Mar 11, 2025
DANC 234 - Tap and Musical Theatre Dance on Stage and Screen Units: 3 ; Breadth Area: GE-C1; Diversity The evolution of Rhythm Tap and Musical Theatre Dance. History that reveals the sociopolitical and cultural challenges, including the marginalization of these art forms, as well as issues of race, gender, and class inequality experienced by their practitioners. Lecture Units: 2; Activity Units: 1.
Possible Instructional Methods: Hybrid. Grading: A-F or CR/NC (student choice). Breadth Area(s) Satisfied: GE-C1 - Lower Division Arts, Overlay - Diversity Course Typically Offered: Spring ONLY
Student Learning Outcomes - Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to:
- employ empirical data in research and reporting when involved in dance labs and the creative process;
- examine issues and perspectives through an analytical and critical lens, ask challenging questions, and work to find creative and informed pathways to solutions;
- engage in thoughtful discussions, active listening, and dissemination of ideas and findings;
- participate in a creative process that reveals broad world perspectives and attitudes in the areas of social justice, diversity and equality;
- work collaboratively and respectfully peer to peer or working as a member of a group;
- participate in a creative process based on personal experience amplified by quantitative and qualitative research.
C1. Arts Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrate an appreciation of the arts using their intellect, imagination, sensibility, and sensitivity;
- respond to aesthetic experiences in the arts and develop an understanding of the integrity of both emotional and intellectual responses; and
- in their intellectual and subjective considerations, demonstrate an understanding of the relationship among the self, the creative arts, and culture.
Diversity Overlay Learning Outcomes
- describe the histories and/or experiences of one or more U. S. cultural groups and the resilience and agency of group members;
- identify structures of oppression and the diverse efforts and strategies used by groups to combat the effects of oppressive structures;
- analyze the intersection of the categories of race and gender as they affect cultural group members’ lived realities and/or as they are embodied in personal and collective identities;
- recognize the way that multiple differences (including, for example, gender, class, sexuality, religion, disability, immigration status, gender expression, color/phenotype, racial mixture, linguistic expression, and/or age) within cultural groups complicate individual and group identities.
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