Feb 09, 2025
PHYS 304 - Acoustics Units: 3 ; Breadth Area: GE-UDB Basic introduction to the physical properties of sound. Focus on the scientific and mathematical framework describing acoustical concepts necessary to understand the creation and measurement of sound waves, with particular application to the human voice, speech articulation, and hearing mechanisms.
Strongly Recommended Preparation: Upper division status (greater than 60 earned semester units) and completion of lower division Areas B1-B3. Prerequisites: Completion of GE Areas A1, A2, A3 and B4 with grade C- (CR) or better. Possible Instructional Methods: On-ground. Grading: A-F or CR/NC (student choice). Breadth Area(s) Satisfied: GE-UDB - Upper Division Science Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning Course Typically Offered: Fall ONLY
Student Learning Outcomes - Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to:
- Demonstrate mastery of the numeracy and mathematical skills required to compute acoustical quantities.
- Demonstrate knowledge of the foundational physics concepts necessary for acoustics (such as wave properties, interference, driven/damped oscillations, and source/filter theory) and be able to apply these core ideas to analyze acoustic signals.
- Apply quantitative reasoning and critical thinking to solve basic problems in acoustics, both theoretical and experimental in nature.
- Design and analyze acoustics experiments and experimental data, and draw meaningful conclusions.
- Demonstrate the foundational knowledge for entry-level professional training in speech-language pathology and audiology.
UD-B. Upper-division Science Inquiry and Quantitative Reasoning Learning Outcomes
- demonstrate advanced and/or focused science or quantitative content knowledge in a specific scientific field, using appropriate vocabulary and referencing appropriate concepts (such as models, uncertainties, hypotheses, theories, and technologies);
- apply advanced quantitative skills (such as statistics, algebraic solutions, interpretation of graphical data) to scientific problems and evaluate scientific claims;
- demonstrate understanding of the nature of science and scientific inquiry and the experimental and empirical methodologies used in science to investigate a scientific question or issue; and
- apply science content knowledge to contemporary scientific issues (e.g., global warming) and technologies (e.g., cloning), where appropriate.
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