Sep 24, 2024  
2015-2016 CSU East Bay Catalog 
2015-2016 CSU East Bay Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Grading and Academic Standards

These are university grading and academic standards which apply to all academic courses and programs offered at Cal State East Bay, including, but not limited to, courses offered in self-support, state-support or special sessions.

What is the grading policy at Cal State East Bay?

It is an integral part of the teaching responsibility of the faculty to provide careful evaluation and timely assignment of an appropriate grade to each enrolled student. There is a presumption that grades assigned are correct. It is the responsibility of anyone appealing an assigned grade to demonstrate otherwise. In the absence of compelling reasons, such as instructor or clerical error, prejudice, or capriciousness, the grade determined by the instructor of record is to be considered final. Final course grades must be submitted by the faculty to the Office of the Registrar by the established deadline. Also see “Policies and Procedures” in the Graduate Degree Information chapter.

If you believe that an appropriate grade has not been assigned, and you cannot resolve the matter informally with the instructor, department chair, and/or college dean/associate dean, you should present your case to the Presidential Appointee to the the Grade Appeal and Academic Grievance (Grade Appeal) Committee, 510-885-3716, no later than one quarter after you received the grade. The Grade Appeal Committee may authorize a change of grade under certain circumstances (see “What recourse do I have if I believe I have received a grade that is inappropriate?” in this chapter.). If the instructor of record does not assign a grade to an individual student, the appropriate failing grade for nonattendance (“WU” or “NC”) is automatically recorded by the Office of the Registrar. You have one quarter to petition the Grade Appeal Committee if you believe the instructor should have assigned an academic grade. If the instructor of record is unable to assign course grades, the Grade Committee is authorized to ensure that other qualified faculty assign grades.

For purposes of correcting an error, an instructor may change a grade with approval of his/her department chair and college dean. No grade may be changed once graduation has been recorded unless an error has been made, in which case students have one term after their degree has been awarded to dispute the grade and have it corrected, or if a Grade Appeal petition has resulted in a grade change. The administrative symbol for withdrawal cannot be assigned by a faculty member. See the Registration chapter for the description of withdrawal policies and procedures.

What are the academic grading symbols for undergraduates, and what do they signify?

Academic Grading Symbols

Academic Symbols Definitions Grade (Quality) Points Earned
A Excellent 4.0
A- Excellent 3.7
B+ Good 3.3
B Good 3.0
B- Good 2.7
C+ Satisfactory 2.3
C Satisfactory 2.0
C- Satisfactory 1.7
D+ Poor 1.3
D Poor 1.0
F Failing 0.0
CR Credit 0.0
NC No Credit 0.0

“A-F” Grading Pattern

Courses required for your major in your major department are taken in this pattern. Specific department exemptions are noted in the course description. Faculty use of “+” or “-” is optional.

Credit/No Credit and A/B/C/No Credit Grading Patterns (CR/NC and A/B/C/NC)

You may enroll in up to 60 units in credit/no credit patterns as an undergraduate. There are two credit/no credit patterns: (1) “CR/NC,” and (2) “A/B/C/NC.” Some courses are only offered in the “CR/NC” or “A/B/C/NC” patterns. You can select the “CR/NC” pattern for most other courses subject to certain restrictions. You can choose the “CR/NC” pattern during Registration until the end of the Late Add period. No changes to, or from, the credit/no credit pattern are permitted after the Late Add period. There are no exceptions to this rule. No course in your major department, regardless of course prefix, may be taken “CR/NC,” unless that is the only grading pattern in the course.

Units that you earn in courses taken under these grading patterns will apply to your degree requirements as long as they are not remedial courses (courses numbered 0800 - 0999). “CR” signifies you mastered the material at the level of “C-” or higher. “NC” signifies a work level of “D+” or lower. Faculty use of “+” or “-” is optional.

What are the administrative grading symbols, and what do they signify?

Administrative Grading Symbols

Administrative Grading Symbols Definitions Grade (Quality) Points Earned
RP Report in Progress 0.0
I Incomplete (Authorized) 0.0
IC Incomplete Charged 0.0
RD Report Delayed 0.0
W Withdrawal 0.0
WU Withdrawal Unauthorized 0.0
AU Audit 0.0

Report in Progress (RP)

The symbol “RP,” Report in Progress, is used in connection with courses that extend beyond an academic term. It indicates that work is in progress, but that a final grade cannot be assigned until additional work is completed. The work is to be completed within one year, except in the case of graduate theses or dissertation. A graduate thesis or dissertation must be completed and approved within five years of the student’s initial enrollment in a thesis or dissertation course. If the work is not completed within the established time limit (one year, and for graduate theses and dissertation, five years), the “RP” grade will be changed to an “F” or “NC,” depending on the grading pattern of the course.

Incomplete (I)

The symbol “I”, Incomplete (Authorized), indicates that (1) a discreet portion of the required coursework has not been completed and evaluated in the prescribed time period due to unforeseen, but fully justified, reasons, (2) attending a future offering of the class is not required to complete the work, and (3) the instructor believes it likely that the student will earn credit for the course upon completion of that work. Students who are currently failing a course are not eligible for an Incomplete. It is the student’s responsibility to bring pertinent information to the attention of the instructor and to determine from the instructor the remaining course requirements that must be satisfied to remove the Incomplete. A final grade is assigned when the work agreed upon has been completed and evaluated. The instructor will specify the work needed for completion which can be viewed in MyCSUEB.

An “I” must normally be made up within one calendar year immediately following the end of the term during which it was assigned. This limitation prevails whether or not the student maintains continuous enrollment. Students may not repeat a course in which they currently have an incomplete grade.

When the required work has been completed and evaluated, the instructor will submit a change of grade form and the academic grade will be recorded. If students do not complete the work within the allowed time limit, the grade will be recorded as an “IC” (Incomplete Charged).

Incomplete Charged (IC)

The symbol “IC,” Incomplete Charged, is used if the student received an authorized incomplete (“I”), but did not complete the required coursework within the allowed time limit, and the original grading pattern of the course was “A-F.” The “IC” replaces the “I” and is counted as a failing grade for computing grade point average. Students may be able to receive up to two one-quarter extensions from the instructor. These extensions are for cause and must be approved by both the instructor and department chair. (Examples of cause include military service, serious health or personal problems, or instructor’s leave of absence.) If students want credit for a course after an “I” has been converted to an “IC,” they must re-register and pass the course.
Students can graduate with an “I” grade on their record if the course is not necessary for graduation requirements. No grade may be changed once the degree has been awarded.

Report Delayed (RD)

Students will be assigned this administrative grade for a course if the instructor notifies the Office of the Registrar that grade reports have been delayed by circumstances beyond his or her control. An example is the illness of the instructor at the end of the quarter. The instructor will replace the “RD” grade with an academic grade as soon as possible. If the instructor fails to replace it with an academic grade by the end of the following term, the grade “RD” will be converted to a “WU” or an “NC” depending on your grading pattern.

Withdrawal (W)

This administrative grade indicates that the student was permitted to withdraw from a course after the end of the Drop period with the approval of the instructor and department chair. The requests and approvals shall state the reasons for withdrawal. This grade does not reflect the quality of performance and is not used in calculating grade point average. The instructor is urged to provide the student with a mechanism to evaluate their progress in the course during the first two weeks so that they can make an informed decision regarding their continued enrollment before the beginning of the withdrawal period.
Undergraduate students may withdraw from no more than 28 quarter units in the undergraduate career. Only withdrawals recorded in terms beginning with Fall 2009 are counted. Open University units are counted toward the maximum units. Students who have reached the limit on withdrawals may file an academic petition to allow additional withdrawals from courses. No limitations are placed on withdrawals by post-baccalaureate students taking classes in a post-baccalaureate career. 

Withdrawal after the seventh week is normally not permitted. If students have attended the class, done the work, and have a valid reason for failing to complete the course, their instructor should normally assign the “I,” Incomplete (Authorized) grade.
Withdrawal from a class after the seventh week requires a petition including verification of the reason by an impartial third party, written on letterhead, and signature of the instructor, department chair, and college dean. The requirements for withdrawal from the university from the third through the seventh weeks must also be fulfilled. Petitions are then reviewed by the Registration and Records Appeals Committee, approval is not automatic.
Students may not withdraw if they have taken the final examination or completed all course requirements.
If students do not attend class and do not have an approved withdrawal petition, they will receive a failing grade of “WU” or “NC,” depending on the grading pattern selected for the course.
Details on the withdrawal process are documented in the Registration  chapter.

Withdrawal Unauthorized (WU)

This administrative grade indicates that students enrolled in a course, but did not withdraw from the course and also failed to complete course requirements. It is used when, in the opinion of the instructor, completed assignments or course activities, or both, were insufficient to make normal evaluation of academic performance possible. The “WU” is calculated in the grade point average as an “F” grade.

Audit (AU)

Students may take courses for instruction only (Audit), and will attend class but will not receive credit. Audit students will pay the same fees and enjoy the same instructional privileges as students enrolled for credit. Audit students may participate in class, take examinations or complete other assignments, but are not required to do so.
Students may not petition to change their enrollment status from, or to, “Audit” after the Late Add period has ended.
Details on the audit process are covered in the Registration  chapter.

How is my grade point average (GPA) computed?

Grade Point Averages and Their Significance

You earn grade (quality) points on the following basis:

  • 4 quality points per unit of A,
  • 3.7 quality points per unit of A-,
  • 3.3 quality points per unit of B+,
  • 3 quality points per unit of B,
  • 2.7 quality points per unit of B-,
  • 2.3 quality points per unit of C+,
  • 2 quality points per unit of C,
  • 1.7 quality points per unit of C-,
  • 1.3 quality points per unit of D+, and 1 quality point per unit of D.
  • A grade of “F” or “WU” earns no quality points.

Grade point average (GPA) is computed by dividing the total number of quality hours (units attempted), whether or not they were passed (but excluding “CR/NC” courses and those in which administrative grades were assigned except for the “WU”), into the number of quality (grade) points earned. A 2.00 (C) average in all college/university courses, all Cal State East Bay courses, and all major courses is required for a baccalaureate degree (excluding “CR,” “NC,” “W,” and “AU” grades). All courses required by a major, including those in other departments, must be included in the calculation of the major GPA.

“CR” and “NC” grades and units are not included in the GPA calculation.

“RP” and “I” grades and units are not included in the GPA calculation. An “RP” or “I” grade becomes an “F” if the coursework is not completed in the specified time frame. The “F” will be included in the GPA calculation in the quarter in which the “RP” or “I” changes.

“WU” grades are regarded the same as “F’s” in the GPA calculation.

“RD” grades and units are not included in the GPA.

“W” grades and units are not included in the GPA.

“RD” grades and units are not included in your GPA.

“W” grades and units are not included in your GPA.

When are final examinations scheduled?

nstructors will fully inform students of the manner of their evaluation as well as requirements and assignments. Typically, there will be periodic examinations, graded assignments, and a final examination. Final examinations are administered only during final exam week and only at the times scheduled by the university. Exceptions for compelling reasons are authorized in writing by the department chair with a copy to the college dean. The day and start time of the first lecture in the week determine the final examination time. Some courses contain a separate laboratory, activity, or discussion segment. Instructors may give a final examination on that segment during the last class meeting of that segment.

When will I receive my grades?

Grades for the current quarter are available online after the faculty submit their official grade rosters and grades are official. To check grades and academic standing visit MyCSUEB at:

How can I qualify for the Dean’s and Honors Lists?

Undergraduate students who achieve academic distinction in any academic quarter, as evidenced by a grade point average of 3.80 or higher in 12 units or more, in addition to any units graded CR/NC, will be included on the Dean’s List for that quarter. Students with a grade point average in the range of 3.60-3.79 will be included on the Honor’s List for that quarter. Recognition of these honors will be posted to the student transcript for each quarter that the student is on the list.

Honors at Graduation is covered in detail in the Undergraduate Admission and Degree Information  chapter.

What constitutes probation and disqualification?

The following policies govern undergraduate academic probation and disqualification:

Academic Probation

According to Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations, you must achieve at least a 2.00 grade point average (GPA) in all university work, all work at Cal State East Bay, and all work in your major to receive a baccalaureate degree. Academic probation warns you that your academic performance is below the state minimum required for graduation, and that you must improve your GPA before a degree can be granted.

There are various services to assist you in improving your academic standing. If you are an EXCEL or Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) student, you must contact your counselor. All other undergraduate students should contact the Academic Advising and Career Education office at 510-885-3621 and make an appointment to meet with an academic advisor.

When both your cumulative higher education GPA and your Cal State East Bay GPA reach 2.00, you are removed from academic probation.

Administrative Academic Probation

As authorized by Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations, you may be placed on administrative academic probation for:

  • withdrawal or administrative disenrollment from all or a substantial portion of a program of studies in two successive quarters or in any three quarters. (Note: A student whose withdrawal is directly associated with a chronic or recurring medical condition or its treatment is not subject to administrative academic probation for such withdrawal);
  • repeated failure to progress toward the stated degree objective or other program objective, including that resulting from the assignment of 23 units of “NC,” when such failure appears to be due to circumstances within your control;
  • failure to comply, after due notice, with an academic requirement or regulation, as defined by campus policy, which is routine for all students or a defined group of students, such as failure to complete the writing skills test, failure to complete a required practicum, failure to comply with professional standards appropriate to the field of study, or failure to complete a specified number of units as a condition for receiving student financial aid or making satisfactory progress in the academic program;
  • earning only grades of “F,” “NC,” and/or “WU” for two consecutive quarters or any three quarters.

Academic Disqualification

As authorized by Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations, as an undergraduate student on academic probation you will be subject to academic disqualification when:

  • as a freshman (fewer than 45 quarter hours of college work completed) you fall below a grade point average of 1.50 in all units attempted or in all units attempted at Cal State East Bay;
  • as a sophomore (45 through 89 quarter hours of college work completed) you fall below a grade point average of 1.70 in all units attempted or in all units attempted at Cal State East Bay;
  • as a junior (90 through 134 quarter hours of college work completed) you fall below a grade point average of 1.85 in all units attempted or in all units attempted at Cal State East Bay;
  • as a senior (135 or more quarter hours of college work completed) you fall below a grade point average of 1.95 in all units attempted or in all units attempted at Cal State East Bay.

Administrative Academic Disqualification

As authorized by Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations, if you have been placed on administrative academic probation, you may be disqualified from further attendance if:

  • the conditions for removal of administrative academic probation are not met within the period specified;
  • you become subject to academic probation while on administrative academic probation;
  • you become subject to administrative academic probation for the same or similar reason for which you have been placed on administrative academic probation previously, although not currently in such status.

If you are not on probation, you may be subject to administrative academic disqualification if:

  • at the end of any term, you have a cumulative grade point average below 1.0;
  • your cumulative grade point average is so low that in view of your overall educational record, it seems unlikely that the deficiency will be removed within a reasonable period.

How can I be readmitted as an undergraduate student after Academic Disqualification?

To be readmitted/reinstated as an undergraduate student following Academic Disqualification, you must have earned good grades at another accredited institution, or through Open University, have improved your CSUEB and cumulative GPA to 2.00 or better, and have completed any required remediation. Typically, you will not be considered for readmission for one year, certainly not for at least a quarter. If you are not admitted within three quarters, you must reapply for admission. (Please see the Graduate/Post-Baccalaureate Admission and Degree Information  for information about graduate reinstatement.)

The Admissions Review Committee will decide on petitions for reinstatement, on a case-by-case basis, if you do not meet the above-mentioned criteria but feel you have compelling and/or extenuating circumstances which prevent you from achieving the reinstatement requirements. The committee may reinstate you on probation if, in their judgment, you are likely to remove any grade point average deficiencies within the subsequent two terms.

If you are readmitted/reinstated, you must maintain a minimum term GPA of 2.5.

If you are academically disqualified a second time, you will not be readmitted/reinstated a second time.

Can I qualify for Grade Forgiveness?

Grade Forgiveness is the process that matriculated students seeking a bachelor’s degree follow, under limited circumstances, to remove the punitive effect of past academic failures. (A matriculated student is regularly enrolled after being admitted to the university.)

There are two ways to achieve Grade Forgiveness, Repetition of a Course and Forgiveness of Previous Term(s).

Repetition of Courses

You may repeat a course in which you have earned a grade of C-, D+, D, F, WU, NC, or IC for grade forgiveness two times, which means your earlier attempt(s) is ignored in GPA calculations, but not removed from your record, subject to the following conditions:

General Education course equivalencies:

Certain General Education courses are considered equivalent for the purposes of grade forgiveness. Therefore, students will receive credit for only one course in each of the following groups.

You must file a “Petition for Grade Forgiveness” with the General Education Office, Room 1500, Student Services and Administration Building, if:

  1. the course prefix and/or number has changed, or the course is Independent Study.
  2. your first attempt was at another accredited post-secondary institution.

You pick up the petition in the department offering the course at Cal State East Bay. The chair of the department must certify that the courses are equivalent. (This means the course content is substantially identical. It does not mean merely that the courses meet the same requirement.) After the petition has been approved by the chair of the department offering the course, you must file it with the GE Director in the GE Office before the end of the Late Add period for that quarter. The GE Director must then approve your petition. A denied petition is promptly mailed to you by the GE Office. An approved petition is sent to the Office of the Registrar. The previous attempt will be excluded from your GPA calculations after the end of the quarter in which you repeat the course and may not be reflected in that quarter’s grade report.


The CSU system normally forbids retroactive Grade Forgiveness. File your petition before reregistering for the course to give yourself time to adjust your program if your petition is denied.

Unit Limit on Grade Forgiveness.

Students are normally limited to 42 units, 24 of which will be forgiven and the additional 18 will be averaged.

  1. You can only receive grade forgiveness for 24 units of coursework.
  2. You may repeat an additional 18 units of coursework for grade averaging. The quality hours and quality points of the repeated courses will be averaged, while the units earned for these subsequent attempts will not be counted.
  3. After completing the 42 units of grade forgiveness and grade averaging, students who require additional units may petition through their advisor (AACE, [EOP or EXCEL if member of program], GE, major). If the petition is approved, the GE Office will also decide if the additional units will be given grade forgiveness or grade averaging.

Grade Forgiveness is not possible in the following circumstances (except with approved petition):

  1. You cannot repeat any one course for Grade Forgiveness, more than twice. (Some departments may restrict grade forgiveness to only one repeat.) If you do, the quality hours and quality points of all subsequent repeats will be averaged, while the units earned for these subsequent attempts will not be counted. These units will be counted as part of the 18-unit limit described in 2, above.
  2. You cannot receive Grade Forgiveness for a grade of “C” (2.0) or better. If you do repeat a class in which your original grade was a “C” or higher, the quality hours and quality points of all attempts will be used to calculate your grade point average, while only the units earned for the first attempt will be counted. These units will be counted as part of the 18-unit limit described in 2, above.
  3. Grade Forgiveness cannot be approved for any grade assigned as a result of academic dishonesty.
  4. If the original grade(s) was assigned at Cal State East Bay, Grade Forgiveness by repeating a course at another institution is normally not possible. (Exceptions can be made for disqualified students who file an approved petition prior to repeating the course elsewhere, but only to the extent necessary for their readmission.) Disqualified students repeating courses through Open University at CSUEB, only to the extent necessary for their readmission, do not need to file a petition.

Cal State East Bay honors the Grade Forgiveness policies of other institutions as stated on their transcripts.

You should not file a “Petition for Grade Forgiveness” if the original grade is still an “I.” You cannot get Grade Forgiveness because the “I” does not affect your GPA. If the grade has been changed to an “IC,” Grade Forgiveness is possible.

Forgiveness of Previous Term(s)

Under the most extenuating circumstances, you can petition to exclude from degree requirements and GPA computations up to three quarters (or up to two semesters) of coursework taken at any institution. To have your petition approved, you must meet certain conditions and follow the process described below.

Approval of your petition requires satisfaction of all the following conditions:

  • the coursework to be excluded does not represent your scholastic ability, and that this substandard performance was due to an extenuating circumstance;
  • you would be compelled to complete additional courses or enroll in additional quarters to achieve your baccalaureate degree if your petition is not approved;
  • five years have elapsed since the most recent coursework to be excluded was completed
  • you completed at least 22 units at Cal State East Bay since the last term to be disregarded, with a 3.0 GPA, 45 units with a 2.5 GPA, or 67 units with a 2.0 GPA.

You must complete the following steps:

  • complete your portion of the “Petition for Forgiveness of Previous Term”
  • obtain your major advisor’s approval on the petition
  • file the petition in the Student Information Lobby. If you are eligible, the Appeals Coordinator certifies that you meet the above conditions, attaches a copy of your academic record, and forwards the package to the Grade Forgiveness committee in the Provost’s Office. The committee acts upon all petitions by majority vote.

If the Appeals Coordinator determines you do not meet the conditions, you are notified and no action is taken.

Cal State East Bay honors the exclusion policies of the originating institution. Each term excluded by another institution reduces by one the number of terms that Cal State East Bay will consider for exclusion.

What recourse do I have if I believe I have received a grade that is inappropriate?

If you question the grade you received in a course, attempt to resolve the problem with your instructor. If you are not satisfied, discuss the issue with the chair of the department in which the course is offered. If the issue is not resolved, see the dean or associate dean of the college in which the course is offered. If all previous actions fail, contact the Presidential Appointee to the Grade Appeal and Academic Grievance Committee by calling 510-885-3716 (the Academic Programs and Graduate Studies Office). If you are a candidate for a degree, notify your graduation evaluator that a question is pending resolution. Remember, once your degree has been posted, no grade changes will be recorded.

Grade Appeal and Academic Grievance Committee

This is your recourse to resolve serious cases of alleged academic unfairness. After every effort by all parties to resolve the dispute has been ineffective, discuss your case with the President’s appointee to the Grade Appeal Committee. The Presidential Appointee will assist you in exhausting all normal channels and, if necessary, in filing a Petition for a Grade Appeal Hearing. Submit your Petition and supporting documentation to the Academic Programs and Graduate Studies Office (Student Services and Administration Building). The Grade Appeal Committee will review your documentation and the response(s) filed by the other parties involved in the dispute. If the committee finds possible grounds for a grievance, a Hearing Panel will be convened to hear the case. Under normal circumstances, you must file your Petition before the end of the quarter following the quarter in which the alleged incident took place.

The Grade Appeal Committee is empowered to change a grade in accordance with the Grade Appeal Document and to assign a grade in cases where the instructor may have assigned an unfair academic grade. The Grade Appeal Committee is authorized to change a grade only after it has conducted a proper review of the case.

More information is available from the Office of Academic Programs and Graduate Studies (Student Services and Administration Building; Tel. 510-885-3716).

How does Cal State East Bay define and handle academic dishonesty?

Faculty members are expected to instill in their students a respect for integrity and a desire to behave honestly. Deception for individual gain is an offense against the members of the university community. To this end, faculty will take measures to discourage dishonesty, adjust grades appropriately if dishonesty is discovered, and recommend that additional administrative sanctions be considered. Grading policies are the exclusive prerogative of faculty. Non-academic administrative sanctions are the province of the Director or the Office of Student Conduct, Rights and Responsibilities. Telephone: (510) 885-3763.

Academic Dishonesty includes, but is not limited to:

  • cheating, which includes possessing unauthorized sources of information during examinations, copying the work of others, permitting others to copy your work, submitting work done by others, completing assignments for others, altering work after grading and subsequently submitting it for re-grading, submitting the same work for two or more classes without the permission of all instructors involved, or retaining materials that you have been instructed to return to your instructor;
  • plagiarism, which includes taking the words, ideas, or substance of another and either copying or paraphrasing the work without giving credit to the source through appropriate use of footnotes, quotation marks, or reference citations;
  • providing materials to another with knowledge they will be improperly used;
  • possessing another’s work without permission;
  • selling, purchasing, or trading materials for class assignments (includes purchasing term papers via the World Wide Web);
  • altering the work of another;
  • knowingly furnishing false or incomplete academic information;
  • altering documents that make up part of the student record;
  • forging signatures or falsifying information on any official academic document;
  • inventing data or falsifying an account of the method through which data was generated.

If there is evidence of dishonesty:

  • involving cheating: the student should be informed promptly, in private if possible, that he/she is suspected of cheating. If an exam is in progress, unauthorized materials should be confiscated, and the student allowed to finish. If relevant, the names of students in adjoining seats should be noted.
  • involving plagiarism: your instructor should assemble documentation and notify you promptly in private.

Whenever dishonesty occurs, your instructor will take appropriate action and file an “Academic Dishonesty Incident Report” detailing the infraction and the action taken. The report will be filed in the Academic Affairs Office, per Executive Order 1073 with the Office of Student Conduct, Rights and Responsibilities, and you will receive a copy. The report will remain on file with the Academic Affairs Office for five years or until you graduate, whichever comes first.

Depending on the circumstances, you may: (a) be warned; (b) be required to resubmit work or retake an exam under specified conditions and with a possible grade penalty; (c) have your grade adjusted for the assignment; or (d) have your grade adjusted in the course, including assignment of an “F” at the discretion of the faculty. If the course grade is adjusted, it is not subject to Grade Forgiveness. See below for further administrative consequences.

You may appeal an instructor’s action to the Grade Appeal Committee (see above). Your appeal of an instructor’s academic sanction is governed by the “Grade Appeal and Grievance Document.”

The instructor may also request that action be taken by the Office of Student Conduct, Rights and Responsibilities. (In any instance of academic dishonesty, however, whereby an academic sanction is imposed, the instructor will file an “Academic Dishonesty Incident Report.” See three paragraphs above.) At the discretion of the Office of Student Conduct, Rights and Responsibilities, administrative sanctions such as warning, probation, suspension, or expulsion may be imposed. As prescribed in Executive Order 1043, Article V. Sanctions, paragraph E entitled Record Discipline, a record of disciplinary probation or suspension is entered on a student’s transcript, with beginning and end date, for the duration of the sanction. A record of expulsion or suspension for one academic year or more shall note the effective date of discipline and remains on the transcript permanently, without exception. (If an appeal to the Grade Appeal Committee regarding an academic sanction imposed by the instructor is pending, action by the Office of Student Conduct, Rights and Responsibilities will be postponed until after the adjudication of the appeal.)

The complete text of Title 5, section 41301 of the California Code of Regulations and of Chancellor’s Executive Order 1073 can be accessed on the website of the Office of Student Conduct, Rights and Responsibilities.