Feb 14, 2025
ANTH 140 - Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology Units: 3 ; Breadth Area: GE-D1-2 An anthropological exploration of the human communicative capacity, starting with the communicative modalities of language and the body and culminating in the study of contemporary language and media.
Possible Instructional Methods: Online-Asynchronous. Grading: A-F or CR/NC (student choice). Breadth Area(s) Satisfied: GE-D1-2 - Lower Division Social Sciences Course Typically Offered: Variable Intermittently
Student Learning Outcomes - Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to: - define and explain essential terms and concepts in the anthropology of communication;
- compare and contrast human language with animal signaling systems;
- compare different modalities of human communication;
- compare norms of communication in different culture;
- discuss how language communicates information about power and social hierarchies;
- use linguistic-anthropological frameworks and theories to analyze mass media messages.
D1-2. Lower-division Social Science Electives Learning Outcomes - specify how social, political, economic, and environmental systems and/or behavior are interwoven;
explain how humans individually and collectively relate to relevant sociocultural, political, economic, and/or environmental systems-how they produce, resist, and transform them;
discuss and debate issues from the course’s disciplinary perspective in a variety of cultural, historical, contemporary, and/or potential future contexts; and
explore principles, methodologies, value systems, and ethics employed in social scientific inquiry.
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