2019-2020 Cal State East Bay Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
University Libraries
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University Libraries, LIBY Main Circulation - Open Hours: varies daily - Circulation: (510) 885-3612
John Wenzler, Dean of Libraries
Librarian Emeritus
Douglas B. Highsmith, M.S.L.S. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; M.B.A. Northern Illinois University
Associate Librarian Emeritus
Dana S. Edwards, M.S.L.I.S. University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; M.A. (English as a Foreign Language) Southern Illinois University, Carbondale
Linda S. Dobb, M.S. Simmons College; J.D. University of California, Hastings College of the Law
Liz Ginno, M.L.S. University of Washington, Seattle
Sharon Radcliff, M.L.I.S. University of California, Berkeley
Diana Wakimoto, M.S.L.S. Simmons College; Ph.D. Queensland University of Technology (Australia)
John Wenzler, M.L.S. San Jose State University; Ph.D. University of Rochester
Associate Librarians
Stephanie Alexander, M.S. University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
Thomas F. Bickley, M.S.L.I.S. The Catholic University of America; M.A. (Music) American University, Washington, DC; M.Div. Wesley Theological Seminary
Jeffra Bussmann, M.L.S. San Jose State University
Andrew Carlos, M.L.I.S. San Jose State University
Kyzyl M. Fenno-Smith (Library Faculty Chair), M.L.S. University of Washington, Seattle
Gr Keer, M.L.I.S. Rutgers University
Jiannan Wang, M.L.I.S. University of Iowa; M.S. (Computer Science) University of California, Riverside
Senior Assistant Librarians
Lee Adams, M.L.I.S University of Hawaii at Manoa; M.A. (Women’s Studies) DePaul University, Chicago
Lana Wood, M.S. Simmons College; M.A. University of California, Davis.
University Libraries Mission
The CSUEB Libraries promote student and faculty success by providing comprehensive and convenient access to the scholarly record. The Libraries teach students how to become information literate citizens who will continue to learn throughout their lives. The Libraries serve as a hub of academic support on campus by providing an engaging environment for study and an integrated suite of student services.
Information Resources
The University Libraries offer extensive collections, both in print and online, to support academic programs and faculty research. The libraries hold over 800,000 printed items, including books, journals, scores, maps, and U.S. federal and California state government publications. The libraries maintain over 100 subscriptions to print journals. In addition, they have over 850,000 microform items, and over 30,000 media resources. The libraries subscribe to 133 electronic databases and provides access to approximately 107,000 journals and over 220,000 electronic books.
The University Libraries maintain special collections and archives. Special Collections houses rare and antiquarian books; fine examples of book art; and manuscript collections, such as the Jensen Family papers, which provide rich primary sources on the history of the Hayward area. The University Archives contain the official records of the history of the University, as well as materials pertinent to the history of Southern Alameda County.
Instructional Services
The University Libraries offer information literacy courses. See the Library chapter in the undergraduate section of this catalog for course descriptions and further information. In addition to credit courses, the libraries offer course-specific instruction and workshops at faculty request to complement specific projects and papers assigned in class.
Reference Services
The University Libraries offer reference assistance in person at the Reference Desk, over the telephone, through electronic chat reference, and via email. Librarians are also available by appointment and during scheduled office hours for individual consultation regarding library research. For every department on campus, subject specialist librarians have created a subject guide. For a list of the librarians and their subject areas, see http://library.csueastbay.edu/aboutthelibraries/subject-specialists.
Circulation and Borrowing Services
For details about the circulation policies, ask at the Circulation Desk or contact them at (510) 885-3612, orcircservices@csueastbay.edu. The library participates in CSU+ a service that enables faculty, staff, and students to place their own requests to borrow books that are not available at Cal State East Bay. Interlibrary Loan staff helps individuals borrow books and journal articles not readily available at the University Libraries or through CSU+. Interlibrary loan requests may be made through the library web site at https://csueastbay.illiad.oclc.org/illiad/logon.html.
Media Resources and Reserves
From the Upper Mall service desk of the Main Library, the University Libraries provide access to media resources such as DVDs, CDs, videos, and other formats. Viewing and listening equipment is available. Reserve materials that faculty members have set aside for class use are available at this desk, or through Blackboard if materials are available in digital format.
The Library as Place
The library is an intellectual center to study, engage in research, and share knowledge and insight with others. Various spaces within the Main Library are designed to facilitate group and individual work. The library offers the following:
- The Learning Commons, a state-of-the-art facility offering the largest group of computers on campus, coupled with access to the collections, services, and support offered by the University Libraries;
- Adaptive Technologies which include several workstations on wheelchair accessible tables, and special speech and text magnification software;
- Photocopy Services, self-service machines available throughout the library (machines accept currency, coins, and copy cards);
- Networked Printing Services, computers in the Learning Commons and wireless laptops allow you to print from MS Office suite (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access), the Internet, and library databases;
- Group Study Rooms on the Upper Mall in the Main Library can be reserved online with D!Bs (at http://csueastbay.evanced.info/dibs) and facilitate work in small groups and the intellectual exchange of ideas through discussion;
- Student Center for Academic Achievement (SCAA) on the Upper Mall offers tutoring primarily in English and Mathematics. For tutoring appointments, visit http://scaa.csueastbay.edu/
Concord Campus Library
The branch campus library in Concord is a full-service library, providing reference and instructional assistance, electronic services, and circulation services. The Concord Campus Library provides access to all the resources at the main library through onsite and networked resources. Print materials from the Main Library can be paged for pickup in Concord.
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