 14 680
2.77 14 690
2.76 15 700
2.75 15 700
2.74 15 710
2.73 15 720
2.72 15 730
2.71 16 740
2.70 16 740
2.69 16 750
2.68 16 760
2.67 16 770
2.66 17 780
2.65 17 780
2.64 17 790
2.63 17 800
2.62 17 810
2.61 18 820
2.60 18 820
2.59 18 830
2.58 18 840
2.57 18 850
2.56 19 860
2.55 19 860
2.54 19 870
2.53 19 880
2.52 19 890
2.51 20 900
2.50 20 900
2.49 20 910
2.48 20 920
2.47 20 930
2.46 21 940
2.45 21 940
2.44 21 950
2.43 21 960
2.42 21 970
2.41 22 980
2.40 22 980
2.39 22 990
2.38 22 1000
2.37 22 1010
2.36 23 1020
2.35 23 1020
2.34 23 1030
2.33 23 1040
2.32 23 1050
2.31 24 1060
2.30 24 1060
2.29 24 1070
2.28 24 1080
2.27 24 1090
2.26 25 1100
2.25 25 1100
2.24 25 1110
2.23 25 1120
2.22 25 1130
2.21 26 1140
2.20 26 1140
2.19 26 1150
2.18 26 1160
2.17 26 1170
2.16 27 1180
2.15 27 1180
2.14 27 1190
2.13 27 1200
2.12 27 1210
2.11 28 1220
2.10 28 1220
2.09 28 1230
2.08 28 1240
2.07 28 1250
2.06 29 1260
2.05 29 1260
2.04 29 1270
2.03 29 1280
2.02 29 1290
2.01 30 1300
2.00 30 1300

Subject Requirements

The California State University requires that first-time freshmen applicants complete, with grades of “C” or better, a comprehensive pattern of college preparatory study totaling 15 units. A “unit” is equivalent to one year of study in high school. This pattern includes:

  • English: four years

  • Mathematics: three years (algebra, geometry, and intermediate algebra)

  • Social Science: two years, including one year of U.S. history or U.S. history and government

  • Laboratory Science: two years (one year of biological and one year of physical science, both must include laboratory instruction)

  • Foreign Language: two years in the same foreign language (subject to waiver for applicants demonstrating equivalent competence)

  • Visual and Performing Arts: one year in the same discipline (art, dance, drama/theater, or music)

  • Electives: one year (selected from English, advanced mathematics, social science, history, laboratory science, foreign language, and visual and performing arts or other courses approved and included on the UC/CSU “A-G” list.)

Foreign Language Subject Requirement

The foreign language subject requirement may be satisfied by demonstrating competence in a language other than English at a level equivalent to, or higher than, that expected of students who complete two years of foreign language study. An applicant should consult their school counselor, or the Office of Admission for more information.

Test Requirements

Prospective freshman and transfer applicants who have fewer than 60 semester or 90 quarter units of transferable college credit are strongly encouraged to submit scores, unless exempt, (see Eligibility Index Table) from either the SAT of the College Board or the ACT. If a student is required to submit test scores, they should take the test no later than early December if applying for fall admission. Those applying to an impacted program (e.g., Nursing), must check with the department for additional admission requirements. Test scores are also used for advising and placement purposes. Registration forms and dates for the SAT or ACT are available from school or college counselors, or from Cal State East Bay’s Testing Office (510) 885-3661. Applicants may also write or call:

The College Board (SAT) 
Registration Unit, Box 6200
Princeton, New Jersey 08541-6200
(609) 771-7588

Registration Unit, P.O. Box 414
Iowa City, Iowa 52240
(319) 337-1270

Honors Courses

Grades earned in up to eight semester courses designated as honors courses in approved subjects (taken in the last two years of high school), receive additional points in grade point average calculations. Each unit of “A” in approved courses will receive a total of 5 points; “B,” 4 points; “C,” 3 points; “D,” 1 point; and none for “F” grades. (Up to two 11th grade IB, AP, or honors courses with 11th or 12th grade course content taken in 10th grade may also receive bonus points.)

Provisional Admission

Cal State East Bay may provisionally or conditionally admit first-time freshman applicants based on their academic preparation through the junior year of high school and planned for the senior year. The campus will monitor the final terms of study to ensure that admitted students complete their secondary school studies satisfactorily, including the required college preparatory subjects, and to ensure students have graduated from high school. Students are required to submit an official transcript after graduation to certify that all course work has been satisfactorily completed. Official high school transcripts must be received prior to the deadline set by the university. In no case may documentation of high school graduation be received any later than the census date for a student’s first term of CSU enrollment. A campus may rescind admission decisions, cancel financial aid awards, withdraw housing contracts and cancel any university registration for students who are found not to be eligible after the final transcript has been evaluated.
Applicants will qualify for regular (non-provisional) admission when the university verifies that they have graduated and have received a high school diploma, have a qualifying minimum eligibility index, have completed the comprehensive pattern of college preparatory “a-g” subjects, and, if applying to an impacted program or campus, have met all required supplemental criteria.

Admission with Honors

To qualify for Admission with Honors, applicants must also fully satisfy the Subject Requirements for admission to Cal State East Bay. Students admitted with Honors are eligible for the CSUEB University Honors Program (see the University Honors Program section in theStudent Services chapter of this catalog).
First-Time Freshmen. The status of Admission with Honors is conferred on a student whose high school GPA is a minimum of 3.50, counting all subjects used to determine admissibility beginning with the tenth grade.
Lower Division Transfers. The status of Admission with Honors is conferred on a student whose high school record is at least equivalent to that of a first-time freshman receiving honors. In addition, the student must have a combined all-college GPA in transferable courses of a minimum of 3.50, based on work completed. Note: CSUEB does not accept lower-division transfer applicants. 
Upper Division Transfers. The status of Admission with Honors is conferred on a student whose combined all-college GPA is a minimum 3.50 based on transferable work completed.

What are the minimum admission standards for transfer students?

Students who have completed fewer than 60 transferable semester college units (or fewer than 90 quarter units) are considered lower division transfer students. Students who have completed 60 or more transferable semester college units (90 or more quarter units) are considered upper division transfer students. Students who complete college units during high school or during the summer immediately following high school graduation are considered first-time freshmen and must meet those admission requirements. Transferable courses are those designated for baccalaureate credit by the college or university offering the courses and accepted as such by the campus to which the applicant seeks admission.

Lower Division Transfer Requirements

Generally, a student qualifies for admission as a lower division transfer student at Cal State East Bay if they have a grade point average of at least 2.0 (“C” or better) in all transferable units attempted and attained and is in good standing at the last college or university attended, and meets any of the following standards:

  • The applicant meets all freshman admission requirements (grade point and subject requirements) in effect for the term of application (see “What are the minimum admission requirements for freshmen?”)


  • The applicant was eligible for admission as a freshman at the time of high school graduation (except for the subject requirements), has been in continuous attendance at an accredited college since high school graduation, and has successfully completed the missing subjects.

Applicants who graduated from high school prior to 1988 should contact the Office of Admission to inquire about alternative admission programs.
Note: Due to enrollment pressures many CSU campuses do not admit lower division transfer applicants. CSUEB does not currently accept lower-division transfer applicants.

Making Up Missing College Preparatory Subject Requirements

Lower division applicants who did not complete the subject requirements while in high school may make up missing subjects in any of the following ways.

  1. Complete appropriate courses with a “C” or better in adult school or high school summer sessions.

  2. Complete appropriate college courses with a “C” or better. (One college course of at least three semester or four quarter units is considered equivalent to one year of high school study.)

  3. Earn acceptable scores on specified examinations, e.g., SAT subject tests.

Contact the Office of Admission for further information about alternative ways to satisfy the subject requirements. (Due to enrollment pressures, many CSU campuses do not admit lower division transfer applicants.)

Upper Division Transfer Requirements

Generally, applicants will qualify for admission as an upper division transfer student if each of the following criteria have been met:

  1. The applicant has earned a grade point average of at least 2.0 (“C” or better) in at least 60 semester (90 quarter) units of transferable college credit.

  2. The applicant was in good standing at the last college or university attended.

  3. The applicant has completed at least 60 semester (90 quarter) units that must be selected from transferable college courses in English, arts and humanities, social science, science and mathematics. The 60 semester (90 quarter) units must also include at least 30 units of courses, which meet CSU general education requirement, including all of the general education requirements in oral and written communication in the English language and critical thinking and the requirement in mathematics/quantitative reasoning (usually 3 semester/4.5 quarter units) OR the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) requirements in English communication and mathematical concepts and quantitative reasoning. Each course satisfying General Education Requirements in written communication, oral communication, critical thinking and mathematics must be completed with a grade of C or higher.

Student Transfer Achievement Reform (STAR) Act (SB 1440)

The Student Transfer Achievement Reform (STAR) Act (SB 1440) establishes an Associate in Arts (AA-T) or Associate in Science (AS-T) for transfer for California Community College student and is designed to provide a clear pathway to the CSU degree major.

California Community College students who earn a transfer associate (AA-T or AS-T) degree are guaranteed admission with junior standing to the CSU and given priority admission over other transfer students when applying to a local campus, or non-impacted program. AA-T or AS-T admission applicants are given priority consideration to impacted campus and/or program that has been deemed similar to the degree completed at the community college. Students who have
completed an AA-T/AS-T in a program deemed similar to a CSU major are able to complete remaining requirements for graduation within 60 semester units.

Provisional Admission

Cal State East Bay may provisionally or conditionally admit transfer applicants based on their academic preparation and courses planned for completion. The campus will monitor the final terms to ensure that those admitted complete all required courses satisfactorily. All admitted applicants are required to submit an official transcript of all college-level work completed. The university will rescind admission for all students who are found not to be eligible after the final transcript has been evaluated. In no case may such documents be received and validated by the university any later than a student’s registration for his/her second term of CSU enrollment.

How are a student’s transfer units evaluated?

Credits earned in accredited community colleges will be evaluated by the Office of Admission in accordance with the following provisions:

  1. Not more than 105 quarter (70 semester) units of credit may be allowed for community college work; community college credit earned after the student has earned 105 quarter units at one or more community colleges will be used for determining grade point averages and may be used to satisfy subject requirements, but may not be applied toward the total units required for the bachelor’s degree.

  2. No credit may be allowed for professional courses in education taken in a community college, other than an introduction to education course.

  3. Cal State East Bay and California community colleges have articulation agreements regarding course equivalencies. If you are planning to transfer to Cal State East Bay you should consult with your community college counselors as to whether or not particular courses meet CSU specific requirements.

  4. Certification of part or all of the lower division General Education-Breadth Requirements completed may be submitted by the California community college from which the student is transferring. Students should request a General Education (G.E.) certification at the time they request a transcript to be sent to Cal State East Bay. Twelve upper division G.E. units must be completed at Cal State East Bay.

  5. Certification of the completion of the Cal State East Bay requirements in U.S. History and Institutions will also be accepted from your community college.

Credit from institutions not regionally accredited will not be used in determining admission eligibility, nor will it normally be used to meet graduation requirements. However, after completing 30 quarter units in residence, you may petition the Office of the Registrar to have such units accepted for baccalaureate credit. Course content, the quality of performance, the nature of the institution, and the appropriateness of the courses to the Cal State East Bay curriculum will be considered in evaluating any petition.

Academic Advising and Career Education (AACE)

AACE academic advisors are available to discuss and explain your transfer evaluation or the degree audit you will receive from the Office of the Registrar. An official evaluation or an update of a prior evaluation is available by appointment. (See the Student Services chapter in this catalog for additional information on AACE.)

Credit for Continuing Education and Correspondence School Work

Students may count a maximum of 36 quarter (24 semester) units of extension credit and correspondence school work toward a baccalaureate degree at Cal State East Bay. Any such units not earned at Cal State East Bay must be earned in courses deemed acceptable for Cal State East Bay degrees and course units must come from accredited institutions that accept the units toward their own degrees.

No extension or correspondence school credit may be applied toward the residency requirement for undergraduates or graduates. Courses taken in Cal State East Bay Special Sessions programs may be applied toward residency. All transferable extension and correspondence work will be used for determination of the undergraduate grade point average.

Credit for Experience and Prior Learning

No unit credit is allowed toward the bachelor’s or master’s degrees for practical experience. An exemption allowed for experience will not carry units of advanced standing or diminish the number of units required for graduation.

Credit for Military Training and USAFI

Cal State East Bay grants nine units of elective credit toward a baccalaureate degree for a student who completed basic training and was honorably discharged from military service of the United States in accordance with the recommendation of the American Council on Education. Credit is not given for completion of the six month reserve training programs. Commissioned officers may receive an additional nine units, which may be considered upper division credit. In order to receive such credit applicants must present written certification from a recognized military authority, such as papers from a military separation center (service form DD-214) or a Joint Services Transcript (JST). Credit for specific courses may be allowed if the student has satisfactorily completed equivalent study in a military service school. The guidelines of the American Council on Education are followed in determining eligibility. Cal State East Bay is a Service member Opportunity College (SOC).

Credit for Non-collegiate Instruction

Cal State East Bay grants undergraduate degree credit for successful completion of non-collegiate instruction, either military or civilian, appropriate to the baccalaureate, that has been recommended by the American Council on Education (ACE) College Credit Recommendation Service or by the National Program on Non-Collegiate Sponsored Instruction (NCSI). The number of units allowed are those recommended in the national guides published by these organizations.

Lower division, occupational courses designed to train technicians are not acceptable for university credit. Credit granted for non-collegiate instruction is not generally applied to general education or major requirements.

Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate

Cal State East Bay grants credit toward its undergraduate degrees for successful completion of International Baccalaureate (IB) and Advanced Placement (AP)program tests. Students will be granted 4-12 quarter units of college credit (up to 30 total units) for each test completed, depending upon the specific discipline. (See the Registration Chapter  for additional information.)

Are there special admission and eligibility requirements for international students?

Admission Requirements

Cal State East Bay must assess the academic preparation of international students. For this purpose, “international students” include those who hold U.S. visas as students, exchange visitors, or in other nonimmigrant classifications. California residents and U.S. citizens with international transcripts are also classified as “international students” for admission evaluation purposes.
There are separate requirements for the admission of international students. Verification of English proficiency, financial resources, and academic performance are all important considerations for admission. Each applicant must have a declared educational objective (major) when the application is filed.
Priority in admission is given to residents of California for majors that are impacted or for programs with limited openings.

Application Filing Periods and Deadlines for International Students

The university has established deadlines to ensure that all application materials will be processed in time to allow international students to make the necessary passport, visa, travel, and other arrangements to reach the campus before the start of the quarter of admission. Current deadlines applicable to international student admission can be found on the university website or by contacting the International Admissions Office (iao@csueastbay.edu).
First-time Freshmen
If you received your preparatory education outside the U.S., you must have completed the equivalent of 12 years of elementary and secondary schooling with the equivalent of a “B” average or higher. ACT or SAT test scores are not required of international students who completed their secondary schooling outside the U.S. International students who graduated from a U.S. high school must meet the same requirements as U.S. citizens.
Transfer students

  1. If you are a transfer applicant with fewer than 60 semester (90 quarter) units of transferable work completed at the time of planned enrollment, you must have a 2.0 GPA or higher in all transferable units attempted. You must also meet the eligibility requirements for first-time freshmen applicants. (See “What are the minimum admission requirements for freshmen?” earlier in this chapter.)

  2. If you are a transfer applicant with 60 semester (90 quarter) units or more, you must have a 2.0 GPA or higher in all transferable units attempted.

Transfer students with university-level work earned outside the U.S. will be accepted if the overall grade point average of that work is equivalent to the stated minimum grade point average requirements for admission. Transfer credit for university-level course work earned outside of the U.S. will be awarded after a course-by-course evaluation by the International Admissions Office.

Academic Records

Certificates, diplomas, mark sheets, transcripts, and test scores must be sent directly from the issuing institution to the International Admissions Office to be considered official. The International Admissions Office reserves the right to determine what constitutes an official document. Certified English translations must accompany all non-English original documents. Documents submitted are the property of Cal State East Bay and will not be returned.

English Language Requirement

If you are an undergraduate applicant whose native language is not English and you have not attended schools at the secondary level, or above, for at least three years full-time where English is the principal language of instruction, you must present one of the following:

TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) Undergraduate: 525 (paper-based); 197 (computer-based); 61 (internet-based)

IELTS (International English Language Testing System) Undergraduate: 6.0

APIEL (Advanced Placement International English Test) Undergraduate only: 3

ELPT (English Language Proficiency Test, part of the SAT II) Only undergraduates and only U.S. citizens or permanent residents of the U.S. may use this test.

Each campus will post the tests it accepts on its website and will notify students after they apply about the tests it accepts and when to submit scores.

Financial Certification

International students who wish to apply for a student visa must demonstrate financial support before a letter of admission or an “I-20” or “DS-2019” form will be issued. The following forms must be submitted: I-20 Letter of Consent, Declaration of Finances, and Health Insurance Compliance. These forms can be downloaded from the “Apply Online” option on the university website.

Enrollment Requirements for F-1/J-1 Visa Students

If you are an undergraduate on a student visa, you are required by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services to take a minimum study load of 12 units per quarter.

When enrolled at Cal State East Bay, international students are expected to comply with all regulations of the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services pertaining to international students as well as those of the university.

F-1/J-1 international students should contact the Center for International Education (cie@csueastbay.edu) for information on matters affecting visa status, eligibility for employment, and any special academic requirements for international students.

Other Non-U.S. Citizens

Admission eligibility for students who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents, and are not on student visas, will be based upon the same standards applied to international students who are on student visas. You are expected to have proficiency in the English language sufficient to meet the academic standards of individual courses and the university English proficiency requirements. Evidence of proficiency in English is the same as for international students. (See “English Proficiency Requirement for Undergraduate Applicants” section above.)

What are the enrollment requirements for transitory (visiting) students?

High School Students

See “Does the university have any special provisions for enrollment and admission?” in this chapter.

Intrasystem and Intersystem Enrollment Programs

Students enrolled at any CSU campus have access to courses at other CSU campuses on a space-available basis, unless those campuses or programs are impacted or their admission to the desired program or admission categories are closed. This access is offered without the students being required to be formally admitted to the host campus, and sometimes without requiring payment of additional fees. Although courses taken on any CSU campus will transfer to the student’s home CSU campus as at least elective credit, the student should consult their home campus academic advisor to determine how such courses may apply to their specific degree program before enrolling at the host campus.
There are two programs for enrollment with the CSU, and one for enrollment between the CSU and the University of California or California community colleges. Additional information about these programs is available from Office of the Registrar.
CSU Concurrent Enrollment:matriculated students in good standing may enroll on a space available basis at both their home CSU campus and a host CSU campus during the same term. Credit earned at the host campus is reported at the student’s request to the home campus and included on the student’s transcript at the home campus.

CSU Visitor Enrollment:matriculated students in good standing enrolled at one CSU campus may enroll on a space available basis at another CSU campus for one term. Credit earned at the host campus is reported at the student’s request to the home campus and included on the student’s transcript at the home campus.

Intersystem Cross-Enrollment:matriculated CSU, UC, or community college students may enroll for one course per term at another CSU, UC, or community college and request that a transcript of record be sent to the home campus.

Cross-Registration Program with the University of California, Berkeley (UCB)

The purpose of this program is to increase a student’s educational opportunities by maximizing the use of existing programs and courses available in the East Bay region. The following conditions apply:

  1. No course of instruction available at Cal State East Bay may be taken in the other system. Enrollment is limited to one course per term.

  2. Students may seek to enroll in a course offered at UCB upon the recommendation of their academic advisor and department chair. These advisors should insure the completion of any prerequisites before application is made. (Forms are available from Enrollment Management.)

  3. Students may seek to enroll in a course offered at UCB only with the permission of the course instructor, and the approval of the appropriate department chair and school/college dean. Each university gives first registration priority to its own students; therefore, concurrent enrollment may not be available in courses with limited spaces. A Cal State East Bay student should return the completed form and card to 120 Sproul Hall at UCB.

  4. Students must be in good standing, be matriculated in a degree program (undergraduate or graduate) and have a full-time schedule (12 quarter units for undergraduates and 8 units of graduate level courses for graduate status) at Cal State East Bay in order to participate in the program. Cross-registration with UCB is normally not permitted during your first term of enrollment at Cal State East Bay. (Note that UCB is on the early Semester Calendar and Cal State East Bay is on the Quarter Calendar.)

  5. Each campus has appointed a coordinator of the cooperative program who verifies the satisfaction of conditions 1-4 for each prospective participating student. The Office of the Registrar coordinates the program at Cal State East Bay.

  6. No additional costs are charged to the student at Cal State East Bay. However, you will be billed the Cal State East Bay rates for the total academic load in the combined registrations. Because of the interval involved in sending transcripts, there will be a time lag in the appearance of grades on Cal State East Bay’s permanent records.

  7. Cross-registration is only possible in the fall and winter quarters because UCB is on the semester system.

  8. Cross-registration will be cancelled at any time if the student becomes ineligible for participation.

Cross-Registration with Other Bay Area Two-Year and Four-Year Institutions

Programs have also been established to permit students from Cal State East Bay and those from Cañada College, Chabot College, College of Alameda, Contra Costa College, Diablo Valley College, Holy Names University, John F. Kennedy University, Laney College, Las Positas College, Los Medanos College, Merritt College, Mills College, The National Hispanic University, Ohlone College, Solano College, St. Mary’s College, and U.C. Berkeley to take coursework at another school which is not available at their home campus. Contact the counseling center or registrar at the host campus (or the Office of the Registrar at Cal State East Bay) for information on eligibility requirements, limitations and other privileges or restrictions.

Online Degree Program State Authorization

Note: State and federal laws require colleges and universities to be authorized to offer online degree programs in states other than their own. At this time, CSU East Bay may not be authorized to offer online degree programs for students residing in certain states. Please go to http://www20.csueastbay.edu/online/admissions-and-costs/state_authorization.html for further information.

Baccalaureate Degree: Defined

A baccalaureate degree, often called a bachelor’s degree, is the academic title that the university confers after successful completion of a minimum number of college credit units (180 quarter units at Cal State East Bay), including certain specified patterns of coursework (for example, General Education and a major), a minimum number of advanced units (60 upper division) with a grade point average of at least 2.00 (on a 4.00 point scale), and various other requirements specified in Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations. Some students in higher unit majors will complete more than the minimum 180 units for their degree. Cal State East Bay offers three baccalaureate degrees, a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree, a Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.), and a Bachelor of Science (B.S.) degree. The degree awarded appears on your diploma and permanent record.

Many students are able to attend school full-time (three quarters) and earn 15-16 units a term. Because some students have commitments other than college, they take fewer units and occasionally do not attend every quarter. Consequently they take longer to complete their degrees.

Cal State East Bay operates on a year-round, four-quarter system. Hence, by taking a full academic load of 15-16 units per quarter, four quarters a year, it is possible to graduate in three years. (A maximum of 105 units completed at a community college and transfer them to a CSU campus.)

Information concerning the graduation rates of students enrolling at Cal State East Bay is available online at: http://www.csueastbay.edu/ira/.

Baccalaureate Degree Requirements

There are three major parts of a baccalaureate degree and seven basic requirements defined in the California Code of Regulations. Most courses will fall into one of the three major parts of the degree: (1) the General Education (G.E.) requirements for basic skills and breadth, (2) the major for depth in one field, and (3) free electives which can shape your education in directions you choose. Each of these will be described in later sections.

These are the seven basic requirements for your B.A. or B.S. degree defined in the Code:

  • Complete a 72 quarter-unit program of General Education-Breadth requirements including 12 upper-division (3000 or higher) units in G.E. Areas B6, C4, D4 (details to follow).
  • Complete one of the majors described in this catalog.
  • Complete the U.S. history, U.S. Constitution, and California state and local government requirement through coursework or exams (details to follow). You must also complete one course for the Cultural Groups/Women requirement.
  • Satisfy the University Writing Skills Requirement by passing two freshman-level English composition courses (ENGL 1001 and 1002) and the upper division University Writing Skills Requirement (details to follow).
  • Complete a minimum of 45 quarter units in residence enrolled as an admitted student at Cal State East Bay. Up to 36 units taken through Open University and Special Session may be counted for residence. Units in residence must include at least 36 upper division units, 18 units in your major, and 12 units of G.E. (Units you earn at other institutions, and units you earn through Credit-by-Examination are not residence units.)
  • Complete at least 180 quarter units for your B.A. degree, 182 quarter units for your B.F.A. degree, or 180-190 quarter units for your B.S. degree. At least 60 of these units must be in upper division courses (courses numbered 3000 and above). No more than 60 units can be graded in the Credit/No Credit pattern (CR/NC or A/B/C/NC). No more than 36 units can be in Continuing Education, Open University, or correspondence credit, and no more than 45 units can be earned credit-by-examination (excepting Advanced Placement).
  • Attain a grade point average of at least 2.00 on a 4.00 scale in all units you attempt at Cal State East Bay, all the units you attempt including transfer units, and all units you attempt in the major regardless of the department in which they are taught.

Catalog Rights for Graduation

To meet the seven requirements listed in the previous section, you must follow the specifics listed in this catalog. As long as you maintain attendance by enrolling in at least two quarters each calendar year, your degree requirements will remain those in this catalog. However, you may elect to meet the requirements of the catalog in effect at the time you graduate. These principles are called your “catalog rights.”

If you are absent due to an approved Educational Leave or to attend another accredited institution of higher education, you will not lose your catalog rights as long as you are not away for over two years.

If you are a transfer student who attended another CSU campus and/or California community college, you have Cal State East Bay catalog rights from the time you began at the other institution if you have maintained attendance as noted above.

Your catalog rights for your major (and minor if you pursue one) are governed by the catalog in effect at the time you declare your major (or minor). Cal State East Bay publishes an annual online Catalog, but in past years only published a printed Catalog every other year with the last edition printed for the 2010-2012 years. If you entered in the second year of a printed catalog, you should check the online catalog for that year to see if there were any changes affecting your major and/or minor graduation requirements. You will not lose your catalog rights for G.E. and other graduation requirements by declaring or changing your major, if you maintain attendance.

If you do break attendance by not enrolling in two quarters in a calendar year, your graduation requirements will be governed by the catalog in effect at the time you reenter.

The principle of catalog rights refers to degree requirements, not policies, fees, services, and other matters which, when they change, apply to all students. For that reason, you should check the latest online catalog.

General Education-Breadth Requirements

The Cal State East Bay General Education (G.E.) Program is designed so that, taken with the major depth program and electives, it will assure that graduates have made measurable progress toward becoming truly educated persons for a diverse society. Particularly, the purpose of the G.E. Program is to provide means whereby graduates:

  • achieve the ability to think clearly and logically, to find information and examine it critically, to communicate orally and in writing, and to reason quantitatively;
  • acquire appreciable knowledge about their own bodies and minds, about how human society has developed and how it now functions, about the physical world in which they live, about the other forms of life with which they share that world, and about the cultural endeavors and legacies of their civilizations;
  • come to an understanding and appreciation of the principles, methodologies, value systems, and thought processes employed in human inquiries;
  • come to understand and appreciate the contributions to knowledge and civilization that members of diverse cultural groups and women have made.

The General Education Program is planned and organized to enable students to acquire abilities, knowledge, understanding, and appreciation as interrelated elements, not as isolated fragments.

The California State University G.E. program requires at least 72 quarter units distributed over six areas and governed by three general requirements. Transfer students must earn 60 units in lower-division courses that meet the requirements of the CSU or IGETC transfer plan. Twelve units of upper-division G.E. will be completed at CSUEB. The lists of courses meeting the requirements change from quarter to quarter and are not included in this catalog because they rapidly become outdated. The list of courses currently meeting each requirement appears in the online Class Schedule each quarter or at: http://www20.csueastbay.edu/ge.

Before progressing very far into your G.E. and other degree requirements, be certain you have developed the entry-level learning skills in English composition and mathematics necessary for collegiate success. You must take the EPT/ELM tests before your first enrollment (if not exempt by the other test scores listed in the Registration chapter). If your skills are such that you can begin taking college-level English composition math or statistics immediately, do so at your earliest opportunity, as a freshman if at all possible. (Many majors, including Business Administration and the sciences, require much more math or statistics than the single G.E. course.)

If your skills are not at the collegiate level, you must enroll in Early Start during the summer before your freshman year, enroll in the appropriate remedial course(s) (again, described in the Registration chapter) in your first quarter and complete all remedial courses you need as soon as possible, as a freshman if at all possible. Students who fail the same remedial course twice, fail to enroll continuously in remediation as long as it is required, and/or who fail to complete remediation in six quarters will not be allowed to continue. More information about the Early Start Program may be found at: http://www20.csueastbay.edu/prospective/after-youre-accepted/early-start/.

You will not be allowed to register once you have earned 90 units if your first freshman English composition course (ENGL 1001  or equivalent for G.E. Area A2) and your quantitative reasoning course (G.E. Area B4) have not been passed. Cal State East Bay requires that your freshman English composition course be passed before you attempt the Writing Skills Test in your first quarter with junior status (90 or more quarter units).

A word is necessary about the relationship of G.E. to your major. Normally no course in your major department, as designated by course prefix (for example, ANTH, ENGL, GEOL, MUS) can be applied to G.E., even if not applied to your major requirements. For Business Administration majors, courses with the prefixes ACCT, ENTR, FIN, ITM, MGMT, and MKTG will not count for G.E.; and THEA and DANC courses cannot be used by Theatre Arts majors. The only exceptions to this rule are in Area A, in Area B4, in Area C for a MLL course in another language from those in the major, in Area G4, and one course in a thematic freshman learning community (B1-3, C1-3, or D1-3).

On the other hand, courses required for your major, but offered by other departments (for example, MATH for Geology majors, MLL for English majors), can be applied to G.E.

This is why it is important to know your major before you get too far into the G.E. program. Most majors specify certain G.E. courses for their students. If you take a course other than the one specified, you will have to take the required course anyway. Also, if you do not know your major, you could take a course that subsequently ends up in your major and lose it for G.E. credit.

You can view and print the General Education Requirements for Native or Transfer students, as well as Graduation Checklists, respectively, by clicking the appropriate pdf link below.

Links to printable pdfs:

General Education Requirements for Native Students  
Graduation Checklist for Native Students  
General Education Requirements for Transfer Students  
Graduation Checklist for Transfer Students  

Narrative Description of G.E. Requirements

Lower Division G.E. Requirements (60 Units)

Area A: Communication in the English Language (12 units)

You must complete this area of the G.E. Requirements in your freshman year unless a year or more of remediation is required. You must enroll in sections of Area A1 and A2 courses which are linked to the freshman thematic learning community you select in Area B, Area C, or Area D. You must also enroll in an activity class each of the first two quarters of the learning community (see Area G, G.E. Electives).

A1 Oral Communication (4 units)

Students who have completed general education requirements should be grounded in the rhetorical principles that govern public presentations. These principles are fundamental to sound reasoning and clear expression. The principles foster open-mindedness and information competence combined with critical thinking and analytical skills, and an awareness of, and ability to adapt to audience, context, and purpose.

Criteria: A course meeting the Oral Communication requirement is based upon communication theory presented through lecture, discussion, and reading. It must provide several opportunities for a planned sequence of speaking and listening experiences in at least two of the following modes: (a) small-group (problem-solving) discussion, (b) interpersonal communication, (c) expository discourse presented extemporaneously, (d) argumentative and persuasive discourse presented extemporaneously. The course must provide you with constructive criticism of both substance and form of communication and must reflect awareness of the cognitive and emotional conditions dealt with by people who communicate with others. You will complete at least five oral assignments demonstrating increasing skill in oral communication.

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of your A1 requirement, you should have developed the following competencies in speaking and listening.

Speaking: (1) know how to choose and narrow a topic appropriately for a specific audience and occasion; (2) communicate the thesis/specific purpose in a manner appropriate for the audience and the occasion; (3) provide appropriate supporting material based on the audience and occasion and using appropriate technology (PowerPoint, demonstration, etc.) to present the material to the audience: (4) present logically sound, non-fallacious arguments; (5) recognize and address audience viewpoints appropriately; (6) present ideas organized in a fashion appropriate to topic, audience, occasion, and purpose; (7) use language, vocal variety, and physical behaviors that are appropriate to the audience, occasion and purpose and maintain interest and support the verbal message.

Listening: (1) recognize that listening is an interaction among the speaker, message, and audience; (2) understand the public or private context in which the interaction occurs; (3) engage with the ideas, the supporting details, and the relationships among ideas; (4) attend to messages with an open mind; (5) question speakers and messages; (6) evaluate messages using criteria appropriate to the context.

A2 Written Communication (4 units)

A course satisfying Area A2 must be passed with a grade of “A,” “B,” “C,” or “CR.”

Students who have completed general education requirements should be grounded in the rhetorical principles that govern reading and writing. These principles are fundamental to logical thinking and clear expression. For reading, they presume open-mindedness combined with critical thinking and analytical skills; and for writing, they presume an awareness of audience, context, and purpose.

Criteria: A course meeting the freshman composition requirement assumes that you should, at the time of entry, be able to write brief essays showing adequacy in (a) selection of a controlling idea appropriate to the given writing task, (b) coherent development of that idea to a reasoned conclusion, (c) use of sentences that demonstrate some structural variety and contain language appropriate to the audience and purposes, and (d) control of conventions of standard written English (relative freedom from errors such as fragments, run-together sentences, faulty agreement, and improper pronoun reference) and of mechanics (capitalization, spelling, and punctuation). The work of the freshman English course is to strengthen these skills by extensive practice in the writing of expository essays suitable for college-level credit. If you are not exempt from the EPT and do not score 147 or higher on the test, you must pass one or more remedial English courses before enrolling in the A2 course (see Registration  chapter). G.E. Area A2 must be completed by the time you reach 90 quarter units or future registration will be blocked.

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of your A2 requirement, you should have developed the following competencies: (1) read for the meaning of a text by determining its purpose, intended audience, and significance; (2) understand the historical context of the text; (3) engage with and offer thoughtful responses to ideas in the text; (4) question authors and texts; (5) evaluate the text according to criteria appropriate to the context; (6) realize that writing is a recursive process involving prewriting and revision; (7) compose an essay with a clear thesis and evidence to support the thesis; (8) understand the role of logically sequenced and fully developed paragraphs; (9) develop and have confidence in one’s own ideas; (10) demonstrate awareness of other points of view and how to address them; (11) incorporate research into an essay, including summarizing, paraphrasing, and properly quoting and citing material from other sources; (12) know the ethics of academic writing and of accuracy in the use of evidence; (13) organize an essay in light of audience expectations; (14) present material logically and without fallacies; (15) present material in language appropriate for the context, usually in standard written English that is grammatically and syntactically correct; (16) be familiar with strategies for timed writing.

A3 Critical Thinking (4 units)

Students who have completed critical thinking requirements will develop clarity and rigor in reasoning and its presentation, and the ability to understand, represent, and evaluate the presentations of reasoning made by others.

Criteria: A course meeting the critical thinking G.E. requirement focuses primarily on: (a) identifying, analyzing, evaluating, and presenting arguments, (b) learning elementary inductive and deductive reasoning, and (c) recognizing formal and informal fallacies. You will complete a minimum of six assignments demonstrating critical thinking in a variety of contexts. At least four of these assignments must be written. A critical thinking textbook or its equivalent is required in all courses meeting this requirement.

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of your A3 requirement, you should have developed the following competencies: (1) use the rules and strategies of deductive, inductive, and natural language reasoning; (2) apply the rules and strategies for testing validity; (3) evaluate statistical reasoning; (4) recognize fallacies of reasoning; (5) present orally and in writing well reasoned cases both to support a proposition and to refute another’s claim.

Area B: Natural Sciences and Quantitative Reasoning (16 units)

Students who have completed natural science and quantitative reasoning requirements will gain basic knowledge and learn key principles in the life and physical sciences, recognize the vital role experiments play in adding to scientific knowledge, and understand modern methods and tools used in scientific inquiry.

Criteria: G.E. courses in the physical and life sciences teach the methodologies of science, including systematic observation and experimentation. The laboratory course required in this General Education Area provides first-hand experience in making observations in the natural world or laboratory, the techniques and procedures of making those observations, and techniques and procedures for organizing and analyzing observations. In addition to a working knowledge of the methods of science, you will acquire an understanding of the fundamental principles of particular disciplines.

B1-3, 5 (12 units)

You must select one course in physical science and one in life science, courses from three different disciplines, and at least one of the courses must have a laboratory. You may select a freshman learning community or complete your science requirements in your second year. Sophomore courses assume a higher level of basic skills (completion of Area A and B4 requirements).

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of your B1-3 requirements, you should have developed the following competencies: (1) demonstrate broad science content knowledge in the physical and life sciences; (2) demonstrate the application of quantitative skills to science problems; (3) demonstrate a general understanding of the nature of science, the methods applied in scientific investigations, and the value of those methods in developing a rigorous understanding of the physical and living world; (4) identify the difference between science and other fields of knowledge; (5) distinguish science from pseudoscience.

B4 One Course in Quantitative Reasoning (4 units)

A course satisfying Area B4 must be passed with a grade of “A,” “B,” “C,” or “CR.”

Criteria: G.E. courses in quantitative reasoning teach you skills and concepts that build on what you have previously mastered in intermediate algebra. Courses that satisfy Area B4 foster the development and use of formal skills and concepts appropriate to the specific course. They emphasize problem solving, reasoning skills, and the communication of mathematical or statistical ideas. If you are not exempt from the ELM requirement and do not score 50 or higher on the test, you must pass one or more remedial Mathematics courses before enrolling in the B4 course (see Registration  chapter).

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of your B4 requirement, you should have developed the following competencies.

Quantitative Literacy: (1) know formal mathematical concepts and formulae; (2) find sources for key mathematical ideas.

Numeracy Skills (Reasoning): (1) manipulate and use theories; (2) graphically display and interpret quantitative results; (3) perform basic arithmetic skills.

Problem Solving (Thinking): (1) identify and analyze real or potential problems; (2) apply appropriate quantitative theories; (3) evaluate appropriate quantitative measures; (4) explain or discuss results in quantitative terms.

You must complete your quantitative reasoning G.E. requirement in your freshman year unless three quarters of remediation are needed. In any case, G.E. Area B4 must be completed by the time you reach 90 quarter units or future registration will be blocked.

Area C: Humanities (12 units)

C1-3 (12 units)

You must select one course in the Fine Arts and one in Letters (see below) and courses from three different disciplines. You may select a freshman learning community or complete your Humanities requirements in your second year. Sophomore courses assume a higher level of basic skills (completion of Area A requirements). No Cal State East Bay course used to meet the U.S. history and government code requirement may be applied to Area C. Language courses taken to clear Area C1, Fine Arts, may not be taken credit-by-exam.

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of your C1-3 requirements, you should have developed the following competencies: (1) demonstrate through oral and written works how foundational works in the humanities illuminate enduring human concerns and the intellectual and cultural traditions within which these concerns arise, including both classical and contemporary artists and theorists; (2) demonstrate a developing understanding of how historical and cultural contexts, individual works, and the development of humanities over time, interact; (3) demonstrate ability to critically employ concepts, theories, and methods of analysis used in the humanities to interpret and evaluate enduring human concerns; (4) critically reflect on the formation of human goals and values, and articulate an understanding of the creativity reflected in works of the humanities that influenced the formation of those values.

C1 Fine Arts (4 units)

Criteria: Courses meeting this requirement have as their major component the integration of evaluative and descriptive aspects of the history, theory, aesthetics, and criticism of different works, forms, styles, and schools of art.

C2 Letters (4 units)

Criteria: Courses in this area examine significant written and oral texts of the creative intellect. The major goals are: (a) to teach the critical examination of ideas and theories through the use of historical, linguistic, literary, philosophical, and rhetorical approaches and methods; and (b) to encourage understanding of enduring human concerns and the intellectual and cultural traditions within which they arise.

C3 An Additional Humanities Course in either Fine Arts or Letters

Area D: Social Sciences (12 units)

Students who have completed social science requirements will become acquainted with basic principles, methodologies, theoretical problems, and applications in those sciences whose field of study is human behavior in its social environment. No Cal State East Bay course used to meet the U.S. history and government code requirement may be applied to Area D.

D1-3 Basic Requirements (12 units)

You must select three courses in the social sciences from three different disciplines. You may select a freshman learning community or complete your social sciences requirements in your second year. Sophomore courses assume a higher level of basic skills (completion of Area A and B4 requirements).

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of your D1-3 requirements, you should have developed the following competencies: (1) demonstrate, orally and in writing, recognition of the application of disciplinary concepts derived from at least three social or behavioral sciences in the study of human behavior, individually and in society; (2) demonstrate, orally and in writing, recognition of the inquiry methods used by at least one of the social or behavioral science disciplines; (3) demonstrate, orally and in writing, the ability to describe how human diversity and the diversity of human societies influence our understanding of human behavior, individually and in societies, both local and global; (4) demonstrate, orally and in writing, some knowledge of the political, social, and/or economic institutions of a country other than the United States; (5) demonstrate, orally and in writing, the ability to describe major positions and contrasting arguments made on one or more significant contemporary issue area confronting U.S. society as applied to human behavior.

Criteria: Courses fulfilling the Basic Social Science requirements present the fundamental principles and methods of inquiry that are grounded in social science disciplines.

Area F: Performing Arts and Activities (4 units)

Criteria: Courses in this area provide an opportunity to develop an appreciation of the visual and performing arts and activities through direct experience. Students are guided by participation toward an understanding of the techniques, processes, and possibilities inherent in such aspects of culture as art, theatre, music, creative writing, and sport. Courses in this area enhance student development through accomplishment. At least 40% of the class time in these courses must be activity or performance.

Area G: Electives (4 units)

G1-2-3 Activity Courses Accompanying Freshman Learning Communities (2 units)

This is a one-unit and two .5-unit activity courses (two hours of class) which accompany the freshman learning communities (Areas B1-3, C1-3, D1-3).

Criteria: They integrate the thematic and Area A course content, build learning communities, and integrate academic skill development and support services. They also include the development and honing of particular skills (e.g., writing, speaking, calculating, and reasoning) at various levels depending on the individual student’s proficiency.

G4 Information Literacy (2 units)

Criteria: Courses fulfilling this G.E. requirement develop information processing and technical competencies. The former include the ability to recognize a need; find resources; access, evaluate, and organize information; understand ethical, social and legal dimensions; and communicate information. The latter include the ability to select and use the appropriate technology.

Upper Division G.E. Requirements (12 units)

To be eligible to begin taking upper division G.E. courses, you must have completed 90 quarter (60 semester) units, your lower division G.E. requirements, including critical thinking (Area A3), ENGL 1002, and the University Writing Skills Requirement. You may complete Areas B6, C4, and D4 in your junior or senior year.

The 12-unit upper division General Education program of Cal State East Bay serves a variety of purposes. It enables students to study subjects outside their majors at a more advanced level than in lower division G.E. courses by building on the skills developed in earlier classes in English composition, oral communication, critical thinking, and information literacy. The upper division Science course (Area B6) focuses on scientific inquiry and stresses numeracy, quantitative analysis, information literacy, and critical thinking skills. The upper division Humanities course (Area C4) focuses on history, literature, and philosophy, and stresses advanced writing, speaking, and reasoning skills. The Social Sciences course (Area D4) focuses on the application of the methodologies and research findings of the social sciences to significant contemporary problems, and stresses advanced writing and information literacy skills.

Upper division G.E. courses also give students the opportunity to explore new subjects unrelated to their majors, or to complement their majors with supportive courses in departments outside their major department. Students may ask their major advisors for a list of courses that relate to, and support study in their major field.

Area B6: Upper Division Science (4 units)

A 4-unit upper division course in the sciences (life or physical science) that includes numeracy, quantitative analysis, information literacy, and critical thinking skills. Students must complete their lower division B1-5 requirements prior to taking their B6 course.

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of your B6 requirement, you should have developed the following competencies: (1) demonstrate advanced and/or focused science content knowledge in a specific scientific field using appropriate vocabulary and referencing appropriate concepts (such as models, uncertainties, hypotheses, theories, and technologies); (2) apply advanced quantitative skills (such as statistics, algebraic solutions, interpretation of graphical data) to scientific problems; (3) demonstrate understanding of the nature of science and scientific inquiry and the experimental and empirical methodologies utilized in science to investigate a scientific question or issue; (4) critically analyze scientific claims and data; (5) apply science content knowledge to contemporary scientific issues (e.g., global warming) and technologies (e.g., cloning), where appropriate.

Area C4: Upper Division Humanities (4 units)

A 4-unit upper division course in the humanities (history, literature, philosophy) that includes a significant writing component and emphasizes advanced communication and critical thinking skills.

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of your C4 requirement, you should have developed the following competencies: (1) demonstrate an understanding of, and ability to, apply the principles, methodologies, value systems, and thought processes employed in human inquiries; (2) demonstrate an understanding of the cultural endeavors and legacies of human civilization; (3) be able to discuss and deliberate about opposing viewpoints in an insightful and logical manner; be able to present an opposing side fairly and to criticize the argument rather than attacking the person; (4) demonstrate a developing intellectual curiosity and a habit of lifelong learning through choice of research topics, the number and quality of questions asked in class, the application of course concepts or themes to lived experiences or world events, or through other similar means; (5) demonstrate the potential for participating in, and contributing to, a democratic society as an informed, engaged, and reflective citizen.

Area D4: Upper Division Social Sciences (4 units)

A 4-unit upper division course applying the research findings of the social sciences to significant contemporary problems and emphasizing advanced writing and information literacy skills.

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of your D4 requirement, you should have developed the following competencies: (1) demonstrate an understanding of and ability to accurately apply disciplinary concepts of the social or behavioral sciences to the study of human behavior, individually and in society; (2) demonstrate an understanding of, and the ability to, effectively conduct or plan research using an inquiry method of the social or behavioral sciences; (3) explain in writing, using examples, how human diversity and the diversity of human societies influence our understanding of individual and collective human behavior; (4) develop advanced skills in oral and written argument in the social or behavioral sciences.

General Degree Requirements

These are to be satisfied simultaneously with the lower and upper division Area requirements described above.

  • A total of 72 quarter units of coursework are required to meet the General Education-Breadth Requirements. Normally, no course taken in the major department, as designated by course prefix, may be applied to the 72-unit G.E. program. Exceptions are: (1) in Areas A, B4, and G4 and one course in one thematic learning community (B1-3, C1-3, D1-3), unless certified by California community colleges and/or other CSU campuses; (2) Modern Language majors may use courses in another language; (3) a course required for the major, but not offered by the major department, may be applied to G.E. No course taken to satisfy the U.S. History, U.S. Constitution, and California State and Local
  • Government requirement may be applied to G.E. unless certified by California community colleges or other CSU campuses. No cooperative education courses may be applied to G.E.
  • Must complete ENGL 1002  (College Writing II) or transfer equivalent before attaining 90 quarter units.
  • Complete U.S. History, U.S. Constitution and California State and local government requirement through coursework or exams (details to follow).
  • A minimum of 12 quarter units of the General Education-Breadth Requirements must be taken in residence at Cal State East Bay. (You are in residence if admitted to and regularly enrolled in the university).
  • A minimum of 12 quarter units of upper division (3000 and above) coursework applicable to the General Education-Breadth Requirements must be taken after you attain upper division status (90 or more quarter units). You cannot use community college courses to satisfy this requirement. You must take these 12 units in Areas B6, C4, and D4. No course taken in the major department, as designated by course prefix, may be applied to the upper division G.E. requirement.
  • A minimum of 3 quarter units of coursework must recognize the contributions to American civilization and knowledge that members of various cultural groups and women have made. The purpose of this requirement is to provide you with an introduction to the research, literature, and methodologies of the disciplines of ethnic studies and gender/women’s studies from historical, cultural, social, and economic perspectives. Courses are taught by faculty committed to the four competencies listed below and are designed to give you a comprehensive understanding of the contributions to U.S. society made by cultural groups [African Americans, Asian Americans, Latino(a) Americans, Native Americans] women, and gays/lesbians (hereafter referred to as “groups”).

Student Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of your Cultural Groups/Women requirement, you should have developed the following competencies: (1) knowledge of, and respect for, one or more of the groups and their contributions to U.S. society, including, but not limited to, three or more of the following aspects-historical, linguistic, cultural, economic, political, literary; (2) ability to analyze critically the relationships between the groups and the dominant society, between the groups themselves, and between members of the same group; (3) working knowledge of the groups’ histories and contemporary experiences as subjects (as opposed to objects or victims) and of their voices and expressions, including, but not limited to, oral traditions, writings, and art forms; (4) comprehension of the origins and functions of discrimination, exploitation, and oppression of the groups, both historically and in the present, and ability to identify various patterns of discrimination.

Transfer Students

Under Chancellor’s Executive Order No. 1033, up to 60 quarter (40 semester) units of the CSU General Education-Breadth Requirements may be certified by California Community Colleges and other CSU campuses. Certification is not automatic for the A.A. in University Studies programs. You should note that even though your certification from a California Community College (CSU G.E. pattern for CSU Intersegmental General Education Transfer Education Transfer Curriculum-IGETC) or another CSU campus may show more than the maximum number of certifiable units, you must still complete a minimum of 12 upper division residence G.E. units at Cal State East Bay.

For example, if your catalog rights for graduation are governed by this catalog, you must complete the following:

  • Area B6, an upper division Science (life or physical science) course of at least 4 units selected from the Area B6 list;
  • Area C4, an upper division Humanities course of at least 4 units selected from the Area C4 literature/history/philosophy list;
  • Area D4, an upper division Social Science course of at least 4 units selected from the Area D4 list;
  • Lifelong Understanding G.E. requirement may be satisfied with a certified Lifelong Understanding transfer course from a California Community College. If you do not transfer with this requirement fulfilled, you may satisfy it with a lower- or upper-division course selected from the Area F list, Performing Arts/Activities, or by a transfer course(s) that meets the CSUEB criteria.
  • The Cultural Groups/Women General requirement may be satisfied simultaneously with one of the above lower or upper division Area G.E. requirements, or as a separate course selected from Cal State East Bay’s Cultural Groups/Women list. This requirement can also be satisfied by a lower division G.E. transfer course that meets the CSUEB criteria; and
  • The second composition requirement for transfer students, is satisfied with ENGL 1002  (College Writing II), or an equivalent transfer course. If the course you are using to clear Area A3, Critical Thinking, is on the IGETC Critical Thinking list, this same course can be used to clear your second composition requirement.

If your catalog rights for graduation fall under an earlier catalog, see the General Education web page (www.csueastbay.edu/ge/transfer.htm) to identify requirements for that catalog.

You must complete at least 45 quarter (30 semester) units of G.E. including G.E. Areas A (Communication in the English Language) and B4 (Quantitative Reasoning) before transferring as a junior.

Major: Defined

A major is a specified pattern of courses in a particular discipline or group of disciplines. (A list of Cal State East Bay undergraduate majors appears on the Undergraduate Majors and Options  page of this catalog.) It complements G.E. by allowing you to specialize in one area, to study it in more depth than the one or two courses taken for G.E. in other disciplines. A few majors (such as Music and Spanish) are selfcontained in the major department and have no courses that can double-count in G.E. Most majors, however, require some coursework in other departments and these courses, if applicable to G.E., can be double-counted. You can design an Interdisciplinary Studies Major with faculty advice and administrative support (see the Interdisciplinary Studies Major  chapter of this catalog).

A major is not the same as a career, though some majors are more closely allied to specific careers than others. There are people in most careers from a wide variety of majors. Cal State East Bay majors are described in the Undergraduate section of this catalog, and career options are listed for each of them.

A B.S. degree major often requires more units than a B.A. degree major. A B.F.A. degree major requires more units than most B.S. or B.A. degree majors because it is so specialized.

You may declare your major either on your application when you apply to Cal State East Bay or after you enroll by filling out a “Change of Major” form available in the Student Enrollment and Information Center, 1st Floor, Student Services and Administration Building, online at the Student Records Forms website, or in the Student Services Center at the Concord Campus.

You may complete more than one major with permission. All majors earned will appear on the same diploma.

Option: Defined

An option is a prescribed pathway through a major which allows for emphasis on a particular segment of the discipline (for example, the Accounting Option in the Business Administration Major and the Dance Option in the Theatre Arts Major). Not all majors have formal options. Some majors with formal options require you to select an option (e.g., Business Administration) whereas others do not (e.g., Political Science). In some majors, different options have different total unit requirements.

An option can appear on your diploma if you request it when filing for graduation. If you wish to complete more than one option and have the additional option(s) recorded, each must differ by at least three courses and nine units from any other option you complete.

Free Electives

Most students have some units not prescribed by G.E., the major, or other graduation requirements. These range from one or two courses in a few very large, occupationally oriented majors to a dozen or more courses in some humanities and social science majors.

Free electives are courses you are free to select to complete your minimum unit requirements for the degree. Some students complete free electives with whatever looks interesting when they have free hours in their schedules, but most students have a purpose in mind. This could be taking more courses in the major to prepare for graduate school or employment, taking a minor or certificate program (defined below) to complement the major (e.g., an English major taking a Marketing minor), or simply following a special interest (e.g., dance or photography). No student is required to do any of these things, but it is important that you understand your choices.

Minor: Defined

A minor is a coherent program in some field or group of related fields other than your major. Minors range in size from 24-48 quarter units, at least 12 of which must be upper division. No student is required to have a minor, so it will not appear on your record or diploma unless you request it. The minimum grade point average for a minor is 2.00, so you must take at least one course on the A-F grading pattern. At least 50% of a minor or 12 units, whichever is less, must be taken at Cal State East Bay if you want the minor recognized on your diploma and/or permanent record.

Courses in a minor may be double-counted in G.E. However, at least 18 quarter units of a minor must not be double-counted in the discipline of the major for Cal State East Bay to recognize the minor.

If you wish to complete a minor, fill out a “Change of Major, Minor, Option” form available online at the Student Records Forms website.

You cannot get a minor in the same department as your major unless the disciplines are distinct (e.g., French and Spanish, Art History and Studio Art). A minor is recognized only when a baccalaureate degree is awarded.

Certificate Program: Defined

A certificate program is a coherent set of academic courses, considerably narrower in scope and objectives than a degree or major, for which you can receive a certificate upon its successful completion. Most certificate programs are oriented toward occupations and/or career skills. A certificate program must contain at least 12 units of courses numbered 3000 or above and a minimum of 20 total units (unless the certificate consists solely of 5000-and 6000-level courses in which case only 15 units are required). Each certificate program must contain a required core of at least three courses and 12 units. You can design a special certificate with faculty advice. See “Special Certificates” in the Interdisciplinary Studies Major  chapter of this catalog.

Some certificate programs have admission requirements. Refer to the catalog description of the specific certificate program for more information. You must receive a grade of “C” or better in each undergraduate and 5000-level course and a “B” or better in each graduate course (6000- level) applied to the program. Only one course below the 6000-level may be taken “CR/NC” and no graduate course may be taken “CR/NC” in a certificate program unless that is the only grading pattern for the course. You must take at least 75% of the courses and all 5000- and 6000- level courses at Cal State East Bay. (For certificate programs, Cal State East Bay courses may be taken through University Extension or as a regularly admitted and enrolled student.) You may not receive a certificate if you have already received a major, option, or minor with the same title.

No student is required to complete a certificate program. Completion of a certificate program is recognized by the awarding of a certificate. There is no notation about the program on either a diploma or permanent record. (The courses will, of course, be on your permanent record.) You may pursue a certificate program before, during, or after your baccalaureate degree. Unlike a minor, a certificate is not part of a degree.

U.S History and Government Code Requirement

CSU graduates are expected to have knowledge of: significant events in U.S. history; the role of major ethnic and social groups in these events; the political, economic, social, and geographic context of these events; the U.S. Constitution, U.S. political institutions and processes; the rights and obligations of U.S. citizens; the California Constitution; federal-state relations; and California state and local government, and political processes.

You can demonstrate your competence in these fields by either: (a) passing one of three CLEP tests offered each quarter by the Testing Office, and passing a Category II (ASSIST US-3) course, or (b) passing two courses (one course from each of the following two categories) which cover all three topics:

Be aware that receiving credit for any courses applicable to this requirement through a national test such as Advanced Placement, CLEP, or at an out-of-state institution will not satisfy the California state and local government part of this requirement. You will still be required to complete a Category II course (ASSIST US-3) in the second category above.

University Writing Skills Requirement

In addition to the lower-division General Education requirements in writing, the California State University system requires all students to demonstrate writing competency at the university level in order to receive a baccalaureate or master’s degree. This requirement was implemented system-wide in 1977. You must satisfy the University Writing Skills Requirement (UWSR) in order to receive a degree from CSUEB unless you are exempt by one of the following criteria:

  1. If you have previously satisfied the Graduation Writing Assessment Requirement at CSUEB or at another CSU campus, CSUEB will accept official certification of completion if the entire requirement, as specified by that CSU campus, was satisfied and you were a matriculated student at the time.
  2. If you have graduated from any one of the CSU campuses; unless it is noted on your transcript that your USWR was not satisfied.
  3. If you received an essay score of 4.5 or higher on the GMAT or GRE or an essay score of 53 or higher on the CBEST.
  4. If you pass the Writing Skills Test (WST) at CAL STATE East Bay. See WST (Option One) below for details.
  5. If you pass a first-tier writing course and possibly a second-tier writing course (if needed). See Course (Option Two) below for details.

As soon as you have completed 90 quarter units, you will be required to begin steps to satisfy the University Writing Skills Requirement. DO NOT try to satisfy this requirement before completing 90 units or the UWSR will not be met. Complete ENGL 1001  and ENGL 1002 , which are graduation degree requirements, before attempting to satisfy the UWSR.

To satisfy the requirement at CSUEB, you may do one of the following:

  • Option One: Register for and pass the Writing Skills Test (WST). See WST (Option One) below.
  • Option Two: Enroll in and pass a first-tier writing course (ENGL 3000  or ENGL 3001 ) and possibly a second-tier course, as well. See Course (Option Two) below.

WST (Option One): The Writing Skills Test consists of an analytic essay that requires you to demonstrate that you can think and write critically. You must pass the WST and satisfy the UWSR with a score of Clear Competence (8) to meet the requirement. If you fail the WST, you have only one opportunity to take it again. If you fail it again, your highest score of the two will determine your placement in courses. If your score is Limited Competence (6), you will be required to take the course option (see below). If your score is Developing Competence (7), you need only take a second-tier course to satisfy the UWSR (see below).

Course (Option Two): ENGL 3000  and ENGL 3001  are the first-tier courses, designed to help students meet the University Writing Skills Requirement. Students who have taken the Writing Skills Test (WST) and have received Limited Competence (6) must take either ENGL 3000  or ENGL 3001  and perhaps a second-tier course as well. If you choose to meet this requirement through class work, you do not have to take the WST, although you may take it at any time after achieving junior status, for a total of two attempts, even when enrolled in a writing skills course. Generally speaking, ENGL 3000  is intended for native speakers of English, while ENGL 3001  is intended for non-native speakers. Based on end-of-course portfolio evaluation scores, at the end of the first-tier course you will be advised as to your next step, which will involve one of the following: you may be found to have met the UWSR requirement altogether; you may be directed to enroll in a second-tier course; or, you may be directed to repeat the first tier course.

Two second-tier courses are currently offered: ENGL 3003 , and MKTG 3495 . If you passed one of these courses prior to fall 2000, it may not meet the UWSR. For more information on these courses, contact the individual department.

If you have taken the first-tier course three times consecutively and have not passed and have a letter of good faith effort from your most recent first-tier instructor, you may apply to the Senior Director, Undergraduate Studies and General Education for a waiver of the UWSR. If a waiver is granted, your permanent record will note that you were allowed to graduate without having satisfied the UWSR. If you do not satisfy the requirement and do not have a waiver approved, you will not be allowed to graduate. Contact the Office of General Education for information on this waiver (510.885.2941).

If you receive a grade of “D+” or “D” in a second-tier writing course (taken Fall Quarter, 2000 or later), you may appeal to the Senior Director, Undergraduate Studies and General Education, for a waiver of the UWSR. If a waiver is granted, your permanent record will note that you were allowed to graduate without having satisfied the UWSR. If you do not satisfy the requirement and do not have a waiver approved, you will not be allowed to graduate. Contact the Office of General Education for information on this waiver (510.885.2941).

If you have a verified disability and would like to request accommodations to assist you in satisfying this requirement, contact the Accessibility Services in the Library Complex 2440 or call 510.885.3868 (phone/TTY).

For more information on meeting the University Writing Skills Requirement, see the Testing Office website or call 510.885.3661

Transfer Requirements

In general, degree requirements are the same, but special provisions safeguard the programs taken by students at California community colleges and other CSU campuses. If you are a transfer student, the following provisions apply.

  1. If you complete G.E. courses approved for transfer to the CSU and they are certified by your California Community College and/or CSU campus (or another campus accepts them and certifies them), Cal State East Bay will accept them to meet the requirements for which they are certified.

According to the Code, CSU cannot accept more than 58 quarter units or 39 semester units. In practice, Cal State East Bay accepts 60 quarter (40 semester) units because our three-course, upper division G.E. program is 12 quarter units. 60 plus 12 totals the 72 units required for G.E.

  1. If you complete the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) and it is certified as being complete by your community college, you have satisfied the entire 60-unit lower division G.E. program and have only the three courses, 12-unit, upper division G.E. program to complete. (The IGETC is an all-or-nothing proposition; there s no partial certification as in #1 above.)
  2. If you complete any part or all of the U.S. history, U.S. Constitution, and California state and local government requirement at a California community college or other CSU campus and it is certified, Cal State East Bay will accept that certification for completion for all, or part of, the requirement. Contact either the History department or the Political Science department if you have any questions about this requirement
  3. If you successfully completed a course at another university or college that is not certified for the CSU G.E. program, but you believe it meets the criteria listed earlier for a specific requirement, you may request an “exception” on your degree audit. If you believe you have a petitionable course, discuss it with your advisor, with a G.E. advisor in the Academic Advising and Career Education Office, or the G.E. Office. If (s)he agrees, the advisor will submit the exception request for review. After action on your request for an exception, an e-mail to your Horizon account will notify you of the decision.

Likewise, if you believe you have a petitionable course for the U.S. history and government requirement, you may request an exception. In this case, go to either the History department or the Political Science department, whichever is appropriate to the course, and review the issue with the department Chair. (Both departments are in Meiklejohn Hall.) If the Chair agrees, (s)he will approve the exception and note it on your degree audit.

  1. Cal State East Bay has articulation agreements for all of our majors with all California community colleges. You may view them online at: http://www.assist.org. If you followed one of these major articulation agreements and completed all equivalent lower division work at the community college, your major department will consider your lower division major complete.

If you did not follow an articulation agreement, your major department will evaluate your transfer courses individually for equivalence.

  1. The graduation writing proficiency requirement (called the University Writing Skills Requirement at Cal State East Bay) is mandatory on all CSU campuses. Cal State East Bay will accept certification of the graduation writing proficiency requirement from any CSU campus. However, we must have written documentation that the entire requirement was satisfied at the other campus where you were enrolled as a matriculated student. (“Matriculation” means regularly enrolled after being admitted to a university.) You cannot, for example, take a writing proficiency test at another campus to meet the UWSR at Cal State East Bay while you are matriculated at CSUEB.

Although you can complete a sizable portion of your graduation requirements at other colleges and universities, do not forget the residence requirements previously listed. They must be satisfied while matriculated and enrolled at Cal State East Bay.

Multiple Majors

You can pursue two or more majors simultaneously with permission, making sure they differ from each other by a minimum of 18 units.

The disadvantage of completing multiple majors while working on the same degree is that you have to delay graduation until you complete all requirements of all the majors. However, you are checked for completion of the G.E. requirements only once (and the only department excluded from G.E. is your first major, not any additional ones).

In the case of multiple degrees, it is possible for you to pursue additional degrees simultaneously or consecutively. If you complete a second baccalaureate simultaneously with your first baccalaureate, you will not need to take additional residency or General Education units beyond those required for the degree you indicate as your primary baccalaureate.

If you return to complete a second bachelor’s after graduating with your first bachelor’s from an institution accredited by a regional accrediting association, you are not required to complete any additional GE, graduation requirement, or Code courses. You will only be required to complete courses specifically required to complete your current major, and the University Writing Skills Requirement if you did not satisfy it with your first degree.

If you enroll at CSUEB to complete a second bachelor’s after graduating with your first bachelor’s from a non-CSU institution, you will have your GE and Code courses evaluated under the appropriate GE catalog and CSUEB GE pattern. In this situation, the 12 units of GE in residence are a requirement for your second baccalaureate. You will be held to the University Writing Skills Requirement.

You cannot get two degrees in the same field. For example, a B.A. with a major in Geology and a B.S. with a major in Geology, or a B.S. with a major in Business Administration (Option in Accounting) and a B.S. with a major in Business Administration (Option in Marketing) are not allowed. (Note: Although you cannot receive two B.S. degrees in Business Administration, you can receive a single B.S. degree in Business Administration with two options.)

Any options and minors completed within your degree will also be recorded on your diploma and permanent record if you request them.

Apply for Graduation

Note: Students are advised to review completion of general education requirements and to consult with their major and minor departments before filing for graduation.

Apply for graduation one term in advance of the intended term of graduation. Students must apply prior to the end of the Late Add period. Deadlines to file are listed on the Important Dates page on the University website under “Current Students”. Log into MyCSUEB on the university website (https://my.csueastbay.edu) and click on “Apply for Graduation.” Students will be prompted to select the term for which they wish to graduate. A confirmation page will appear. Students should print this page and give a copy to the major/minor department. Discontinued students can file for graduation using the “Application for Graduation for Closed Matriculation” form on the University website under “Current Students”. Students are responsible for contacting their academic major and minor departments and informing them of their intent to graduate. Students must allow enough notice so that their department will have sufficient time to generate a major or minor checklist sheet indicating whether the student has satisfied all academic requirements of the major or minor. The major and minor check sheets are due to the Office of the Registrar by the end of the fifth week of the quarter preceding the student’s final quarter.

The graduation filing fee will be charged to their account after a student files. Students may pay their fee:

  • Online at MyCSUEB (https://my.csueastbay.edu)
  • In person at the Cashiers’ Office in the Student Services Building on the Hayward Hills campus
  • In person in the Academic Services Office on the Concord Campus

The fee covers the cost of the graduation check, the diploma, and participation in the annual commencement ceremony (but not cap and gown rental/purchase, which is handled separately by the Bookstore). The fee is non-refundable, but if the student does not graduate when they intended, the fee will be transferred to the subsequent quarter, if they choose to update their quarter of graduation.

To register as a graduating senior, students must have earned 150 units or more and have filed for graduation by the time registration appointments are assigned. A student’s graduation quarter can be updated by request a maximum of three consecutive terms, after which time they must re-file and pay again. This should be done well in advance of the opening of registration for a given quarter, and no later than the end of the Late Add period of the quarter originally intended to be the student’s final quarter. Changes in the information on the diploma (change of name, address to be sent, deletion of an incomplete minor) must be submitted no later than the end of the Late Add period of the intended quarter of graduation.

After filing for graduation, students must contact their major department to complete an official “Major Check” form showing all requirements completed for the major and those remaining to be completed for the major. (If students are an Interdisciplinary Studies Major, a Major Check is not needed.) The department must submit the form to the Office of the Registrar no later than the fifth week of the quarter preceding the student’s final quarter if they are to graduate on time. Students are strongly encouraged to check with their academic department by the end of the fifth week of classes of their next to last quarter to be certain a major check has been filed.

If students are completing a minor and want it recorded, they must request that a “Minor Check” form be submitted by the department offering the minor to the Office of the Registrar no later than the end of the fifth week of classes of the student’s second to last term.

If students are completing a Single or Multiple Subject Matter Preparation Program for entry into a teaching credential program, be certain that the appropriate check sheet is submitted by the department or program committee offering the program to the Credential Student Service Center in the College of Education and Allied Studies.

If students file any waiver or substitution petitions for major, G.E., or other graduation requirements, they must be certain the substitution petition reaches the Office of the Registrar at least four weeks before the end of their final quarter.

Once students have completed all degree requirements and the Office of the Registrar can verify their completion, their degree will be posted. The final graduation evaluation process typically takes up to three months following the posting of grades from the student’s last quarter of attendance. The student’s diploma will be ordered and mailed to their permanent address of record with the university 4-6 weeks after the degree has been awarded.

A diploma is an official document containing the embossed seal of Cal State East Bay, the student’s name, the degree conferred and date, major(s) completed in the degree conferred, any options or minors completed, type of honors if any, and the signatures of state and university officials. It is not reproducible or available in multiple copies. Students can obtain multiple copies of their record by ordering transcripts which also show degrees, majors, options, minors, and honors, as well as other information. If students need proof of completion of their degree before receiving their diploma, they may order transcripts from the Office of the Registrar. Should a student change their name, they may request that a new diploma be issued with their new name if they: (1) return the originally issued diploma to the Office of the Registrar, (2) provide legal documents confirming their legal name change, and (3) pay the fee for a new diploma.

In order to protect the integrity of its transcripts, the university will not make any changes to student records unless there is documented evidence of university error. Once a degree is posted to a student’s permanent record, the diploma and transcript cannot be altered by adding additional options and/or minors, or by grade changes, withdrawals, and/or grade forgiveness. Students who believe that they have received a grade in error should promptly ask the instructor to verify and, if appropriate, correct the grade. If an error was made, the instructor of record must indicate specifically the nature of that error on the Change of Grade form and submit the completed form to the Student Records Office. Students who feel they received a grade due to unfairness would also have one quarter to pursue their allegation of unfairness through the University’s fairness complaint process. Students must notify the Office of the Registrar of any errors in their grades no later than the quarter subsequent to the quarter in which their degree is awarded or upon completion of the fairness process. The Registrar’s Office may also seek clarification of the error from the Department Chair.

If the instructor is absent from campus during the quarter subsequent to the quarter in which the student’s degree is awarded, the student shall promptly consult with the department chair about the grade in question. If the department chair is unable to contact the instructor, the chair will notify the Dean of the College and the University Registrar in writing that an extension of the grade correction deadline, up to one year after the degree has been awarded, has been requested.

Academic Honors

In the undergraduate Grading and Academic Standards chapter, the Dean’s and Honors Lists (the annual academic honors recognition) were discussed. Cal State East Bay also recognizes undergraduate students at graduation for consistently high scholarship through their entire academic careers, which includes coursework they may have transferred in from other institutions. If you graduate from Cal State East Bay during any quarter covered by this catalog, you will qualify for Graduation with Honors if your academic record meets the following criteria.

  1. To qualify for any category of honors, you must have a minimum cumulative and Cal State East Bay grade point average of 3.65, and
  2. You must have completed at least 60 quarter units of coursework in residence (as defined in the university catalog) at Cal State East Bay.
  3. You will qualify for one of these categories of honors at graduation on the basis of the following grade point average in all college work: 3.85-4.00 summa cum laude (highest honors); 3.75-3.84 magna cum laude (high honors); 3.65-3.74 cum laude (honors)

The GPA is officially calculated at the time you have completed your graduation requirements. Therefore, graduation with honors is governed by the catalog in effect at the time of your graduation. The honors designation will be noted on your diploma and official transcript. The conditions noted above apply equally to second-baccalaureate degree candidates. Post-baccalaureate and graduate students are not eligible for university honors.

Graduate Credit

Undergraduate students may apply graduate courses taken during their final quarter of undergraduate attendance to a Cal State East Bay master’s degree program. Students can take up to 13 units of courses during their final undergraduate quarter (no earlier) and apply them to their master’s degree if they:

  • have at least a 2.00 grade point average at Cal State East Bay;
  • do not need the units or grade points to complete their baccalaureate degree;
  • do not need the units for residence credit in their master’s degree; and
  • obtain prior permission from the department Chair of the graduate program in which they wish to apply the units.

While an undergraduate, you should obtain and complete a “Petition for Graduate Credit” form, and obtain the signed approval of the graduate department Chair to apply the courses to your master’s degree. The form should be filed with Planning, Enrollment Management, and Student Affairs.

You cannot be matriculated in a baccalaureate degree and a master’s degree program at the same time, so the units earned in your last undergraduate quarter that are applied to your master’s degree are not residence credit in your graduate degree. Most Cal State East Bay master’s degrees require 45 units, 32 of which must be in residence. If you take the maximum 13 units for your graduate degree in your last undergraduate quarter, you will have used up your non-residence degree credit and cannot use any transfer, University Extension, or Open University units for your master’s degree.

If you start working on a basic Teaching Credential (5000-level courses in Teacher Education) before completing your baccalaureate, and are not already in the Fast-Track Teacher Preparation Program, you may have the units certified for application to your post-baccalaureate requirements. To qualify, the units must be in excess of the units needed for your bachelor’s degree or any requirement of that degree. You should submit a written request to Enrollment Management. The request should cite all the courses to be certified for this type of postbaccalaureate credit and should be submitted after completing your baccalaureate degree.


  1. Students must complete the “Request for Audit Grade” form available from the Cal State East Bay Student Enrollment Information Center on the first floor of the Student Services and Administration Building on the Hayward Hills campus.
  2. Reflects re-centering (recalibration) of SAT tests taken in April 1995 and thereafter. Qualifying scores for SAT tests taken prior to April 1995 that have not been re-centered can be determined by subtracting 100 from the SAT scores shown in the table.