Reporting an Emergency While on-campus for Police, Fire, Medical: call 9-1-1 from any phone.
9-1-1 calls from cell phones are routed to Hayward Police Department, then back to University Police Department
Non-emergency, on-campus numbers to call:
Campus Non-emergencies
Cell (or non-campus) Phone use: |
On-campus Phone or White Phone use: |
Police Business: |
(510) 885-3791 |
x5-3791 |
Concord Campus Police: |
(925) 602-6737 |
x2-6737 |
Escort Service: |
(510) 885-3791 |
x5-3791 |
Crime Prevention Service: |
(510) 885-3791 |
x5-3791 |
Lost and Found Property: |
(510) 885-3259 |
x5-3259 |
Anonymous Report: |
(510) 885-2444 |
x5-2444 |
Parking Services: |
(510) 885-3790 |
x5-3790 |
Student Health and Counseling Services: |
(510) 885-3735 |
x5-3735 |
University Information: |
(510) 885-3000 |
x5-3000 |
Facilities Development & Operations: |
(510) 885-4444 |
x5-4444 |
Note: When using a non-campus phone, you must use the “885” prefix instead of “5” in the above extensions; when using a (white) campus phone, simply use the extensions.
AlertMe Emergency Notification SystemUpdating Emergency Contact Information
Cal State East Bay uses the AlertMe emergency notification system to communicate directly with students, faculty and staff if an emergency occurs that affects the campus community. AlertMe sends notifications and emergency warnings via phone, text message, and e-mail. The AlertMe system is part of CSU East Bay’s emergency communications program and was designed to ensure everyone is kept informed and safe. The AlertMe System uses the contact information in the MyCSUEB profile when contacting individuals during an emergency. The University encourages everyone to review their contact information in MyCSUEB to confirm that the AlertMe contact information is up-to-date.
For questions regarding the Emergency Notification System, please contact Emergency Management Coordinator, Sergeant Yolanda Harris, at (510) 885-2886 or email or University Police Administrative Operations Manager, Desi Calzada, at (510) 885-7524 or email
During an emergency, keeping telephone lines available for people with emergencies is very important. Remember, when an emergency message is sent out, do not call University Police unless there is a specific urgent request needing immediate assistance.
Safety of the Campus Community is PrimaryThe university’s primary concern is the safety of its campus community members. The use of alcohol or drugs never makes the victim at fault for gender discrimination, harassment or misconduct; therefore, victims should not be deterred from reporting incidents of sexual misconduct out of a concern that they might be disciplined for related violations of drug, alcohol or other university policies. Except in extreme circumstances, victims of sexual misconduct shall not be subject to discipline for related violations of the Student Conduct Code.
East Bay Cares Cal State East Bay has created a network of structures, policies and procedures for working with at-risk students (including the potentially violent student) for the purposes of supporting the individual student, and ensuring a safe campus environment. The University has the responsibility to set policies and programs that promote safety, and to respond to students who are at risk of danger to self or others. Each organizational unit of the campus involved in this effort has a specific set of functions. However, it is the interaction of the various units of the system that is crucial when encountering the complex cases involving at-risk students.
To that end, Student Affairs has launched an East Bay Cares icon located on the University phone app. The Care team coordinates support services and appropriate University responses for identified students. For more information, see: or the EB CARES icon.
Reporting to University Police or University EmployeesREPORTING TO UNIVERSITY OR LOCAL POLICE
If a victim reports to local or university police about sexual misconduct crimes, the police are required to notify victims that their names will become a matter of public record unless confidentiality is requested. If a victim requests that his/her identity be kept confidential, his/her name will not become a matter of public record and the police will not report the victim’s identity to anyone else at the university, including the Title IX Coordinator. University police will, however, report the facts of the incident itself to the Title IX Coordinator being sure not to reveal to the Title IX Coordinator victim names/identities or compromise their own criminal investigation. The university is required by the federal Clery Act to report certain types of crimes (including certain sex offenses) in statistical reports. However, while the university will report the type of incident in the annual crime statistics report known as the Annual Security Report, victim names/identities will not be revealed.
Most university employees have a duty to report incidents of sexual misconduct when they are on notice of it. When a victim tells the Title IX Coordinator or another university employee about an incident of sexual misconduct, the victim has the right to expect the university to take immediate and appropriate steps to investigate what happened and to resolve the matter promptly and equitably. In all cases, the university strongly encourages victims to report incidents of sexual misconduct directly to the campus Title IX Coordinator. As detailed above, in the “Privileged and Confidential Communications” section of this policy, all university employees except physicians, licensed professional counselors, licensed clinical social workers, sexual assault counselors and advocates, must report to the Title IX Coordinator all relevant details about any incidents of sexual misconduct of which they become aware. The university will need to determine what happened - and will need to know the names of the victim(s) and the perpetrator(s), any witnesses, and any other relevant facts, including the date, time and specific location of the incident.
To the extent possible, information reported to the Title IX Coordinator or other university employees will be shared only with individuals responsible for handling the university’s response to the incident. The university will protect the privacy of individuals involved in a sexual misconduct violence incident except as otherwise required by law or university policy. A report of sexual misconduct may result in the gathering of extremely sensitive information about individuals in the campus community. While such information is considered confidential, university policy regarding access to public records and disclosure of personal information may require disclosure of certain information concerning a report of sexual misconduct. In such cases, efforts will be made to redact the records, as appropriate, in order to protect the victim’s identity and privacy and the privacy of other involved individuals. Except as detailed in the section on “Privileged and Confidential Communications” above, no university employee, including the Title IX Coordinator, should disclose the victim’s identity to the police without the victim’s consent or unless the victim has also reported the incident to the police.
If a victim requests of the Title IX Coordinator or another university employee that his/her identity remain completely confidential, the Title IX Coordinator will explain that the university cannot always honor that request or guarantee complete confidentiality. If a victim wishes to remain confidential or request that no investigation be conducted or disciplinary action taken, the university must weigh that request against the university’s obligation to provide a safe, non-discriminatory environment for all students, employees, and third parties, including the victim. Under those circumstances, the Title IX Coordinator will determine whether the victim’s request for complete confidentiality and/or no investigation can be honored under the facts and circumstances of the particular case, including whether the university has a legal obligation to report the incident, conduct an investigation or take other appropriate steps. Without information about a victim’s identity, the university’s ability to meaningfully investigate the incident and pursue disciplinary action against the perpetrator may be severely limited. See Executive Order 1095 (or any successor executive order) for further details around confidential reporting, and other related matters (
Additional Resources
- Cal State East Bay’s sexual misconduct violence prevention and education statement, which includes facts and myths about sexual misconduct violence:
- U.S. Department of Education, regional office: Office for Civil Rights, 50 United Nations Plaza San Francisco, CA 94102 (415) 486-5555, TDD (877) 521-2172
- U.S. Department of Education, national office: Office for Civil Rights (800) 872-5327
- California Coalition Against Sexual Assault ( 1215 K. Street, Suite 1850, Sacramento, CA 95814, (916) 446-2520
Oakland Police Department Non-emergency: (510) 777-3333 Emergency: (510) 777-3211 from cell phone
BART Police Non-emergency: (877) 679-7000
Alameda County Sheriff Emergency Services Dispatch: (510) 667-7721
East Bay Regional Parks Police Department Non-emergency, 24-hour: (510) 881-1833 Emergency: (510) 881-1121 from cell phone
Whom to Contact with Complaints, Questions, or ConcernsTitle IX requires the University to designate a Title IX Coordinator to monitor and oversee overall Title IX compliance. Cal State East Bay’s Title IX Coordinator is available to explain and discuss the right to file a criminal complaint (for example, in cases of sexual misconduct); the University’s complaint process, including the investigation process; how confidentiality is handled; available resources, both on and off campus; and other related matters. In the midst of an emergency, please call the police immediately by dialing 9-1-1.
CSUEB Title IX Coordinator:
Terri LaBeaux (510) 885-4918
25800 Carlos Bee Blvd. Hayward, SA 1600 CA 94542 Monday - Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm
CSUEB Title IX Officer:
Nyassa Love Johnson (510) 885-2743
Risk Management and Internal Control 25800 Carlos Bee Blvd. SA 1600 Hayward, CA 94542 Monday - Friday 8:30am - 5:00pm
CSUEB Deputy Title IX Coordinators:
Bethany Hobbs-Helmus, Intercollegiate Athletics (510) 885-7624;
Shirley Mar, DHR Senior Investigator (510) 885-4326
University Police Lieutenant:
Omar Miakhail (510) 885-3791
25800 Carlos Bee Blvd. Hayward, CA 94542
Hayward Police Department Special Victims Unit:
300 W. Winton Ave. Hayward, CA (510) 293-7034
Non-emergency: (510) 293-7000
Concord Police Department :
Non-emergency: (925) 671-3220
Emergency: (925) 671-3333 from cell phone
U.S. Department of Education, Office for Civil Rights (OCR):
(800) 421-3481 (main office), or
(415) 486-5555 California office), or
(800) 877-8339 (TDD) or (main office) or (California office)
If you wish to fill out a complaint form online with the OCR, you may do so at:
Title IX requires the university to adopt and publish complaint procedures that provide for prompt and equitable resolution of gender discrimination complaints, including sexual harassment and misconduct, as well as provide training, education and preventive measures related to sex discrimination. CSU Executive Order 1097 ( (or any successor policy) is the systemwide procedure for all complaints of discrimination, harassment or retaliation made by students against the CSU, a CSU employee, other CSU students or a third party.
Duty to Report. Except as provided below under confidentiality and sexual misconduct, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking, any university employee who knows or has reason to know of allegations or acts that violate university policy shall promptly inform the Title IX Coordinator. These employees are required to disclose all information including the names of the parties, even where the person has requested that his/her name remain confidential. The Title IX Coordinator will determine whether confidentiality is appropriate given the circumstances of each such incident. (See confidential reporting options outlined below.)
Regardless of whether an alleged victim of gender discrimination ultimately files a complaint, if the campus knows or has reason to know about possible sexual discrimination, harassment or misconduct, it must review the matter to determine if an investigation is warranted. The campus must then take appropriate steps to eliminate any gender discrimination/harassment/misconduct, prevent its recurrence, and remedy its effects.
Additional Information Concerning Sexual ViolenceSee further information in Cal State East Bay’s sexual violence prevention and education statement, Title IX Notice of Nondiscrimination (which includes facts and myths about sexual violence), and Victim’s Rights and Options Notice, at:
Also see Student Rights, Responsibilities & Conduct chapter in this catalog for nondiscrimination policies and definitions.