Transfer Student ProgramTransfer Student Programs serves as a resource hub for transfer students to access the support necessary to achieve their desired educational goals.
Other Resources for Transfer Students
California Community Colleges GE Certification California Community Colleges and other authorized certifying institutions can certify up to 39 semester (60 quarter) units of General Education-Breadth (GE) or 39 semester (60 quarter) units of the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) for transfer students to fulfill lower-division general education requirements for any CSU campus prior to transfer.
“Certification” is the official notification from a California Community College or authorized institution that a transfer student has completed courses fulfilling lower-division general education requirements. The CSU GE and the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) certification course lists for particular community colleges can be accessed at
CSU campuses may enter into course-to-course or program-to-program articulation agreements with other CSU campuses and any or all of the California Community Colleges, and other regionally accredited institutions. Established CSU and CCC articulations may be found on Students can apply no more than 70 semester units to a CSU campus from an institution which does not offer bachelor’s degrees or their equivalents, for example, community colleges.
If a transfer student completes the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) and it is certified as being complete by their community college, they have satisfied the entire 39 semester unit lower division GE program and have only the three courses, 9 semester units, of the upper division GE program to complete.
Note: Even though a student’s certification from a California Community College (CSU GE pattern for CSU Intersegmental General Education Transfer Education Transfer Curriculum-IGETC) or another CSU campus may show more than the maximum number of certifiable units, they must still complete a minimum of 9 upper-division residence GE semester units at Cal State East Bay or another CSU.
If the student’s catalog rights for graduation are governed by this catalog, they must complete the following:
- Area upper division B, an upper-division Science Inquiry or Quantitative Reasoning course of at least 3 units selected from the Area upper division B list;
- Area upper division C, an upper-division Arts or Humanities course of at least 3 units selected from the Area upper division C list;
- Area upper division D, an upper-division Social Science course of at least 3 units selected from the Area upper division D list;
- The Overlay requirements may be satisfied simultaneously with lower- or upper-division Area GE requirements, courses in the student’s major, or as an elective course selected from Cal State East Bay’s Overlays list. This requirement can also be satisfied by lower-division GE transfer courses that meet the Cal State East Bay criteria; and
- The Second Composition requirement for transfer students, is satisfied with ENGL 200 (College Writing II), another approved second composition course, or an equivalent transfer course. Students who satisfy GE Area A3, Critical Thinking, using a course on the IGETC Critical Thinking list can also use that course to satisfy the Cal State East Bay Second Composition requirement.
Under certain circumstances, a student may be covered by different catalogs for their GE and major requirements. Please see an advisor for more information.
Students whose catalog rights for graduation fall under an earlier catalog should check the GE requirements for that catalog.
Students must complete at least 60 transferable semester units, including GE Areas A (English Language Communication and Critical Thinking) and B4 (Mathematics/Quantitative Reasoning) before transferring as a junior.
ADM - Credit for Accredited Community College Courses (TS)
Transfer Credit InformationUndergraduate applicants may view their preliminary degree audits in MyCSUEB after they are admitted to the University, submitted all required transcripts and accepted the offer of admission. The preliminary degree audit is programmatically generated based on articulation rules that are in the system. Students should exercise care when using the preliminary degree audit, as they may contain incorrect information. The Admissions Office will notify student at their Horizon email account once an accurate and official evaluation of transfer courses and how these courses apply to GE is available to be viewed. Students should direct questions regarding major requirements to the respective departments. It is also a best practice to check the degree audit regularly and discuss any discrepancies with an academic or major advisor.
Transferable Units through the CSU International ProgramA student may also apply units earned through the CSU International Programs that meet the criteria outlined in the lower-division and upper-division transfer requirements in this chapter. If a student also wishes to apply transfer credits to their degree, the total of the transfer and International Program units may not exceed one-half of those required for the degree. If a student completes their capstone experience (thesis, project, or comprehensive examination) while in the International Programs, this must be done under the supervision of at least one Cal State East Bay faculty member.
Also see the Center for International Education for more information.
Transfer of University-level Work from Outside the U.S.Transfer students with university-level work earned outside the U.S. will be accepted if the overall grade point average of that work is equivalent to the stated minimum grade point average requirements for admission and the courses were taken at an accredited institution of higher education. Recent transfer credit for university-level course work earned outside of the U.S. will be awarded after a course-by-course evaluation by the International Admissions Office. Students may be required to provide more information about the courses in order to determine if the courses meet departmental and university requirements.
SEAS - Transfer Asian Pacific American Student Success (TS)
Transfer Policies and RequirementsMost commonly, college-level credits earned from an institution of higher education accredited by a regional accrediting agency are accepted for transfer to campuses of the CSU; however, authority for decisions regarding the transfer of undergraduate credits is delegated to each CSU campus.
California Community Colleges and other authorized certifying institutions can certify up to 39 semester (60 quarter) units of General Education-Breadth (GE-Breadth) or 39 semester (60 quarter) units of the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) for transfer students to fulfill lower-division general education requirements for any CSU campus prior to transfer.
“Certification” is the official notification from a California Community College or authorized institution that a transfer student has completed courses fulfilling lower-division general education requirements. The CSU GE-Breadth and the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) certification course lists for particular community colleges can be accessed on the official transfer and articulation system for California’s public colleges and universities website,
CSU campuses may enter into course-to-course or program-to-program articulation agreements with other CSU campuses, any or all of the California community colleges and other regionally accredited institutions. Established CSU and CCC articulations may be found on Students may be permitted to transfer no more than 70 semester (105 quarter) units to a CSU campus from an institution which does not offer bachelor’s degrees or their equivalents, for example, community colleges. Given the university’s 30-semester (45-quarter) unit residency requirement, no more than a total of 90 semester (135 quarter) units may be transferred into the university from all sources.
Transfer Requirements
Applicants who have completed fewer than 60 transferable semester college units (fewer than 90 quarter units) are considered lower-division transfer students. Applicants who have completed 60 or more transferable semester college units (90 or more quarter units) are considered upper-division transfer students. Applicants who complete college units during high school or through the summer immediately following high school graduation are considered first-time freshmen and must meet the CSU minimum eligibility requirements for first-time freshman admission. Transferable courses are those designated for baccalaureate credit by the college or university offering the courses and accepted as such by the campus to which the applicant seeks admission.
Lower-Division Transfer Requirements
Due to increased enrollment demands, some CSU campuses do not admit lower-division transfer applicants.
An applicant who completes fewer than 60 semester (90 quarter) units of college credit is considered a lower-division transfer student. Due to enrollment pressures, some CSU campuses do not admit lower-division transfers so that more upper-division transfers can be accommodated.
Having fewer than 60 semester (90 quarter) units at the point of transfer may affect eligibility for registration priority at CSU campuses and may affect the student’s financial aid status.
California resident transfer applicants with fewer than 60 semester or 90 quarter units must:
- Have a cumulative grade point average of 2.0 (C) or better in all transferable units attempted;
- Have completed, with a grade of C- or better, a course in written communication and a course in mathematics or quantitative reasoning at a level satisfying CSU General Education Breadth Area A2 and B4 requirements, respectively;
- Be in good standing at the last institution attended; and
- Meet any one of the following eligibility standards.
Transfer Based on Current Admission Criteria
The applicant meets the freshman admission requirements in effect for the term for which the application is filed; - OR -
Transfer Based on High School Eligibility
The applicant was eligible as a freshman at the time of high school graduation and has been in continuous attendance in an accredited college since high school graduation; - OR -
Transfer Based on Making Up Missing Subjects
The applicant had a qualifiable eligibility index at the time of high school graduation (combination of GPA and test scores if needed), has made up any missing college preparatory subject requirements with a grade of C- or better, and has been in continuous attendance in an accredited college since high school graduation.
One baccalaureate-level course of at least 3 semester (4 quarter) units is usually considered equivalent to one year of high school study.
Note: Some campuses may require lower-division transfer students to complete specific college coursework, for example the four basic skill courses, as part of their admission criteria.
Upper-Division Transfer Requirements
Generally, applicants will qualify for consideration for upper-division transfer admission if they meet all of the following requirements:
- Cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 in all transferable units attempted;
- In good standing at the last college or university attended; and
- Completed at least sixty (60) transferable semester (90 quarter) units of college level coursework with a grade point average of 2.0 or higher and a grade of C- or better in each course used to meet the CSU general education requirements in written communication, oral communication, critical thinking, and quantitative reasoning, e.g. mathematics.
The 60 units must include at least 30 units of courses that meet CSU general education requirements, including all of the general education requirements in communication in the English language (both oral and written) and critical thinking and the requirement in mathematics/quantitative reasoning (usually 3 semester units) OR the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC) requirements in English communication and mathematical concepts and quantitative reasoning.
Associate Degrees for Transfer (AA-T or AS-T)
The Associate in Arts for Transfer (AA-T) and the Associate in Science for Transfer (AS-T) degrees offered at the California Community Colleges (CCC) are designed to provide a California community college student the optimum transfer preparation and a clear admission pathway to the CSU degree majors.
CCC students who earn an Associate Degree for Transfer (AA-T or AS-T) are guaranteed admission with junior standing to a CSU and given priority admission over other transfer applicants when applying to a local CSU campus or non-impacted CSU program. AA-T or AS- T admission applicants are given limited priority consideration based on their eligibility ranking to an impacted campus/program or to campuses/programs that have been deemed similar to the degree completed at the community college. Students who have completed an AA-T/AS-T in a program deemed similar to a CSU major are able to complete remaining requirements for graduation within 60 semester (90 quarter) units. It is the responsibility of the student who has earned an AA-T/AS-T to provide documentation of the degree to the CSU campus.
Cal State East Bay maintains a number of ASSOCIATE DEGREES FOR TRANSFER PATHWAYS from California Community Colleges with other institutions which are not displayed in TES or ASSIST.
Provisional/Conditional Admission for Transfer Students
Cal State East Bay may provisionally or conditionally admit transfer applicants based on their academic preparation and courses planned for completion. The campus will monitor the final terms to ensure that those admitted complete all required courses satisfactorily. All accepted applicants are required to submit an official transcript of all college-level work completed. Campuses may rescind admission for any student who is found to be ineligible after the final transcript has been evaluated. In no case may such documents be received and validated by the university any later than a student’s registration for their second term of CSU enrollment.
Note: Transcripts with all final grades posted must be received by the transcript deadline.
California Community College (CCC) students may be eligible for the California Promise program
(also see the section in the Undergrad Orientation & Enrollment Chapter for additional information).
California Promise at Cal State East Bay
The California Promise Program enables a specific number of CSU campuses to establish pledge programs for entering first-time students who are both interested and able to complete baccalaureate degrees in 4-years. All campuses have established programs for students with Associate Degrees for Transfer from any California Community College to complete their baccalaureate degrees in 2-years. The program is limited to students who are residents of California. Students who commit to enter either the 4-year or 2-year pledge will be given a priority registration appointment for each state-supported enrollment period and will be provided with routine and thorough academic advisement. In order to remain in the program, students must meet with their advisors as prescribed, develop an enrollment plan and complete 30 semester units or the quarter equivalent within each academic year, including summer. Participating campuses may stipulate other requirements as well. Interested students entering the CSU should contact campus offices or visit the California Promise Program website.
Beginning Fall Semester, 2018, students eligible to join the California Promise Program must be:
- Incoming transfers with an Associate Degree for Transfer relevant to their admitted major, and
- Participants must be California residents for purposes of in-state tuition eligibility.
Program Requirements
Once enrolled in the California Promise program, students must sign a pledge which states they will satisfy the requirements for continued enrollment in the Program.
- Successfully complete 30 units towards the degree every academic year (including Winter and/or Summer Sessions).
- Complete the degree program within two years for transfer students, beginning with the first term of enrollment.
- Maintain good academic standing, including a CSUEB GPA of 2.0 or above.
- Complete all required courses on the first attempt with the minimum grade requirements for the major.
- Complete a California Promise advising workshop and associated workshop requirements.
- Remain in the admitted major. (Students who change majors must receive approval from the California Promise advisor in the college of the new major, verifying that the change of major will allow the student to graduate in two years from their first term of enrollment as a transfer student.)
- Register for classes during the assigned California Promise priority registration window (within the first 24 hours of the registration appointment) and pay fees by the required deadlines.
Benefits of participating in the California Promise Program
- Advising specific to graduating in two years
- Early registration time
- On-time completion of the degree can save the student money.
Applying to Cal State East Bay’s California Promise Program
Eligible incoming students (California residents admitted as a transfer with a verified Associate Degree for Transfer relevant to their admitted major) will receive an email in their horizon email account about two weeks into the semester. The email will have information about California Promise as well instructions to pledge to this exciting, new program and enjoy its many benefits.
For questions not addressed here, please contact the California Promise Advisor at:
Transfer Student ProvisionsIn general, degree requirements are the same, but special provisions safeguard the programs taken by students at California Community Colleges and other CSU campuses. For transfer students, the following provisions apply.
- If a transfer student completes GE courses approved for transfer to the CSU and they are certified by the student’s California Community College and/or CSU campus, Cal State East Bay will accept them to meet the requirements for which they are certified.
- If a transfer student completes any part or all of the U.S. history, U.S. Constitution, and California state and local government requirement at a California Community College or other CSU campus and it is certified, Cal State East Bay will accept that certification for completion for all, or part of, the requirement. Contact the corresponding academic department (e.g., History) with any questions about this requirement.
- Cal State East Bay has articulation agreements for all of its majors with all California Community Colleges. These may be viewed online at:
- Cal State East Bay also maintains pre-approved transfer courses from multiple private and out-of-state colleges. They may be viewed online at: Transfer Evaluation System.
- If a transfer student successfully completed a course at another university or college that is not approved for a specific GE or graduation requirement but believes it meets the criteria for that requirement, they may request a petition for approval of the course to meet that requirement
- In the case of General Education, Overlay, or 2nd Composition, they should discuss it with their GE advisor. If the advisor agrees, the advisor will submit the petition for review. Note: Courses taken at a California Community College after 2012 cannot be petitioned for GE credit, but may be petitioned for Overlay or 2nd Composition. After action on the request for an exception, an e-mail to the student’s Horizon account will notify them of the decision.
- In the case of the American Institutions Requirement, the student must go to the department appropriate to the course and review the request with the department chair. If the chairperson agrees, they will approve the course and request a change in the student’s degree audit. Note: Courses taken at a California Community College after 2012 will not receive credit for American Institutions Requirement different from credit specified on Also, courses taken outside of California cannot be granted US-3 credit.
- The graduation writing proficiency requirement is mandatory on all CSU campuses. Cal State East Bay will accept the certification of the graduation writing proficiency requirement from any CSU campus. However, written documentation must be provided certifying that the entire requirement was satisfied at the other campus where the student was enrolled as a matriculated student. “Matriculation” means regularly enrolled after being admitted to a university. A student cannot, for example, take a writing proficiency test at another campus to meet the University Writing Skills Requirement at Cal State East Bay while they are matriculated at Cal State East Bay.
- A student who has a verified Associates Degree for Transfer from a California Community College automatically has satisfied Cal State East Bay’s Second Composition Requirement.
Note: Although students can complete a sizable portion of their graduation requirements at other colleges and universities, they should not forget the residence requirements previously listed. These must be satisfied while matriculated and enrolled at Cal State East Bay.
Transfer Evaluation System (TES)The Transfer Evaluation System (TES), which is similar to ASSIST, hosts multiple agreements that have been established for private and out-of-state institutions. Visit
Transferring Units as a Graduate StudentA minimum of seventy (70) percent of the total units required by the degree program must be completed in residence while enrolled as an admitted graduate student at Cal State East Bay.
Note: The number of transferable units for each degree program will be rounded to the nearest whole number of units.
Units taken while at other schools, while an undergraduate with permission to take graduate courses, while pursuing an additional baccalaureate degree in “Post-Baccalaureate” status, or, for state-supported programs, while enrolled in Continuing Education courses (including Open University courses) do not count as resident units. Courses offered in special session, e.g., summer, are considered resident units. Units taken while enrolled in another graduate program at Cal State East Bay may count towards resident units at the discretion of the program.
Please note that individual graduate programs may require more than 70 percent of the required degree units in residence. If so, it will be noted in the program’s section of this catalog for these requirements.
To request transfer credit:
- The student must have taken the course after earning a bachelor’s degree;
- Their department must accept the course(s) as relevant to their degree program;
- The institution at which the student took the course must customarily grant the level of credit for the course (graduate or upper division) that the student wishes to receive for it at Cal State East Bay;
- The student must have taken the course within five calendar years immediately preceding the receipt of their degree.
In general, Cal State East Bay does not allow the use of credit-by-examination from challenged courses for master’s degree requirements. Exceptions may be established by individual departments and must be noted in the degree description in the University Catalog. They are governed by the following policies:
- The student must pass the exam challenging the course with a grade of “B-” or better;
- Not more than 9 semester units of credit-by-examination may be applied to the degree; and
- Challenged courses may not be credited to the residency requirement of your degree.