History, B.A. Program (120 units)
Program Description
The History BA degree at Cal State East Bay is a flexible, foundational liberal arts degree enabling graduates to move into a wide choice of careers. Our graduates possess exceptional skills in analysis, research, interpretation, and written and oral communication. Cal State East Bay History majors are also culturally sensitive, careful thinkers, who work successfully in collaboration with others and with a powerful sense of ethics, derived from historical study.
Our motto is: Learn the Past. Understand the Present. Shape the Future. We therefore view our programs and our courses through the lens of applied history, which is the idea that investigations of the past are relevant to the present, and that a study of change over time historically enables us to effect change during our own lives.
The History major concentrations at Cal State East Bay are thematic, so that students can study the historical roots of urgent questions today, comparatively. We invite prospective students to review our three concentrations at https://www.csueastbay.edu/history/.
Program Learning Outcomes
Students graduating with a B.A. in History from Cal State East Bay will be able to:
- Interpret historical sources ethically;
- Employ valid research methods to answer historical questions;
- Demonstrate knowledge of diverse human experiences across time and place;
- Make the past accessible and relevant to the public;
- Collaborate in achieving representative historical understandings;
- Analyze the historical roots of contemporary issues.
Program Roadmaps
These program roadmaps represent recommended pathways through the program. Please see a major advisor to create a degree graduation plan that is customized to meet your needs.
| 4-Year Freshman Roadmaps |
| 2-Year ADT Roadmaps |
Career Opportunities
According to the American Historical Association, the leading five areas of work for History majors are in education, management, law, administration, and sales. History majors are well prepared for careers in these specific areas:
Archivist | Attorney | Data analyst | Community engagement specialist | Consultant | Curator | Curriculum Developer | Diplomat/Foreign Service | Diversity officer/consultant | Editor | Educational Professional (i.e., school administrator or student support specialist and counselor) | Elected representative | Government or public service | Grant writer | Human resources manager | Journalist and media | Legal assistant or paralegal | Librarian or library science | Marketing and social media | Museum professional | Non-profit professional | Park ranger | Preservation specialist | Researcher | Teacher, K-12 | University or college professor | Website designer | Writer
The B.A. degree major in History requires 51 semester units in History, 16 at the lower division and 35 at the upper division level. A required applied history course (4 units) introduces majors to the practical application of historical method and research beyond the classroom. Concentration requirements (minimum of 9 units) permit specialization in a particular area, while elective courses (minimum of 6 units) provide additional breadth. Three one-unit history labs are required for all majors to deepen skills learned in required courses and to consider their relationship to varied careers possibilities. Capstone courses in historical interpretation and guided research provide opportunities to enjoy investigation of unique historical questions selected by students, supported by faculty expertise.
Degree Requirements Unit-Outline
- A baccalaureate of arts degree requires a total of 120 units:
- The major requirements consists of 51 units
- General Education (GE) & Graduation Requirements (GR) consists of 57 units;
- Free Electives may consist of 12 units (actual number of free elective units may depend on GE/GR units).
Note: It may be possible to double-count units within the graduation requirements or that a course may satisfy both a graduation requirement and a major requirement. Students should contact their History major advisor (or department chair) and College of Letters, Arts, and Social Science General Education advisors.
History Major Requirements (51 units)
Lower Division Requirements
Students are required to take all of the following 16 units:
Upper Division Skills Courses
Students must take 12 units as outlined below:
Applied History
Students must take one (1) of the Applied History courses listed below for 4 units:
Elective Courses
With consultation from department faculty, students must take two (2) upper division history courses for a minimum of 6 units outside of their area of concentration.
Students must select one (1) of the following 9-unit concentrations:
Capstone Requirement
The thesis capstone experience for 4 units is required to complete the major.
Department Courses Listed by Course Type
History Courses
Department of History
Go to information for this department.
History: Applied
History: Lower Division
History: Graduate
History: Migration and Globalization
History: Social Justice and Citizenships
History: Sustainability and Modernization
History: Skills Courses
History: Additional Courses