TED 597 - Mathematics Discovery and Development in PK-3 Units: 3 Curriculum and instruction for math discovery and development in PK-3. Focus on developmentally appropriate inquiry-based math instruction addressing emergent numeracy, concepts of number and patterns, mathematical vocabulary, measurement, and geometry.
Prerequisites: Acceptance into the PK-3 ECE Specialist Credential Possible Instructional Methods: On-ground or Hybrid. Grading: A-F grading only. Course Typically Offered: Variable Intermittently
Student Learning Outcomes - Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to: 1. Develop an understanding of mathematics content and concepts to teach using the CA Preschool Learning Foundations and Curriculum Framework, CA Mathematics Framework, CCSS, and NAEYC principles.
2. Understand and apply components of math concept development, including understanding processes of inquiry, exploration, observation, and classification of objects.
3. Support concept development and academic vocabulary in math through the use of children’s picture books.
4. Demonstrate knowledge of methods of engaging family and community support and involvement in children’s math education.
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