Welcome New Students & Parents! Cal State East Bay offers orientation and advisement programs prior to each quarter to introduce new students to the university and to prepare students for a successful journey to graduation. Through special programs planned for freshmen, transfer, international, and graduate students, Orientation provides essential information about degree requirements, campus resources, course registration, and student engagement. During Orientation, new students receive academic advising and learn about the campus from current students, faculty, staff, and administration. Tours of the campus are also available. Student Life and Leadership Programs recognizes that students enter the university from a variety of backgrounds. As a result, special orientation activities are offered to address the concerns of freshmen, transfer, re-entry, and graduate students, their families and their guests. First time freshmen are required to attend Orientation.
Both the Hayward Hills and Concord campuses offer orientation programs for students and their families. Detailed information about Orientation is mailed to all individuals who have been admitted. Students awaiting final notice of admission may attend Orientation, although attendance does not constitute admission by the university.
Specific information about Orientation is mailed directly to all new students and is included in the quarterly Class Schedule. Additional information about orientation programs is available through Student Life and Leadership Programs, New University Union, Room 2011, 510-885-3872, email: orientation@csueastbay.edu; website: www.csueastbay.edu/orientation.
Freshman, Family & Transfer OrientationCal State East Bay invites you and your family to attend Orientation, the key to a successful beginning to your East Bay experience! Freshman, Family, and Transfer Orientation programs are coordinated through Student Life and Leadership Programs which is located in the New University Union, Room 2011. If you have any questions about Orientation, please call our office at: 510-885-3872 or e-mail: orientation@csueastbay.edu
Orientation for Concord, International, and Graduate StudentsConcord, International, and Graduate students may attend other orientations. Contact the following offices to receive information:
- Concord Students: Contact Concord Transfer Center at cctransfercenter@csueastbay.edu or call 925-602-6399 to find out more about the Concord Campus Orientation.
- International Students: Contact the International Admissions Office at iao@csueastbay.edu for available orientation services.
- Graduate Students: Contact your major department about orientation information that may be offered, as not all graduate programs offer orientation.
Academic AssistanceSeveral sources for advising services exist on campus. The quarterly Class Schedule (available online at www.csueastbay.edu/schedule/) also includes information regarding advisement services.
- Academic Advising and Career Education
- Consulting with an Advisor
- Course Requirement Information
- Faculty Office Hours
- Registration Assistance
- Educational Opportunity Program
- EXCEL Program
- Project IMPACT
- Renaissance Scholars Program
- Student Center for Academic Achievement
- Student Services Operation for Success
- Testing Services
Academic Advising and Career Education Academic Advising and Career Education (AACE) provides a full range of excellent academic advising and counseling services to all undergraduate students. Services include guidance and official updates on your progress toward completing your general education and graduation requirements (other than major requirements); assistance in developing realistic educational goals and a plan to achieve those goals; an explanation of complex academic policies and procedures; workshops throughout the year, and individual and group advising for new students.
AACE is the academic advising home for undergraduate students who have not yet declared a major at California State University, East Bay. We offer academic counseling and specialized assistance in exploring, researching and selecting a major based on your individual, educational and career goals. Undeclared students who are placed on academic probation are required to see an AACE academic counselor and/or attend one workshop “Understanding Academic Probation” each quarter until good standing is achieved.
In addition, AACE provides counseling and support services for all undergraduates who are experiencing academic difficulties such as those on academic probation or those who have been recently disqualified. Students (non-EOP or EXCEL) on academic probation are encouraged to meet with an AACE counselor to discuss strategies for improving their grades and academic standing.
Program for Accelerated College Education (PACE)Program for Accelerated College Education (PACE) is an innovative program which enables working adult students to make accelerated progress toward a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in either Department of Human Development and Women’s Studies or Liberal Studies Program . PACE classes are the same as those taken by students pursuing their degrees through the traditional university format. The only difference is the carefully structured course sequence which includes only courses in the evening, weekend and/or online, as well as the dedicated academic advising for PACE students. The PACE program is also available at the Cal State East Bay Concord Campus.
Convenient Locations
Hayward Hills Campus
Concord Campus
Credentialing Services The Credential Student Service Center (CSSC), in the College of Education and Allied Studies provides a one stop center for all students inquiring about credential program application requirements and procedures and information about applying for or renewing teaching credentials. The CSSC is designed to inform and assist students in fulfilling application procedures, early field experience, meeting program requirements, and maintaining student records. The Credential Student Service Center is located in the Art Education Building Room 235, (510) 885-2272.
Educational Opportunity Program (EOP)Established in 1969, the Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) provides admission and retention support services to low-income and educationally disadvantaged California residents who demonstrate the motivation and potential to succeed in college. EOP identifies and admits students who have the potential to succeed at California State University campuses, but who have not achieved their educational goals because of economic and/or educational background. EOP provides students with the resources, tools and skills to ensure academic and personal success through a variety of academic support services. These services provided by EOP include recruitment, preadmission counseling, special admissions, a Summer Bridge program (for entering EOP freshmen), specialized orientation sessions, academic advisement, personal counseling, skill-enhancement workshops, career guidance, peer advising, support groups, social/cultural activities, referral services, and EOP grants for eligible students.
EOP accepts students who qualify for regular admission, as well as a limited number of students who do not meet regular admission criteria. Only low-income and educationally disadvantaged undergraduate students who need admission assistance and/or support services to succeed at Cal State East Bay are admitted to EOP. Additionally, students must be first generation, California residents or AB 540, and meet the income eligibility criteria. They must also demonstrate academic potential and motivation to succeed.
To apply for admission to the program, prospective students must complete the online Cal State Apply application for Undergraduate Admission and check the appropriate box for EOP services. Once the CSUEB application is submitted (online), EOP applicants will receive an online EOP link and have access to complete the EOP Applicant Information Form and two EOP recommendation forms. Students must have all three documents submitted in order for their EOP application to be complete.
Flash Note: CSUMentor will be changing to Calstate.edu/Apply beginning June 1, 2017.
EOP is a high-demand program which only accepts applications for Fall term from applicants new to the CSU system. Currently enrolled and/or previously enrolled students (not formerly in an EOP CSU program) are not eligible to apply. Applicants who submit all required documents will be reviewed and if selected, will be admitted to EOP. All EOP freshmen receiving exception admission are required to attend the EOP Summer Bridge program as a condition of their admission for Fall term.
For assistance or for further information about EOP, please visit the EOP Office at the Library Complex (LI), Room 2500, or online at www.csueastbay.edu/eop. Prospective applicants can also email us at eopadmissions@csueastbay.edu or call 510-885-4683.
Student Center for Academic Achievement The Student Center for Academic Achievement provides academic support services that are as diverse as CSUEB’s students - from peer tutoring, to group supplemental instruction sessions, to online assistance and tutoring. Our FREE services are available to fully matriculated CSUEB students. Our programs include:
- Peer Tutoring:
- One-on-one assistance in Math, Statistics, and Writing with a trained peer tutor. The tutor’s role is to not do the work for you, but to guide you in the process of learning the concepts in your course.
- Online Writing Lab:
- The SCAA Online Writing Lab (OWL) allows CSUEB students to submit papers online and receive tutor feedback via email. We make every effort to return your papers within 48 hours after submission
- eTutoring:
- If you need assistance in subjects currently not tutored at the SCAA or cannot come to the SCAA during our regular operating hours, you can log in to our eTutoring platform on the SCAA website to get near-24/7 assistance in courses such as Accounting, Spanish, and Biology.
- Writing Associates Program:
- Trained student tutors are paired with an undergraduate course for one quarter to assist students in writing assignments that engage undergraduate students in the entire writing process, including feedback and revision.
- Supplemental Instruction:
- Provides peer-assisted, collaborate, and active study sessions that improve understanding of subject content, fosters critical thinking, and encourages life-long learning to classes that are considered “at risk” (i.e. large lecture classes).
- WST Prep Programs:
- The SCAA offers one-time in-person workshops, an online workshop, and an intensive, invite-only WST Boot Camp.
Cal State East Bay students are encouraged to use the Center regularly to improve their academic performance no matter what their skill level or class standing. Students are also encouraged to attend events sponsored by the Center, such as our quarterly, late-night extended hours tutoring event and contests.
The Student Center for Academic Achievement is located in the Upper Mall of the Library. Call 510-885-3674 or visit our website for information regarding hours, specific tutoring times, workshop dates, event information, or to schedule an appointment.
Student Services Operation for Success The Student Service Operation for Success (SSOS) is funded by the U.S. Department of Education. The SSOS program began in late 2011 and provides a full range of academic support services, counseling and cultural activities directed at historically underserved Asian American and Pacific Islander students. California State University East Bay is designated as an Asian American Native American Pacific Islander Serving Institution (AANAPISI). SSOS promotes academic success for Asian American and Pacific Islander students in college and helps students be career ready when they graduate. The program’s services include: Peer Mentorship, Academic Tutoring, Student Club Sponsorship, Leadership Class, Asian and Pacific Islander themed campus events, Academic Lecture Series, Financial Aid Workshops, Career Readiness Workshops, SSOS Workshops and more.
To apply to the SSOS Program or to find out more about its services, email us at:ssos@csueastbay.edu, call 510-885-SSOS (7767), or visit our office at ST 120. Additional information can also be found on the website at: http://www20.csueastbay.edu/academic/academic-support/ssos-aanapisi/index.html
EXCEL ProgramThe EXCEL program (a TRiO Student Support Services program) is funded by the U.S. Department of Education. The program provides a variety of educational services for Cal State East Bay undergraduates who have a demonstrated academic need and are low-income, first-generation college or disabled. The major goals of the program are to increase the retention and graduation rates of program participants and to create a supportive environment that encourages academic success.
EXCEL Academic Life Planning Counselors assist students in developing academic plans to complete their undergraduate degrees and solve academically related problems. They also provide advising in general education requirements, career and goal planning, scholarship assistance, guidance on balancing academic and personal life, and graduate school admission.
Learning skills improvement is provided by the Learning Resources Counselor. Assistance includes diagnosing academic weaknesses in learning and language skills and providing support in test-taking, reading textbooks, taking lecture notes, study skills, time management, and offering tutoring in basic academic subjects.
EXCEL students also have access to a variety of reference books on careers, learning skills, English, mathematics, reading and scholarships on non-federal financial assistance available to women, minorities, and people with disabilities in California and throughout the United States. Information about summer programs and internships is also available.
To apply to the EXCEL Program or to find out more about its services, call 510-885-3722 or visit the main office located in the Library Complex (LI) Room 2450. Additional information can also be found on the website at www.csueastbay.edu/excel.
Project IMPACT Project IMPACT is funded by a grant from the U.S. Department of Education TRiO Disability Student Support Services Programs to help eligible students with disabilities succeed in their academic program. The services provided by Project IMPACT are beyond the legally mandated services afforded to students with disabilities by Accessibility Services. Project IMPACT offers selected students individualized services such as:
- Academic Advising
- Tutoring
- Non-cognitive Skill Building (i.e., individual academic motivation, self-advocacy, perserverance, etc.)
- One-on-One Support
- Wellness Counseling
- Financial Aid and Scholarship Information
- Help with Choosing a Major and a Career
- Assistive Technology Computer Lab and Training
To be eligible for this program you must be:
- A matriculating student at Cal State East Bay,
- An individual with a disability,
- A U.S. Citizen, national or permanent resident alien, and
- Working toward your first baccalaureate degree.
For more information about Project IMPACT contact 510-885-2489 or visit: http://www20.csueastbay.edu/af/departments/project-impact/index.html.
Renaissance Scholars Program Jointly funded by the University, private foundations, non-profit organizations, and individual donations, the Renaissance Scholars Program provides a variety of educational and support services for current or former foster youth attending Cal State East Bay. The major goals of the program are to create the retention and graduation rates of program participants and to create a supportive environment that encourages academic success.
Renaissance Scholars assists students in developing life and leadership skills while providing a wide variety of services including academic, career, and psychological counseling, scholarship opportunities, emergency assistance, priority registration, priority placement in on-campus housing, recognition events, workshops, and field trips.
To qualify for Renaissance Scholars, a student must meet the following criteria:
- Be a current or former foster youth attending Cal State East Bay between the ages of 17-23
- Qualify for “Independent Student Status” under federal financial aid guidelines
- Be a California resident
- Be a graduating high school senior or incoming community college transfer student
- Have a minimum high school GPA of 2.0
- Transfer students must have earned a 2.0 GPA in all transferable coursework
- Demonstrate high motivation and potential
To find out more about the Renaissance Scholars Program browse the website at www.csueastbay.edu/renaissance, email us at renaissance@csueastbay.edu, call 510-885-4426, or visit the office in the Student and Faculty Support (SF) building, suite 202.
Additional Assistance
Consulting with an AdvisorEvery student who enters Cal State East Bay is entitled to receive major advising from a faculty member in the department or, if taking an Interdisciplinary Studies major, a committee member in his or her major. Undeclared Students, International Students, as well as most other undergraduate students, receive advising on General Education and other undergraduate degree requirements from Academic Advising and Career Education (AACE). All new students should see their advisors (major advisor and one of the AACE academic counselors) at least once each quarter during their first year at Cal State East Bay.
Freshmen and sophomores should develop a program with their advisors that will satisfy all requirements (general education, major, and minor or option if required) for the degree. Undergraduate transfer students are encouraged to attend orientation for their first advising session or contact Academic Advising and Career Education (AACE) at (510) 885-3621. Once transfer students receive the evaluation of their previous college credit, they should develop with their advisor a complete program of courses leading to the baccalaureate degree. Students should consult with their major and GE advisors before making changes to their program.
Career Preparation AACE provides, in addition to advising, counseling, information and employment services to assist students in transitioning from the university to graduate school or the professional workplace. These services include career advising and coaching, career exploration and assessment, occupational information, job search assistance, and employment information and referral. The office maintains a comprehensive Career Library with books, periodicals, videos, and online resources pertaining to job search, career guidance, and labor market information. A searchable online database of all books in the AACE Library is available on its website.
AACE offers regularly scheduled walk-in hours for resume critiques and career-related questions. Appointments are also available for longer counseling sessions. In addition, career assessments are available in AACE and on the AACE website to provide personal assessment and occupational information.
AACE offers workshops throughout the year, at both the Hayward Hills and Concord campuses. Subjects include resume writing, interview techniques, finding an internship, and personal skills assessments. Workshop and event schedules are listed on the website and in the Events Calendar. Calendars are available in AACE, online, and at eight “Career Corner” locations on campus.
Employers conduct on-campus interviews for graduating seniors and alumni in the fall, winter, and spring quarters. Participants are encouraged to attend an orientation session, either online or in the Center, before registering for interviews.
AACE hosts job fairs throughout the academic year for all undergraduates and graduates to explore career options and employment opportunities. Job fairs feature employers from local, national, and worldwide organizations. AACE also sponsors targeted recruitment events with a specific career or employment focus.
AACE maintains an online job database listing hundreds of part-time, full-time, temporary, and seasonal jobs and internships.
Cal State East Bay alumni and other working professionals in a variety of career fields provide CSUEB students with valuable career exploration information by telephone, e-mail, or in person. These “Career Contacts,” available on the AACE website, offer valuable insight into their career fields and experiences.
AACE’s website (www.csueastbay.edu/aace) provides 24/7 access to information about its services, workshops and events, major and career information, job listings, resume and interviewing guidelines, and other career resources. Students can search for jobs, obtain information about occupations and career fields, participate in the On-Campus Interview program, and view the calendar of upcoming career workshops and job fairs.
Change of Major, Degree, Minor, or Credential ObjectiveUndergraduate or post-baccalaureate students who wish to change their baccalaureate major or degree objective or declare a minor, and graduate students who wish to change to unclassified or second baccalaureate status, must obtain the required form in the Enrollment Information Center on the first floor of the Student Services and Administration Building or on the University Web site under “current students”. A change is not official until the form has been signed and returned to the Office of the Registrar. Students are responsible for the major or minor requirements in the Catalog in effect at the time they file the form.
Change of NameStudents may download the Personal Data Change form (for name changes) found on the University Web site under “current students,” complete and submit the form with copies of required government issued documentation (e.g., marriage certificate, driver’s license, or passport) to the Enrollment Information Center in the Student Services and Administration Building. Forms may also be mailed to the Office of the Registrar at Cal State East Bay.
Change of AddressStudents may change their address online in MyCSUEB. Students must officially notify Cal State East Bay of an address change in order to ensure that all official correspondence is sent to the correct address. The University is not responsible for mailing correspondence to the incorrect address unless the student has formally made an address change.
Course Requirement InformationFaculty shall provide you with a course syllabus, which should be placed on the course Blackboard site at the beginning of the quarter, containing the following information:
- Name of instructor, office location, office hours, office telephone number, and @csueastbay.edu e-mail;
- Course number and title, classroom location, number of units, prerequisites, a course description, objectives and student learning outcomes;
- Required texts and any other required and/or recommended materials;
- Student-supplied equipment and materials necessary for course activities;
- Course specific requirements and their due dates, such as examinations, quizzes, papers, field trips, and labs;
- Grading policy, which includes the relative weight of examinations, quizzes, papers, class participation, and other factors, and the grading scale;
- Attendance and make-up work policies and implications for grading;
- The following statement and reference to University policies regarding cheating and academic dishonesty: “By enrolling in this class the student agrees to uphold the standards of academic integrity described at: http://www20.csueastbay.edu/academic/academic-policies/academic-dishonesty.html.”
- Accommodations for students with disabilities. Sample statement: “If you have a documented disability and wish to discuss academic accommodations, or if you would need assistance in the event of an emergency evacuation, please contact me as soon as possible. Students with disabilities needing accommodation should speak with the Accessibility Services.”
- Emergency information. Sample statement: “California State University, East Bay is committed to being a safe and caring community. Your appropriate response in the event of an emergency can help save lives. Information on what to do in an emergency situation (earthquake, electrical outage, fire, extreme heat, severe storm, hazardous materials, terrorist attack) may be found at: http://www20.csueastbay.edu/af/departments/risk-management/ehs/emergency-management/index.html. Please be familiar with these procedures. Information on this page is updated as required. Please review the information on a regular basis.”
Faculties also are encouraged to include additional items such as:
- Course outline;
- Types of quizzes and exams (e.g., true-false, multiple choice, short-answer, essay);
- Availability of appropriate tutoring services;
- Policies regarding audio and video recording and use of electronic devices;
- Reference to University classroom behavior policies;
- Classroom food and drink policies.
Furthermore, faculty should advise you of their expectations for you in the course no later than the end of the second class. Any changes in course requirements should be communicated to you in a timely manner. It is your responsibility to read the course statement and to request any clarification of course policies. If you add the course after the first week of class, you must seek course information in a timely manner.
Note: This policy is to be implemented by each department.
Faculty Office Hours The faculty of the university is available during regularly scheduled office hours, which are at times other than scheduled classes. The times of the office hours are posted outside each faculty office, at the faculty member’s department, on the department website, and on the faculty member’s course syllabi. The faculty member informs the department of his/her office hours the first day of classes each quarter.
Full-time faculty members maintain a minimum of three (3) office hours per week and also make provision for meeting with students by appointment at a mutually convenient time beyond the stated office hours. The full-time faculty member’s office hours shall be held over at least two days and at least in half-hour blocks. Part-time faculty will maintain the equivalent of one (1) office hour per week for each four WTUs of their teaching load with a minimum of one hour and a maximum of three hours per week.
Faculty teaching online must also hold office hours and may make alternative arrangements with the Department Chair to be available online or by telephone. Online faculty’s office hours must include at least one (1) hour of availability by telephone per week.
If for any reason a faculty member cannot meet the posted office hours, the faculty member will inform the Department Chair. If possible, the department will note the absence on the faculty office door.
Note: Normal office hours are to be maintained during the Final Examination period. If a final examination conflicts with a posted office hour, an alternative hour is to be posted for that week alone.
Registration Assistance Students at Cal State East Bay can register for classes prior to each quarter via the university’s online registration system in MyCSUEB. Demonstrations and instructions for the enrollment process can be found within the “Help” feature in MyCSUEB. Students requiring assistance may call the Office of the Registrar at (510) 885-2784 or visit the Student Enrollment Information Center on the first floor of the Student Services and Administration Building on the Hayward Campus
Transcript RequestsStudents may obtain official transcripts of coursework taken at Cal State East Bay (including continuing education and special session courses) from the Office of the Registrar. Refer to the transcripts section on the university website for current ordering procedures and costs.
For transcript requests that arrive via the mail, the request should include: name, other name(s) which may appear on records, NetID or Social Security number, address, dates of attendance, and the complete address to which the transcript is to be sent. The university cannot be responsible for the consequences of failure to supply any of the above information. Mailed requests must also include a check (payable to Cal State East Bay) for the current fee. Please do not send cash with mailed requests. Address the request to Office of the Registrar, Transcript Request.
Students with financial and judicial holds placed by the university, or with academic, document, library, equipment, or other obligations to Cal State East Bay, are not permitted to receive transcripts or to request transcripts to be sent to other institutions.