Sep 24, 2024  
2016-2017 CSU East Bay Catalog 
2016-2017 CSU East Bay Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Course Numbering Key

The numbering of courses is intended to describe the level at which they are offered. Any student, however, may enroll for any course if he or she has completed the listed prerequisites, except for certain graduate courses.

Course Number Description
0800-0999 Remedial courses (not for baccalaureate degree credit)
1000-1999 Freshman level courses
2000-2999 Sophomore level courses
3000-3999 Junior level courses
4000-4999 Senior level courses
5000-5999 Postbaccalaureate and professional level courses
6000-6999 Graduate level courses
7000-7699 Upper division level Continuing Education courses1
7700-7999 Graduate level Continuing Education courses1
8000-8999 Doctoral level courses

1. See the quarterly schedule of the Continuing Education website for classes offered each quarter.

Class Hours per Week

The number of class hours a course meets per week equals the number of units listed for the course, unless otherwise indicated in the course description. (A “class hour” is 50 minutes.) Supervision courses (e.g., independent study, project, thesis) have no prescribed correspondence between class hours per week and units.


Subject Area Course List (SACL) - Acting

  • THEA 2031 - Stage Voice A

    Units: 1
    Fundamentals of voice production. Includes warm-ups, resonance, relaxation, projection, and breath control. Repeatability: May be taken out of sequence with permission of instructor. Each may be repeated once, for a maximum of 2 units each. Only 2 units may be applied to Beginning Electives and/or an Option in the major.
  • THEA 2032 - Stage Voice B

    Units: 1
    Fundamentals of voice production. Introduces articulation, emphasis, and Standard American Speech in use in classic repertoire. Repeatability: May be taken out of sequence with permission of instructor. Each may be repeated once, for a maximum of 2 units each. Only 2 units may be applied to Beginning Electives and/or an Option in the major.
  • THEA 2035 - Fundamentals of Acting

    Units: 3
    Emphasis on scene specific improvisation, text analysis, identification of objectives, actions, and obstacles. Attention also given to freeing character through animal imagery, inanimate imagery, body centers, character analysis, given circumstances, and personalization. Prerequisites: Majors-one year of stage voice; Others-THEA 1020  or instructor approval.
  • THEA 2037 - Acting 20th Century Drama and Diversity

    Units: 3
    Exploration of acting, movement, and vocal technique through scripts from contemporary playwrights of various races, ethnicities, and cultures. Emphasis on character development. Exercises for connecting to personal experience, freeing the imagination, and personal discovery. Prerequisites: THEA 2035  and THEA 2055  or instructor approval.
  • THEA 2055 - Intermediate Acting I

    Units: 2
    Exploration of personal behavior under a variety of circumstances. Self-observation to create a reality. Selecting pertinent behavior and finding meaningful actions. Given circumstances, objectives, fourth wall, concentration, sense of self, and moment to moment involvement. Prerequisites: THEA 2035  or instructor approval.
  • THEA 2061 - Musical Theatre Show Choir A

    Units: 2
    Performance of songs from the American and British musical theatre repertoire; skills in various musical theatre styles, both solo and group, including song interpretation, dance, and acting skills. Class performs on and off campus.
  • THEA 2062 - Musical Theatre Show Choir B

    Units: 2
    Performance of songs from the American and British musical theatre repertoire; skills in various musical theatre styles, both solo and group, including song interpretation, dance, and acting skills. Class performs on and off campus.
  • THEA 2063 - Musical Theatre Show Choir C

    Units: 2
    Performance of songs from the American and British musical theatre repertoire; skills in various musical theatre styles, both solo and group, including song interpretation, dance, and acting skills. Class performs on and off campus.
  • THEA 3052 - Acting for the Camera

    Units: 4
    Acting in television drama; preparation for interviews and other television appearances. Prepares students for acting and production opportunities in CSUEB creative video courses. Strongly Recommended: THEA 1020, COMM 3100, or ENGL 3077.
  • THEA 3056 - Intermediate Acting II

    Units: 2
    Using personal behavior and self-observation to create a reality. Selecting pertinent behavior and finding meaningful actions. Establishing given circumstances, clarifying objectives, creating fourth wall, strengthening concentration, expanding sense of self, and increasing moment to moment involvement. Prerequisites: Instructor approval.
  • THEA 3057 - Intermediate Acting III

    Units: 2
    Using personal behavior and self-observation to create a reality. Selecting pertinent behavior and finding meaningful actions. Establishing given circumstances, clarifying objectives, creating fourth wall, strengthening concentration, expanding sense of self, and increasing moment to moment involvement. Prerequisites: Instructor approval.
  • THEA 3064 - Audition Techniques and Talent Analysis I

    Units: 1
    Audition techniques using monologues, scene work, and cold reading. Developing head shots and resumes. Self-marketing based on analysis of personal talents and type. Co-requisites: One of THEA 1494, 2494, 3494, 4494, 2055, 3042, or 3043. Grading: A-F grading only.
  • THEA 3065 - Audition Techniques and Talent Analysis II

    Units: 1
    Audition techniques using monologues, scene work, and cold reading. Developing head shots and resumes. Self-marketing based on analysis of personal talents and type. Co-requisites: One of THEA 1494, 2494, 3494, 4494, 2055, 3042, or 3043. Grading: A-F grading only.
  • THEA 4032 - Period Acting Style: Restoration and Moliere

    Units: 3
    Technique and physical style for British Restoration and Moliere. Exercises and scene work to increase skills repertoire. Using costumes, mannerisms, body positions, and commedia stock characters. Political and social changes that gave rise to classic theatrical visions of satire. Strongly Recommended: Strongly Recommended: THEA 2055 .
  • THEA 4038 - Acting Studio I

    Units: 3
    Classroom workshop productions of one act plays, short plays, and new works. Plays from various styles and periods. Provides opportunity to develop a main character and bring them to life in performance. The complete acting process. Strongly Recommended: Strongly Recommended: THEA 2055 .
  • THEA 4039 - Acting Studio II

    Units: 3
    Classroom workshop productions of one act plays, short plays, and new works. Plays from various styles and periods. Provides opportunity to develop a main character and bring them to life in performance. The complete acting process. Strongly Recommended: Strongly Recommended: THEA 2055 .

Subject Area Course List (SACL) - Dance Fundamental

  • DANC 2020 - Rhythm and Music for Dance

    Units: 2
    Study and exploration of common rhythmic and musical forms used for dance accompaniment. Composition of and improvisation to simple rhythmic scores.
  • DANC 2341 - Improvisation in Art and Life

    Units: 2
    Improvisation as a vehicle for deepening artistic expression, performance skills, body awareness, health, and communication. Integrates techniques from modern dance, music, dance theatre, martial arts, sports and more. Inclusive for people of all sizes, shapes, ages and abilities/disabilities. Repeatability: May be repeated once for credit, for a maximum of 4 units. Theatre majors/minors and Dance minors must take their first attempt for a letter grade only.
  • DANC 2342 - Integrating Theatre and Dance

    Units: 2
    Techniques for integrating movement, text, sound, and personal experience with diverse styles to create inclusive and vital contemporary performance. Fosters creative and innovative problem-solving. Inclusive, for people of all sizes, shapes, ages and abilities/disabilities. Repeatability: May be repeated once for credit for a maximum of 4 units. Theatre majors/minors and Dance minors must take their first attempt for a letter grade only.
  • DANC 2343 - Body and Mind Training for Performance

    Units: 2
    Overview of somatic approaches to training for dance, theatre, music, sports, public speaking and more. Combines modern dance and martial arts with diverse approaches to understanding and harnessing the full range of body systems for increased efficiency and health. Repeatability: May be repeated once for credit for a maximum of 4 units. Theatre majors/minors and Dance minors must take their first attempt for a letter grade only.
  • DANC 2344 - Site Specific Performance

    Units: 2
    Overview of techniques and approaches for performing outside the context of a fully furnished theatre. Covers movement, sound, text, image, design, improvisation and composition. Opportunities for studying, experimenting, and performing in multiple styles and settings. Repeatability: May be repeated once for credit for a maximum of 4 units. Theatre majors/minors and Dance minors must take their first attempt for a letter grade only.

Subject Area Course List (SACL) - Dance History

  • DANC 4201 - Dance in Modern Society

    Units: 4
    The development of dance from the post-Renaissance period to the present, i.e., modern dance, black dance, men in dance, social dance, musical theatre and avant garde. Social, political, psychological, and spiritual influences.

Subject Area Course List (SACL) - Dance Technique

  • DANC 1131 - Beginning Technique Classes: Beginning Hip Hop Dance I

    Units: 1
    Beginning dance techniques. Audition during first meeting to take course out of sequence. Credit Restrictions: Not open to students with two units of credit for former courses in the same technique in the DANC 1000 series.
  • DANC 1132 - Beginning Technique Classes: Beginning Hip Hop Dance II

    Units: 1
    Beginning dance techniques. Audition during first meeting to take course out of sequence. Credit Restrictions: Not open to students with two units of credit for former courses in the same technique in the DANC 1000 series.
  • DANC 1133 - Beginning Technique Classes: Beginning Hip Hop Dance III

    Units: 1
    Beginning dance techniques. Audition during first meeting to take course out of sequence. Credit Restrictions: Not open to students with two units of credit for former courses in the same technique in the DANC 1000 series.
  • DANC 1141 - Beginning Technique Classes: Beginning Modern Dance I

    Units: 1
    Beginning dance techniques. Audition during first meeting to take course out of sequence. Credit Restrictions: Not open to students with two units of credit for former courses in the same technique in the DANC 1000 series.
  • DANC 1142 - Beginning Technique Classes: Beginning Modern Dance II

    Units: 1
    Beginning dance techniques. Audition during first meeting to take course out of sequence. Credit Restrictions: Not open to students with two units of credit for former courses in the same technique in the DANC 1000 series.
  • DANC 1143 - Beginning Technique Classes: Beginning Modern Dance III

    Units: 1
    Beginning dance techniques. Audition during first meeting to take course out of sequence. Credit Restrictions: Not open to students with two units of credit for former courses in the same technique in the DANC 1000 series.
  • DANC 1171 - Beginning Technique Classes: Beginning Jazz Dance I

    Units: 1
    Beginning dance techniques. Audition during first meeting to take course out of sequence. Credit Restrictions: Not open to students with two units of credit for former courses in the same technique in the DANC 1000 series.
  • DANC 1172 - Beginning Technique Classes: Beginning Jazz Dance II

    Units: 1
    Beginning dance techniques. Audition during first meeting to take course out of sequence. Credit Restrictions: Not open to students with two units of credit for former courses in the same technique in the DANC 1000 series.
  • DANC 1173 - Beginning Technique Classes: Beginning Jazz Dance III

    Units: 1
    Beginning dance techniques. Audition during first meeting to take course out of sequence. Credit Restrictions: Not open to students with two units of credit for former courses in the same technique in the DANC 1000 series.
  • DANC 1191 - Beginning Technique Classes: Beginning Ballet Dance I

    Units: 1
    Beginning dance techniques. Audition during first meeting to take course out of sequence. Credit Restrictions: Not open to students with two units of credit for former courses in the same technique in the DANC 1000 series.
  • DANC 1192 - Beginning Technique Classes: Beginning Ballet Dance II

    Units: 1
    Beginning dance techniques. Audition during first meeting to take course out of sequence. Credit Restrictions: Not open to students with two units of credit for former courses in the same technique in the DANC 1000 series.
  • DANC 1193 - Beginning Technique Classes: Beginning Ballet Dance III

    Units: 1
    Beginning dance techniques. Audition during first meeting to take course out of sequence. Credit Restrictions: Not open to students with two units of credit for former courses in the same technique in the DANC 1000 series.
  • DANC 2131 - Intermediate Technique Classes: Intermediate Hip Hop Dance I

    Units: 1
    Intermediate dance techniques. Requires one year of beginning technique or instructor’s permission. Audition during first meeting to take course out of sequence. Credit Restrictions: Not open to students with two units of credit for former courses in the same technique in the DANC 2000 series.
  • DANC 2132 - Intermediate Technique Classes: Intermediate Hip Hop Dance II

    Units: 1
    Intermediate dance techniques. Requires one year of beginning technique or instructor’s permission. Audition during first meeting to take course out of sequence. Credit Restrictions: Not open to students with two units of credit for former courses in the same technique in the DANC 2000 series.
  • DANC 2133 - Intermediate Technique Classes: Intermediate Hip Hop Dance III

    Units: 1
    Intermediate dance techniques. Requires one year of beginning technique or instructor’s permission. Audition during first meeting to take course out of sequence. Credit Restrictions: Not open to students with two units of credit for former courses in the same technique in the DANC 2000 series.
  • DANC 2141 - Intermediate Technique Classes: Intermediate Modern Dance I

    Units: 1
    Intermediate dance techniques. Requires one year of beginning technique or instructor’s permission. Audition during first meeting to take course out of sequence. Credit Restrictions: Not open to students with two units of credit for former courses in the same technique in the DANC 2000 series.
  • DANC 2171 - Intermediate Technique Classes: Intermediate Jazz Dance I

    Units: 1
    Intermediate dance techniques. Requires one year of beginning technique or instructor’s permission. Audition during first meeting to take course out of sequence. Credit Restrictions: Not open to students with two units of credit for former courses in the same technique in the DANC 2000 series.
  • DANC 2172 - Intermediate Technique Classes: Intermediate Jazz Dance II

    Units: 1
    Intermediate dance techniques. Requires one year of beginning technique or instructor’s permission. Audition during first meeting to take course out of sequence. Credit Restrictions: Not open to students with two units of credit for former courses in the same technique in the DANC 2000 series.
  • DANC 2173 - Intermediate Technique Classes: Intermediate Jazz Dance III

    Units: 1
    Intermediate dance techniques. Requires one year of beginning technique or instructor’s permission. Audition during first meeting to take course out of sequence. Credit Restrictions: Not open to students with two units of credit for former courses in the same technique in the DANC 2000 series.
  • DANC 2191 - Intermediate Technique Classes: Intermediate Ballet Dance I

    Units: 1
    Intermediate dance techniques. Requires one year of beginning technique or instructor’s permission. Audition during first meeting to take course out of sequence. Credit Restrictions: Not open to students with two units of credit for former courses in the same technique in the DANC 2000 series.
  • DANC 2192 - Intermediate Technique Classes: Intermediate Ballet Dance II

    Units: 1
    Intermediate dance techniques. Requires one year of beginning technique or instructor’s permission. Audition during first meeting to take course out of sequence. Credit Restrictions: Not open to students with two units of credit for former courses in the same technique in the DANC 2000 series.
  • DANC 2193 - Intermediate Technique Classes: Intermediate Ballet Dance III

    Units: 1
    Intermediate dance techniques. Requires one year of beginning technique or instructor’s permission. Audition during first meeting to take course out of sequence. Credit Restrictions: Not open to students with two units of credit for former courses in the same technique in the DANC 2000 series.
  • DANC 4141 - Advanced Dance Technique Courses: Advanced Modern Dance I

    Units: 2
    Advanced or intermediate/advanced dance technique courses. Prerequisites: Previous training at beginning and intermediate levels. Eligibility determined by audition at first class meeting. Each course repeatable once for credit for a maximum of 4 units.
  • DANC 4142 - Advanced Dance Technique Courses: Advanced Modern Dance II

    Units: 2
    Advanced or intermediate/advanced dance technique courses. Prerequisites: Previous training at beginning and intermediate levels. Eligibility determined by audition at first class meeting. Each course repeatable once for credit for a maximum of 4 units.
  • DANC 4143 - Advanced Dance Technique Courses: Advanced Modern Dance III

    Units: 2
    Advanced or intermediate/advanced dance technique courses. Prerequisites: Previous training at beginning and intermediate levels. Eligibility determined by audition at first class meeting. Each course repeatable once for credit for a maximum of 4 units.
  • DANC 4171 - Advanced Dance Technique Courses: Advanced Jazz Dance I

    Units: 2
    Advanced or intermediate/advanced dance technique courses. Prerequisites: Previous training at beginning and intermediate levels. Eligibility determined by audition at first class meeting. Each course repeatable once for credit for a maximum of 4 units.
  • DANC 4172 - Advanced Dance Technique Courses: Advanced Jazz Dance II

    Units: 2
    Advanced or intermediate/advanced dance technique courses. Prerequisites: Previous training at beginning and intermediate levels. Eligibility determined by audition at first class meeting. Each course repeatable once for credit for a maximum of 4 units.
  • DANC 4173 - Advanced Dance Technique Courses: Advanced Jazz Dance I

    Units: 2
    Advanced or intermediate/advanced dance technique courses. Prerequisites: Previous training at beginning and intermediate levels. Eligibility determined by audition at first class meeting. Each course repeatable once for credit for a maximum of 4 units.
  • DANC 4191 - Advanced Dance Technique Courses: Advanced/Intermediate Ballet Dance I

    Units: 2
    Advanced or intermediate/advanced dance technique courses. Prerequisites: Previous training at beginning and intermediate levels. Eligibility determined by audition at first class meeting. Each course repeatable once for credit for a maximum of 4 units.
  • DANC 4192 - Advanced Dance Technique Courses: Advanced/Intermediate Ballet Dance II

    Units: 2
    Advanced or intermediate/advanced dance technique courses. Prerequisites: Previous training at beginning and intermediate levels. Eligibility determined by audition at first class meeting. Each course repeatable once for credit for a maximum of 4 units.
  • DANC 4193 - Advanced Dance Technique Courses: Advanced/Intermediate Ballet Dance III

    Units: 2
    Advanced or intermediate/advanced dance technique courses. Prerequisites: Previous training at beginning and intermediate levels. Eligibility determined by audition at first class meeting. Each course repeatable once for credit for a maximum of 4 units.

Subject Area Course List (SACL) - Musical Theatre

  • DANC 2121 - Musical Theatre Dance B

    Units: 2
    Dance techniques, interpretation, and choreography applicable to musical theatre. Might concentrate on dance related to current production, but will expand to other fundamentals. May be taken in any order. Prerequisites: One quarter of Jazz Technique or consent of instructor.
  • DANC 2122 - Musical Theatre Dance C

    Units: 2
    Dance techniques, interpretation, and choreography applicable to musical theatre. Might concentrate on dance related to current production, but will expand to other fundamentals. May be taken in any order. Prerequisites: One quarter of Jazz Technique or consent of instructor.
  • DANC 2123 - Musical Theatre Dance D

    Units: 2
    Dance techniques, interpretation, and choreography applicable to musical theatre. Might concentrate on dance related to current production, but will expand to other fundamentals. May be taken in any order. Prerequisites: One quarter of Jazz Technique or consent of instructor.
  • DANC 2124 - Musical Theatre Dance E

    Units: 2
    Dance techniques, interpretation, and choreography applicable to musical theatre. Might concentrate on dance related to current production, but will expand to other fundamentals. May be taken in any order. Prerequisites: One quarter of Jazz Technique or consent of instructor.
  • DANC 2125 - Musical Theatre Dance F

    Units: 2
    Dance techniques, interpretation, and choreography applicable to musical theatre. Might concentrate on dance related to current production, but will expand to other fundamentals. May be taken in any order. Prerequisites: One quarter of Jazz Technique or consent of instructor.
  • THEA 2044 - Fundamental Musical Theatre Techniques

    Units: 3
    Introduction to Musical Theatre performance. How to embody a song for stage. Combining singing, acting and dance skills to illuminate character intention, emotion, and mood. Musicality and basic audition technique. Concludes with juried showcase of performance skills and progress. Prerequisites: THEA 2035  or instructor approval. Grading: A-F grading only.
  • THEA 2045 - Applied Singing for Musical Theatre A

    Units: 1
    Introduction to scores, exercises, vocalization, and basic musicianship. Breathing technique; jaw, tongue and soft palate placement; placing the sound in the mask or head resonators; and expanding vocal range. Building solo repertoire from a range of musicals. Grading: AF grading only.
  • THEA 2046 - Applied Singing for Musical Theatre B

    Units: 1
    Introduction to scores, exercises, vocalization, and basic musicianship. Breathing technique; jaw, tongue and soft palate placement; placing the sound in the mask or head resonators; and expanding vocal range. Building solo repertoire from a range of musicals. Grading: AF grading only.
  • THEA 2047 - Applied Singing for Musical Theatre C

    Units: 1
    Introduction to scores, exercises, vocalization, and basic musicianship. Breathing technique; jaw, tongue and soft palate placement; placing the sound in the mask or head resonators; and expanding vocal range. Building solo repertoire from a range of musicals. Grading: AF grading only.
  • THEA 3041 - Advanced Applied Singing for Musical Theatre I

    Units: 1
    Continued development of healthy singing technique. Emphasis on song interpretation, approaching the song as a monologue, using personal identification to the text, and visualizing imaginary images while singing. Prerequisites: THEA 2045 , THEA 2046 , THEA 2047 , or instructor approval. Repeatability: May be repeated once for credit for a maximum of 2 units, only one attempt applicable to major option. Grading: A-F grading only.
  • THEA 3042 - Advanced Applied Singing for Musical Theatre II

    Units: 1
    Continued development of healthy singing technique. Emphasizes song interpretation, approaching the song as a monologue, personal identification with the text, and visualization of imaginary images while singing. Prerequisites: THEA 2045 , THEA 2046 , THEA 2047 , THEA 3041 , or instructor approval. Credit Restrictions: Not for credit in the Theatre major but required for progress in the Technique and Ensemble classes. Repeatability: May be repeated once for credit for a maximum of 2 units, only one attempt applicable to major option. Grading: A-F grading only.
  • THEA 3043 - Advanced Applied Singing for Musical Theatre III

    Units: 1
    Continued development of healthy singing technique. Emphasizes song interpretation and telling a complete short story with a song. Song repertoire will consist of cabaret story songs from the works of Charles Aznavour, Kander and Ebb, Kurt Weil, and others. Prerequisites: THEA 2045 , THEA 2046 , THEA 2047 , and THEA 3041 , THEA 3042 , or instructor approval. Repeatability: May be repeated once for credit for a maximum of 2 units, only one attempt applicable to major option. Grading: A-F grading only.
  • THEA 3048 - Musical Theatre Technique I

    Units: 3
    Acting while singing, including character development, revealing psychological intention, and moving the plot forward. Analyzing scenes with two or more characters that segue into songs. Breaking down scenes for actions, objectives and obstacles. Prerequisites: THEA 2044  or instructor approval. Grading: A-F grading only.
  • THEA 3049 - Musical Theatre Technique II

    Units: 3
    Acting while singing and scene to song transition. Scenes with three or more characters that segue into musical trios, quartets, and larger groups. Character development, moving plot forward, and revealing psychological intention. Concludes with juried showcase to evaluate progress. Prerequisites: THEA 3048  or instructor approval. Grading: A-F grading only.
  • THEA 3216 - History of Musical Theatre

    Units: 4
    Musical theatre from 1866 to the present; 19th-century minstrel and variety shows; the theatre of social change in the 20’s and 30’s; and “concept” musicals after 1970. Requires theatre attendance.
  • THEA 4040 - Musical Theatre Journal Review

    Units: 1
    Musical Theatre Option majors required to maintain a developmental journal from second year to include course and performance reflections, literature and character studies, personal repertoire list, and audition materials. Required fourth year for senior review. Open to third year students with advising. Repeatability: May be repeated once for credit for a maximum of 2 units. Grading: A-F grading only.
  • THEA 4048 - Advanced Musical Ensemble A

    Units: 3
    Focus on rehearsal technique and performance. Small ensemble musicals or musical revues to be performed on campus and at local high schools. Attention given to effective rehearsal technique, working as an ensemble, heightened lyricism, and acting technique. Prerequisites: THEA 3048  and THEA 3049 , or instructor approval. Grading: A-F grading only.
  • THEA 4049 - Advanced Musical Ensemble B

    Units: 3
    Focus on rehearsal and audition technique in preparation for beginning a career as a professional artist. Exercises to prepare for the audition setting. Making strong movement choices; learning and performing songs and scenes quickly. Prerequisites: THEA 3048  and THEA 3049 , or instructor approval. Grading: A-F grading only.

Subject Area Course List (SACL) - Production & Performance

  • THEA 1490 - Theatre Production Activity Courses: Costume or Backstage Activity A

    Units: 2
    Participation in preproduction or performance. Consult department office for course appropriate to desired assignment. First-year students take courses numbered 1490-1499; second-year students, courses numbered 2490-2499; third-year students, courses numbered 3490-3499; and fourth-year students, courses numbered 4490-4499. Repeatability: May be repeated two times for credit, for a maximum of 6 units for this series.
  • THEA 1491 - Theatre Production Activity Courses: Musical Theatre Production A

    Units: 4
    Participation in preproduction or performance. Consult department office for course appropriate to desired assignment. First-year students take courses numbered 1490-1499; second-year students, courses numbered 2490-2499; third-year students, courses numbered 3490-3499; and fourth-year students, courses numbered 4490-4499. Co-requisites: Concurrent enrollment in a section of DANC 2120  -DANC 2125  Musical theatre Dance A B, C, D, E, F as designated by the director of the current musical production. Repeatability: May be repeated two times for credit for a maximum of 12 units for this series.
  • THEA 1492 - Theatre Production Activity Courses: Stage Crew Activity A

    Units: 2
    Participation in preproduction or performance. Consult department office for course appropriate to desired assignment. First-year students take courses numbered 1490-1499; second-year students, courses numbered 2490-2499; third-year students, courses numbered 3490-3499; and fourth-year students, courses numbered 4490-4499. Repeatability: May be repeated two times for credit, for a maximum of 6 units for this series.
  • THEA 1493 - Theatre Production Activity Courses: Production Staff Activity A

    Units: 3
    Participation in preproduction or performance. Consult department office for course appropriate to desired assignment. First-year students take courses numbered 1490-1499; second-year students, courses numbered 2490-2499; third-year students, courses numbered 3490-3499; and fourth-year students, courses numbered 4490-4499. Repeatability: May be repeated two times for credit, for a maximum of 9 units for this series.
  • THEA 1495 - Theatre Production Activity Courses: Studio Production Activity A

    Units: 4
    Participation in preproduction or performance. Consult department office for course appropriate to desired assignment. First-year students take courses numbered 1490-1499; second-year students, courses numbered 2490-2499; third-year students, courses numbered 3490-3499; and fourth-year students, courses numbered 4490-4499. Repeatability: May be repeated two times for credit, for a maximum of 12 units for this series.
  • THEA 1497 - Theatre Production Activity Courses: Special Workshop or Production A

    Units: 1-12
    Participation in preproduction or performance. Consult department office for course appropriate to desired assignment. First-year students take courses numbered 1490-1499; second-year students, courses numbered 2490-2499; third-year students, courses numbered 3490-3499; and fourth-year students, courses numbered 4490-4499. Prerequisites: Consult department to confirm participation, assignment, course, and units. Only THEA 4497  may be applied to the major. Repeatability: May be repeated once for credit. Grading: CR/NC grading only for THEA 1497, THEA 2497 , and THEA 3497 . A-F grading only for THEA 4497 .
  • THEA 1499 - Theatre Production Activity Courses: Production Practicum A

    Units: 4
    Participation in preproduction or performance. Consult department office for course appropriate to desired assignment. First-year students take courses numbered 1490-1499; second-year students, courses numbered 2490-2499; third-year students, courses numbered 3490-3499; and fourth-year students, courses numbered 4490-4499. Repeatability: May be repeated two times for credit, for a maximum of 12 units for this series.
  • THEA 2430 - Fundamental Backstage Technology: Practical Make-up

    Units: 1
    Basic techniques of production for performance situations. Lights course includes stage and TV. Effects course includes pyro, fog, and releases. Open to non-majors. Repeatability: May be repeated once with consent of department, for a maximum of 2 units. Only 1 unit may be applied to the Theatre Arts major.
  • THEA 2490 - Theatre Production Activity Courses: Costume or Backstage Activity B

    Units: 2
    Participation in preproduction or performance. Consult department office for course appropriate to desired assignment. First-year students take courses numbered 1490-1499; second-year students, courses numbered 2490-2499; third-year students, courses numbered 3490-3499; and fourth-year students, courses numbered 4490-4499. Repeatability: May be repeated two times for credit, for a maximum of 6 units for this series.
  • THEA 2491 - Theatre Production Activity Courses: Musical Theatre Production B

    Units: 4
    Participation in preproduction or performance. Consult department office for course appropriate to desired assignment. First-year students take courses numbered 1490-1499; second-year students, courses numbered 2490-2499; third-year students, courses numbered 3490-3499; and fourth-year students, courses numbered 4490-4499. Co-requisites: Concurrent enrollment in a section of DANC 2120  -DANC 2125  Musical theatre Dance A B, C, D, E, F as designated by the director of the current musical production. Repeatability: May be repeated two times for credit for a maximum of 12 units for this series.
  • THEA 2492 - Theatre Production Activity Courses: Stage Crew Activity B

    Units: 2
    Participation in preproduction or performance. Consult department office for course appropriate to desired assignment. First-year students take courses numbered 1490-1499; second-year students, courses numbered 2490-2499; third-year students, courses numbered 3490-3499; and fourth-year students, courses numbered 4490-4499. Repeatability: May be repeated two times for credit, for a maximum of 6 units for this series.
  • THEA 2493 - Theatre Production Activity Courses: Production Staff Activity B

    Units: 3
    Participation in preproduction or performance. Consult department office for course appropriate to desired assignment. First-year students take courses numbered 1490-1499; second-year students, courses numbered 2490-2499; third-year students, courses numbered 3490-3499; and fourth-year students, courses numbered 4490-4499. Repeatability: May be repeated two times for credit, for a maximum of 9 units for this series.
  • THEA 2495 - Theatre Production Activity Courses: Studio Production Activity B

    Units: 4
    Participation in preproduction or performance. Consult department office for course appropriate to desired assignment. First-year students take courses numbered 1490-1499; second-year students, courses numbered 2490-2499; third-year students, courses numbered 3490-3499; and fourth-year students, courses numbered 4490-4499. Repeatability: May be repeated two times for credit, for a maximum of 12 units for this series.
  • THEA 2497 - Theatre Production Activity Courses: Special Workshop or Production B

    Units: 1-12
    Participation in preproduction or performance. Consult department office for course appropriate to desired assignment. First-year students take courses numbered 1490-1499; second-year students, courses numbered 2490-2499; third-year students, courses numbered 3490-3499; and fourth-year students, courses numbered 4490-4499. Prerequisites: Consult department to confirm participation, assignment, course, and units. Only THEA 4497  may be applied to the major. Repeatability: May be repeated once for credit. Grading: CR/NC grading only for THEA 1497 , 2497, and THEA 3497 . A-F grading only for THEA 4497 .
  • THEA 2499 - Theatre Production Activity Courses: Production Practicum B

    Units: 4
    Participation in preproduction or performance. Consult department office for course appropriate to desired assignment. First-year students take courses numbered 1490-1499; second-year students, courses numbered 2490-2499; third-year students, courses numbered 3490-3499; and fourth-year students, courses numbered 4490-4499. Repeatability: May be repeated two times for credit, for a maximum of 12 units for this series.
  • THEA 3490 - Theatre Production Activity Courses: Costume or Backstage Activity C

    Units: 2
    Participation in preproduction or performance. Consult department office for course appropriate to desired assignment. First-year students take courses numbered 1490-1499; second-year students, courses numbered 2490-2499; third-year students, courses numbered 3490-3499; and fourth-year students, courses numbered 4490-4499. Repeatability: May be repeated two times for credit, for a maximum of 6 units for this series.
  • THEA 3491 - Theatre Production Activity Courses: Musical Theatre Production C

    Units: 4
    Participation in preproduction or performance. Consult department office for course appropriate to desired assignment. First-year students take courses numbered 1490-1499; second-year students, courses numbered 2490-2499; third-year students, courses numbered 3490-3499; and fourth-year students, courses numbered 4490-4499. Co-requisites: Concurrent enrollment in a section of DANC 2120  -DANC 2125  Musical theatre Dance A B, C, D, E, F as designated by the director of the current musical production. Repeatability: May be repeated two times for credit for a maximum of 12 units for this series.
  • THEA 3492 - Theatre Production Activity Courses: Stage Crew Activity C

    Units: 2
    Participation in preproduction or performance. Consult department office for course appropriate to desired assignment. First-year students take courses numbered 1490-1499; second-year students, courses numbered 2490-2499; third-year students, courses numbered 3490-3499; and fourth-year students, courses numbered 4490-4499. Repeatability: May be repeated two times for credit, for a maximum of 6 units for this series.
  • THEA 3493 - Theatre Production Activity Courses: Production Staff Activity C

    Units: 3
    Participation in preproduction or performance. Consult department office for course appropriate to desired assignment. First-year students take courses numbered 1490-1499; second-year students, courses numbered 2490-2499; third-year students, courses numbered 3490-3499; and fourth-year students, courses numbered 4490-4499. Repeatability: May be repeated two times for credit, for a maximum of 9 units for this series.
  • THEA 3495 - Theatre Production Activity Courses: Studio Production Activity C

    Units: 4
    Participation in preproduction or performance. Consult department office for course appropriate to desired assignment. First-year students take courses numbered 1490-1499; second-year students, courses numbered 2490-2499; third-year students, courses numbered 3490-3499; and fourth-year students, courses numbered 4490-4499. Repeatability: May be repeated two times for credit, for a maximum of 12 units for this series.
  • THEA 3497 - Theatre Production Activity Courses: Special Workshop or Production C

    Units: 1-12
    Participation in preproduction or performance. Consult department office for course appropriate to desired assignment. First-year students take courses numbered 1490-1499; second-year students, courses numbered 2490-2499; third-year students, courses numbered 3490-3499; and fourth-year students, courses numbered 4490-4499. Prerequisites: Consult department to confirm participation, assignment, course, and units. Only THEA 4497  may be applied to the major. Repeatability: May be repeated once for credit. Grading: CR/NC grading only for THEA 1497 , THEA 2497 , and 3497. A-F grading only for THEA 4497 .
  • THEA 3499 - Theatre Production Activity Courses: Production Practicum C

    Units: 4
    Participation in preproduction or performance. Consult department office for course appropriate to desired assignment. First-year students take courses numbered 1490-1499; second-year students, courses numbered 2490-2499; third-year students, courses numbered 3490-3499; and fourth-year students, courses numbered 4490-4499. Repeatability: May be repeated two times for credit, for a maximum of 12 units for this series.
  • THEA 4490 - Theatre Production Activity Courses: Costume or Backstage Activity D

    Units: 2
    Participation in preproduction or performance. Consult department office for course appropriate to desired assignment. First-year students take courses numbered 1490-1499; second-year students, courses numbered 2490-2499; third-year students, courses numbered 3490-3499; and fourth-year students, courses numbered 4490-4499. Repeatability: May be repeated two times for credit, for a maximum of 6 units for this series.
  • THEA 4491 - Theatre Production Activity Courses: Musical Theatre Production D

    Units: 4
    Participation in preproduction or performance. Consult department office for course appropriate to desired assignment. First-year students take courses numbered 1490-1499; second-year students, courses numbered 2490-2499; third-year students, courses numbered 3490-3499; and fourth-year students, courses numbered 4490-4499. Co-requisites: Concurrent enrollment in a section of DANC 2120 -DANC 2125  Musical theatre Dance A B, C, D, E, F as designated by the director of the current musical production. Repeatability: May be repeated two times for credit for a maximum of 12 units for this series.
  • THEA 4492 - Theatre Production Activity Courses: Stage Crew Activity D

    Units: 2
    Participation in preproduction or performance. Consult department office for course appropriate to desired assignment. First-year students take courses numbered 1490-1499; second-year students, courses numbered 2490-2499; third-year students, courses numbered 3490-3499; and fourth-year students, courses numbered 4490-4499. Repeatability: May be repeated two times for credit, for a maximum of 6 units for this series.
  • THEA 4493 - Theatre Production Activity Courses: Production Staff Activity D

    Units: 3
    Participation in preproduction or performance. Consult department office for course appropriate to desired assignment. First-year students take courses numbered 1490-1499; second-year students, courses numbered 2490-2499; third-year students, courses numbered 3490-3499; and fourth-year students, courses numbered 4490-4499. Repeatability: May be repeated two times for credit, for a maximum of 9 units for this series.
  • THEA 4495 - Theatre Production Activity Courses: Studio Production Activity D

    Units: 4
    Participation in preproduction or performance. Consult department office for course appropriate to desired assignment. First-year students take courses numbered 1490-1499; second-year students, courses numbered 2490-2499; third-year students, courses numbered 3490-3499; and fourth-year students, courses numbered 4490-4499. Repeatability: May be repeated two times for credit, for a maximum of 12 units for this series.
  • THEA 4497 - Theatre Production Activity Courses: Special Workshop or Production D

    Units: 1-12
    Participation in preproduction or performance. Consult department office for course appropriate to desired assignment. First-year students take courses numbered 1490-1499; second-year students, courses numbered 2490-2499; third-year students, courses numbered 3490-3499; and fourth-year students, courses numbered 4490-4499. Prerequisites: Consult department to confirm participation, assignment, course, and units. Only THEA 4497 may be applied to the major. Repeatability: May be repeated once for credit. Grading: CR/NC grading only for THEA 1497 , THEA 2497 , and THEA 3497 . A-F grading only for THEA 4497.
  • THEA 4499 - Theatre Production Activity Courses: Production Practicum D

    Units: 4
    Participation in preproduction or performance. Consult department office for course appropriate to desired assignment. First-year students take courses numbered 1490-1499; second-year students, courses numbered 2490-2499; third-year students, courses numbered 3490-3499; and fourth-year students, courses numbered 4490-4499. Repeatability: May be repeated two times for credit, for a maximum of 12 units for this series.

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