Mar 06, 2025  
2017-2018 CSU East Bay Catalog 
2017-2018 CSU East Bay Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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ENGL 1001 - College Writing I

Units: 4
An introduction to writing for academic purposes, critical analysis, and argumentation. Must complete course with a grade of “C-” or better in order to earn General Education credit. Students should consult the section of the University Catalog or Class Schedule dealing with the English Placement Test (see Registration) before registering for English 1001. Because this is the freshman-level, transferable composition course (for California community colleges, colleges, and universities), students enrolling in the course should, at the time of entry, be able to write brief essays showing adequacy in 1. selection of a controlling idea appropriate to the given writing task; 2. coherent development of that idea to a reasoned conclusion; 3. use of sentences that demonstrate some structural variety and that contain language appropriate to the audience and purpose, and 4. control of the conventions of standard, written English (relative freedom from errors such as fragments, run-together sentences, faulty agreement, and improper pronoun reference) and of mechanics (capitalization, spelling, and punctuation). The work of the course is to strengthen these skills by extensive practice in the writing of expository essays suitable for college-level credit. Students deficient in these prerequisite skills will be advised to take developmental writing courses before enrolling in English 1001. Prerequisites: Total Score of 147 or higher on the EPT or exemption from the EPT, passing ENGL 0910 , or ENGL 0803 .

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