Sep 24, 2024  
2016-2017 CSU East Bay Catalog 
2016-2017 CSU East Bay Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Course Numbering Key

The numbering of courses is intended to describe the level at which they are offered. Any student, however, may enroll for any course if he or she has completed the listed prerequisites, except for certain graduate courses.

Course Number Description
0800-0999 Remedial courses (not for baccalaureate degree credit)
1000-1999 Freshman level courses
2000-2999 Sophomore level courses
3000-3999 Junior level courses
4000-4999 Senior level courses
5000-5999 Postbaccalaureate and professional level courses
6000-6999 Graduate level courses
7000-7699 Upper division level Continuing Education courses1
7700-7999 Graduate level Continuing Education courses1
8000-8999 Doctoral level courses

1. See the quarterly schedule of the Continuing Education website for classes offered each quarter.

Class Hours per Week

The number of class hours a course meets per week equals the number of units listed for the course, unless otherwise indicated in the course description. (A “class hour” is 50 minutes.) Supervision courses (e.g., independent study, project, thesis) have no prescribed correspondence between class hours per week and units.



  • STAT 3031 - Statistical Methods in Biology

    Units: 4
    Basic probability and statistical concepts. Introduction to the analysis of variance, correlation, and simple linear regression. Nonparametric techniques with application to biology. Prerequisites: MATH 1130  or consent of instructor.
  • STAT 3050 - Statistics: from Data to Decisions

    Units: 4
    Fundamentals of statistical reasoning illustrated with real data from such fields as biology, psychology, geology, anthropology, physics, medical technology. How to decide on an appropriate statistical method. Graphical methods, computer assisted analysis of data. Drawing conclusions. Projects with written reports. Prerequisites: STAT 1000  or equivalent. Credit Restrictions: Not for credit in Statistics B.S. degree. Acceptable for credit in statistics minor.
  • STAT 3088 - Gambling and Games of Chance

    Units: 4
    A survey of popular gambling games, including dice games, card games, and horse racing. Discussion of odds and probabilities, and how to turn those into gambling strategies. Prerequisites: Lower division quantitative reasoning, General Education Area B4, satisfied. Credit Restrictions: Not for credit in Statistics B.S. degree.
  • STAT 3401 - Introduction to Probability Theory I

    Units: 4
    The theory of probability with applications to science and engineering. Sample spaces; random variables; joint, marginal, conditional distributions; expectations; important distributions (binomial, Poisson, normal, etc.); and moment generating functions.
  • STAT 3402 - Introduction to Probability Theory II

    Units: 4
    Generating functions and multivariate distributions. Conditioning. Chebyshev inequality and limit theorems. Multidimensional transformations of random variables. Derivation of t and F distributions. Uses of probability theory in mathematical statistics. Prerequisites: STAT 3401  or STAT 4412 .
  • STAT 3502 - Statistical Inference I

    Units: 4
    Random variables, sampling distributions (binomial, Poisson, normal, exponential), conditional probability. Estimation, hypothesis testing. Computer-aided computations. Topics include: t-tests, correlation, regression; proportions, chi-squared; ANOVA. Prerequisites: MATH 1305 .
  • STAT 3503 - Statistical Inference II

    Units: 4
    General linear hypothesis with emphasis on design and analysis of experiments. Data from science, engineering, and quality management. Factorial designs: random effects, nesting. Optional topics: incomplete blocks, missing data, analysis of covariance. Computer-aided analysis. Prerequisites: STAT 3502  or STAT 3601 .
  • STAT 3510 - Sampling Procedures for Surveys

    Units: 4
    Detailed investigation of sampling methods. Design and comparisons of stratified, systematic, and cluster sampling procedures. Techniques of multistage and multiphase sampling. Emphasis on applications to social science. Prerequisites: STAT 1000  or equivalent.
  • STAT 3601 - Statistics and Probability for Science and Engineering I

    Units: 4
    Basic probability rules (independence, Bayes’ Theorem), distributions (binomial, Poisson, normal, exponential), reliability. Descriptive, inferential statistics (control charts, estimation, hypothesis testing: one, two samples), correlation, regression. Emphasizes: computer analysis, simulation; science, engineering applications. Prerequisites: MATH 1305 . Credit Restrictions: Not open to students with credit for STAT 3502 /ENGR 3502. Cross-listed: INDE 3601 .
  • STAT 3602 - Statistics and Probability for Science and Engineering II

    Units: 4
    General linear model with emphasis on design and analysis of experiments. Fixed and random effects and nested models. Power and sample size considerations. Emphasizes: computer analysis, simulation; science, engineering applications. Prerequisites: STAT 3502  or STAT 3601 /INDE 3601 . Credit Restrictions: Not open to those with credit for STAT 3503 . Cross-listed: INDE 3602 .
  • STAT 3898 - Cooperative Education

    Units: 1-4
    Supervised work experience in which student completes academic assignments integrated with off-campus paid or volunteer activities. Prerequisites: At least 2.0 GPA; departmental approval of activity. Repeatability: May be repeated for credit, for a maximum of 8 units. A maximum of 4 units will be accepted toward the Statistics major.
  • STAT 3900 - Data Analysis Using Statistical Packages

    Units: 4
    Using computer packages (e.g., SPSS, SAS) and interpreting output. Data preparation, descriptive statistics, graphs, checks for normality, t-tests, F-tests, ANOVA, cross tabulations, chi-squared tests, correlation, and report preparation. Prerequisites: A previous course in statistics.
  • STAT 3910 - Statistical Software Usage

    Units: 4
    Using program code in a statistical software package (e.g., SPSS, R or SAS), producing reformatted data and statistical analysis. Topics may include graphics, creating and managing data files, and simulations. Prerequisites: A previous Statistics course and skill in computer usage.
  • STAT 3999 - Issues in Statistics

    Units: 4
    Readings, discussion, and research on contemporary and/or significant issues in statistics. Repeatability: May be repeated for credit when content varies, for a maximum of 8 units.
  • STAT 4000 - Analysis of Variance in the Behavioral Sciences

    Units: 4
    Review of elementary analysis of variance. Factorial analysis of variance, multiple comparisons, and repeated measures designs. Prerequisites: STAT 3010  or STAT 3031 .
  • STAT 4013 - Statistics, Data Analysis, and Probability

    Units: 4
    (See MATH 4013  for course description.)
  • STAT 4401 - Introduction to Stochastic Processes

    Units: 4
    Theory of stochastic models with applications to science and engineering. Markov processes. Elementary birth-death processes, queues. Limit theorems. Computer simulation. Applications: e.g., inventory models, reliability, epidemiology. Prerequisites: STAT 3401 /MATH 3401 or STAT 3601 /INDE 3601 .
  • STAT 4412 - Probability Theory

    Units: 4
    Same spaces; random variables, joint, marginal, conditional distributions; expectations for modeling data; related use of computer packages; moment generating functions; transforming a random variable. Prerequisites: MATH 1305 . Credit Restrictions: Not open to students with credit for STAT 3401 .
  • STAT 4515 - Applied Multivariate Analysis

    Units: 4
    MANOVA, repeated measures designs, discriminant functions. May include factor analysis, canonical correlation, and cluster analysis. Computer intensive with special emphasis on treatment of actual data. Written reports required. Prerequisites: STAT 3010  ; STAT 3900  . Co-requisites: STAT 3010; STAT 3900.
  • STAT 4601 - Regression

    Units: 4
    Computational methods in regression, including variable construction, and ANOVA. Selection methods. Attention to model assessment, graphical techniques, and assumption checking. Emphasis on real data from science, engineering, and business. Computer-assisted analysis. Report writing. Prerequisites: STAT 3503  or STAT 4000 . Co-requisites: STAT 3503 or STAT 4000.
  • STAT 4610 - Introduction to Nonparametric Statistical Methods

    Units: 4
    Nonparametric methods and distribution-free tests. Sign, Wilcoxon, rank-correlation, independence and randomness tests. Approximate distributions under the null hypothesis, treatment of ties, some estimation procedures. Emphasis on social science data. Prerequisites: STAT 3010 .
  • STAT 4860 - Undergraduate Seminar

    Units: 4
    Seminar in probability and/or statistics on topics extending beyond regular courses. Variable content, units, and prerequisites specified at the time of offering. Repeatability: May be repeated two times for credit when content varies, for a maximum 12 units.
  • STAT 4861 - Undergraduate Seminar

    Units: 4
    Seminar in probability and/or statistics on topics extending beyond regular courses. Variable content, units, and prerequisites specified at the time of offering. Repeatability: May be repeated two times for credit when content varies, for a maximum 12 units.
  • STAT 4862 - Undergraduate Seminar

    Units: 4
    Seminar in probability and/or statistics on topics extending beyond regular courses. Variable content, units, and prerequisites specified at the time of offering. Repeatability: May be repeated two times for credit when content varies, for a maximum 12 units.
  • STAT 4863 - Undergraduate Seminar

    Units: 4
    Seminar in probability and/or statistics on topics extending beyond regular courses. Variable content, units, and prerequisites specified at the time of offering. Repeatability: May be repeated two times for credit when content varies, for a maximum 12 units.
  • STAT 4864 - Undergraduate Seminar

    Units: 4
    Seminar in probability and/or statistics on topics extending beyond regular courses. Variable content, units, and prerequisites specified at the time of offering. Repeatability: May be repeated two times for credit when content varies, for a maximum 12 units.
  • STAT 4865 - Undergraduate Seminar

    Units: 4
    Seminar in probability and/or statistics on topics extending beyond regular courses. Variable content, units, and prerequisites specified at the time of offering. Repeatability: May be repeated two times for credit when content varies, for a maximum 12 units.
  • STAT 4866 - Undergraduate Seminar

    Units: 4
    Seminar in probability and/or statistics on topics extending beyond regular courses. Variable content, units, and prerequisites specified at the time of offering. Repeatability: May be repeated two times for credit when content varies, for a maximum 12 units.
  • STAT 4867 - Undergraduate Seminar

    Units: 4
    Seminar in probability and/or statistics on topics extending beyond regular courses. Variable content, units, and prerequisites specified at the time of offering. Repeatability: May be repeated two times for credit when content varies, for a maximum 12 units.
  • STAT 4868 - Undergraduate Seminar

    Units: 4
    Seminar in probability and/or statistics on topics extending beyond regular courses. Variable content, units, and prerequisites specified at the time of offering. Repeatability: May be repeated two times for credit when content varies, for a maximum 12 units.
  • STAT 4869 - Undergraduate Seminar

    Units: 4
    Seminar in probability and/or statistics on topics extending beyond regular courses. Variable content, units, and prerequisites specified at the time of offering. Repeatability: May be repeated two times for credit when content varies, for a maximum 12 units.
  • STAT 4900 - Independent Study

    Units: 1-4
    Repeatability: May be repeated for credit with consent of instructor, for a maximum of 12 units.
  • STAT 4910 - Advanced Statistical Package Usage

    Units: 4
    Programming in an advanced statistical software package, producing reformatted data, advanced statistical analysis, and probability modeling. Topics may include graphics, spatial statistics, creating and managing data files, simulations, approximation algorithms. Prerequisites: STAT 3502 , CS 1160 .
  • STAT 4950 - Advanced Statistical Packages for Data Analysis

    Units: 4
    Programming and applying computer packages (e.g., SAS, S+). Data preparation and transformation, macros, descriptive statistics. Topics from diagnostics, t-procedures, ANOVA; nonparametrics; cross-tabulation, chi-squared, correlation, regression. Report writing. Prerequisites: STAT 3502 .
  • STAT 4960 - R Programing

    Units: 4
    Data input, data output, data manipulation, use of libraries, data analysis methods, programming interfaces, graphics, functions using R. Prerequisites: STAT 3502 . Credit Restrictions: Not open to students with credit for STAT 6260.

Statistics: Graduate

  • STAT 5300 - Quality Engineering

    Units: 4
    (See ENGR 5300  for course description.)
  • STAT 5601 - Introductory Statistics and Probability for Science and Engineering

    Units: 4
    Basic probability rules (independence, Bayes’ Theorem), distributions (binomial, Poisson, normal, exponential), reliability. Descriptive, inferential statistics (control charts, estimation, hypothesis testing: one, two samples), correlation, regression. Emphasizes: computer analysis, simulation; science, engineering applications. Prerequisites: MATH 1305  or departmental approval. Credit Restrictions: Not open to students with credit for STAT 3502 /ENGR 3502/MATH 3502. Cross-listed: ENGR 5601 .
  • STAT 6010 - Applied Analysis of Variance

    Units: 4
    Elementary analysis of variance including multiple comparisons. Factorial analysis of variance, interactions, repeated measures designs, random effects designs. Computer-facilitated analyses. Analysis of real data and written report required. Prerequisites: STAT 3010 , STAT 3031 , or STAT 3502 . Credit Restrictions: Not for credit in Statistics M.S. degree.
  • STAT 6011 - Statistical Modeling for Management and Economics

    Units: 4
    Concepts in statistics for management and economics. Probability and statistical models. Rare events, waiting time, qualitative and quantitative models. Bayes theorem. Estimation, inference. Linear and nonlinear models. Emphasis on computer estimation of models with statistical analysis of errors and attention to model assumptions. Restricted to post-baccalaureate students. Co-requisites: MATH 1810 . Credit Restrictions: Not for credit toward M.S. in Mathematics or Statistics.
  • STAT 6020 - Statistical Methods in Clinical Trials

    Units: 4
    Experimental designs, statistical analyses, and clinical-scientific-regulatory issues common to clinical trials research. Includes writing analysis plan, conducting statistical analysis meeting constraints of regulatory agencies, reporting results, and data monitoring. Prerequisites: STAT 3503 , STAT 4000 , or STAT 6010 . Credit Restrictions: Not for credit in Statistics M.S. degree.
  • STAT 6059 - Advanced Statistical Methods Using Computing Packages

    Units: 4
    Using computer packages (e.g., SPSS) and interpreting output applied to social science and education. Data preparation, descriptive statistics, graphs, checks for normality, t-tests, F-tests, ANOVA, cross tabulations, chi-squared tests, and correlation. Report preparation. Prerequisites: STAT 2010 , STAT 3010 , STAT 3031 , or STAT 3502 /MATH 3502; postbaccalaureate/graduate standing. Credit Restrictions: Not for credit in Statistics graduate program.
  • STAT 6204 - Probability Theory

    Units: 4
    Theory of probability. Random variables; joint, marginal, conditional distributions; important distributions (binomial, Poisson, normal, etc.); moments; moment generating functions. Multivariate distributions. Inequalities; limit theorems. Multidimensional transformations; derivation of random variables. Prerequisites: MATH 2304  or admission to the graduate program.
  • STAT 6205 - Statistical Theory

    Units: 4
    Maximum likelihood and least squares estimation, applications to one-sample, two-sample and regression problems, hypothesis testing, confidence intervals, significance level, bias, precision. Prerequisites: STAT 6204 .
  • STAT 6250 - SAS Programming

    Units: 4
    Professional SAS programming techniques. Data management and processing. Data integrity. Graphical presentation of data. Data reporting techniques. Topics in applied statistics and biostatistics. Introduction to SAS data step, SAS Macros, SAS Reports, SAS SQL, and other relevant programming topics. Report Writing. Prerequisites: Current enrollment or completion of a graduate level course in statistics.
  • STAT 6260 - R Programming

    Units: 4
    Data input, data output, data manipulation, use of libraries, simulation, data analysis methods, programming interfaces, graphics, functions using R. Dual-listed with STAT 4960. Prerequisites: STAT 6304  or consent of intructor.
  • STAT 6300 - Applied Quality Assurance

    Units: 4
    (See ENGR 6300  for course description.)
  • STAT 6304 - Advanced Statistical Inference

    Units: 4
    Random variables, sampling distributions, conditional probability. Expectation. Estimation, method of moments, maximum likelihood. Confidence intervals. Hypothesis testing. Computer-aided computations and simulations. Topics include: t-tests, correlation, regression, proportions, chi-squared, ANOVA, nonparametrics, bootstrapping. Prerequisites: MATH 1305   or admission to graduate program.
  • STAT 6305 - Analysis of Variance Models

    Units: 4
    Models for factorial designs: expected mean squares, random effects, nesting, power/sample size, missing data, ANOVA. Model assessment. Computer-aided analysis. Report writing. Prerequisites: STAT 6304 .
  • STAT 6310 - Advanced Stochastic Processes and Simulation

    Units: 4
    Theory of stochastic models. Markov chains: classification, limiting behavior. Continuous-time Markov processes: Poisson, birth-death. Simulations of processes and probability modeling. May include: additional limit theorems, queues, renewal theory, applications. Prerequisites: STAT 6205 .
  • STAT 6401 - Advanced Probability I

    Units: 4
    Advanced treatment of probability theory and its applications. May include: conditioning, generating/characteristic functions, modes of convergence, limit theorems, renewal theory, Markov processes, combinatorial techniques, measure and integration. Prerequisites: MATH 2304  and (either STAT 3402  or STAT 4401 ); or admission to graduate program and STAT 6204 . Cross-listed: MATH 6401 .
  • STAT 6501 - Mathematical Statistics I

    Units: 4
    Theory of point and interval estimation and hypothesis testing, from the Neyman-Pearson point of view. May include: decision theory, non-parametric inference, sequential analysis, multivariate analysis, robustness, Bayesian methods, computer intensive methods. Prerequisites: STAT 6205  or graduate standing in mathematics. Cross-listed: MATH 6501 , MATH 6502 .
  • STAT 6502 - Mathematical Statistics II

    Units: 4
    Theory of point and interval estimation and hypothesis testing, from the Neyman-Pearson point of view. May include: decision theory, non-parametric inference, sequential analysis, multivariate analysis, robustness, Bayesian methods, computer intensive methods. Prerequisites: STAT 6205  or graduate standing in mathematics. Cross-listed: MATH 6501 , MATH 6502 .
  • STAT 6509 - Theory and Application of Regression

    Units: 4
    Theory of least squares in model fitting. Computational methods in regression, including variable selection, ANOVA and ANCOVA. Model assessment, graphical techniques and assumption checking. Computer-assisted analysis. Report writing. Prerequisites: STAT 6305 . Co-requisites: STAT 6305 .
  • STAT 6510 - Analysis of Variance

    Units: 4
    The theory and application of the general linear model, the analysis of variance and covariance, application of generalized inverses and decomposition theorems from linear algebra. Prerequisites: MATH 2101 , and either STAT 3503  or STAT 6305 . Cross-listed: MATH 6510.
  • STAT 6511 - Advanced Applied Econometrics

    Units: 4
    (See ECON 6511  for course description.)
  • STAT 6515 - Advanced Multivariate Analysis

    Units: 4
    Advanced, computer-intensive applications of multivariate analysis. Applications of linear algebra. Topics may include ANOVA, canonical correlation, discriminant functions, factor/cluster/spatial analysis. Emphasis on actual data, report writing. Prerequisites: STAT 6305 , and STAT 4950  or STAT 6250 , and MATH 2101 .
  • STAT 6550 - Bayesian Statistics

    Units: 4
    Bayes Theorem, subjective probability, conjugate priors, non-informative priors, posterior estimation, credible intervals, prediction, sensitivity analysis, comparison to classical procedures, MCMC, Gibbs sampling, hierarchical Bayesian analysis. Use of statistical software. Report writing. Prerequisites: A graduate level course in Statistics or probability and an upper division course in computational statistics or computer science or consent of instructor. Co-requisites: One of prerequisites allowed as co-requisite.
  • STAT 6555 - Statistical Time Series Analysis

    Units: 4
    Analysis of correlated data in time, trends, seasonal patterns, periodicity, autocorrelation, spectral analysis, filtering, time domain versus spectral domain. Decomposition, autoregression, ARIMA, state-space models, forecasting. Applications to data in economics, engineering, seismology. Use of statistical software. Report writing. Prerequisites: One course in upper division statistics or probability and statistical computing or consent of instructor.
  • STAT 6601 - Advanced Statistical Computing

    Units: 4
    Implementation of computationally-advanced statistical methods. Topics may include: bootstrap, EM algorithm, Bayesian methods, Markov Chain, Monte Carlo, neural networks, recent methodological advances. Prerequisites: Senior or graduate standing, previous programming experience and one of: STAT 4950 STAT 6250 , or STAT 6260  . 
  • STAT 6610 - Data Visualization

    Units: 4
    Methods used in data visualization and interactive exploration of big data.  Topics include data merging and exporting, interactive GIS maps, elements of visual perception, effective graphs and charts, and meaningful visual representations of complex statistics and large data sets. Prerequisites: STAT 6304  or consent of instructor. Strongly Recommended: Experience with R or STAT 6260 .
  • STAT 6620 - Statistical Learning with R

    Units: 4
    Introduction to machine learning, including supervised learning such as regression, logistic regression and classification methods. Re-sampling methods such as cross-validation and bootstrap. Unsupervised learning.  Applications to data mining, statistical pattern recognition, and data processing. Prerequisites: STAT 6509 , STAT 6260 . Strongly Recommended: Experience with R.
  • STAT 6651 - Analysis of Categorical Data in Biostatistics

    Units: 4
    (See BSTA 6651  for course description.)
  • STAT 6801 - Statistical Consulting

    Units: 4
    Professional statistical consulting skills. Technical methods such as design of experiments and analysis of complex data. Professional data management and software practices will be covered. Interpersonal consulting skills will be emphasized. Real-life applications will be explored. Prerequisites: STAT 6250 , STAT 6305 , STAT 6509  and completion of the University Writing Skills Requirement.
  • STAT 6843 - Selected Topics in Biostatistics

    Units: 4
    (See BSTA 6843 -BSTA 6849  for course description.)
  • STAT 6844 - Selected Topics in Biostatistics

    Units: 4
    (See BSTA 6843 -BSTA 6849  for course description.)
  • STAT 6845 - Selected Topics in Biostatistics

    Units: 4
    (See BSTA 6843 -BSTA 6849  for course description.)
  • STAT 6846 - Selected Topics in Biostatistics

    Units: 4
    (See BSTA 6843 -BSTA 6849  for course description.)
  • STAT 6847 - Selected Topics in Biostatistics

    Units: 4
    (See BSTA 6843 -BSTA 6849  for course description.)
  • STAT 6848 - Selected Topics in Biostatistics

    Units: 4
    (See BSTA 6843 -BSTA 6849  for course description.)
  • STAT 6849 - Selected Topics in Biostatistics

    Units: 4
    (See BSTA 6843 -BSTA 6849  for course description.)
  • STAT 6851 - Selected Topics in Actuarial and Decision Science

    Units: 4
    Methods in actuarial and decision science extending beyond regular courses. Variable content to be specified at time of offering. Prerequisites: STAT 3402  or STAT 4401 . Repeatability: May be repeated for credit when content varies, for a maximum of 8 units.
  • STAT 6852 - Selected Topics in Actuarial and Decision Science

    Units: 4
    Methods in actuarial and decision science extending beyond regular courses. Variable content to be specified at time of offering. Prerequisites: STAT 3402  or STAT 4401 . Repeatability: May be repeated for credit when content varies, for a maximum of 8 units.
  • STAT 6853 - Selected Topics in Actuarial and Decision Science

    Units: 4
    Methods in actuarial and decision science extending beyond regular courses. Variable content to be specified at time of offering. Prerequisites: STAT 3402  or STAT 4401 . Repeatability: May be repeated for credit when content varies, for a maximum of 8 units.
  • STAT 6854 - Selected Topics in Actuarial and Decision Science

    Units: 4
    Methods in actuarial and decision science extending beyond regular courses. Variable content to be specified at time of offering. Prerequisites: STAT 3402  or STAT 4401 . Repeatability: May be repeated for credit when content varies, for a maximum of 8 units.
  • STAT 6855 - Selected Topics in Actuarial and Decision Science

    Units: 4
    Methods in actuarial and decision science extending beyond regular courses. Variable content to be specified at time of offering. Prerequisites: STAT 3402  or STAT 4401 . Repeatability: May be repeated for credit when content varies, for a maximum of 8 units.
  • STAT 6856 - Selected Topics in Actuarial and Decision Science

    Units: 4
    Methods in actuarial and decision science extending beyond regular courses. Variable content to be specified at time of offering. Prerequisites: STAT 3402  or STAT 4401 . Repeatability: May be repeated for credit when content varies, for a maximum of 8 units.
  • STAT 6857 - Selected Topics in Actuarial and Decision Science

    Units: 4
    Methods in actuarial and decision science extending beyond regular courses. Variable content to be specified at time of offering. Prerequisites: STAT 3402  or STAT 4401 . Repeatability: May be repeated for credit when content varies, for a maximum of 8 units.
  • STAT 6858 - Selected Topics in Actuarial and Decision Science

    Units: 4
    Methods in actuarial and decision science extending beyond regular courses. Variable content to be specified at time of offering. Prerequisites: STAT 3402  or STAT 4401 . Repeatability: May be repeated for credit when content varies, for a maximum of 8 units.
  • STAT 6859 - Selected Topics in Actuarial and Decision Science

    Units: 4
    Methods in actuarial and decision science extending beyond regular courses. Variable content to be specified at time of offering. Prerequisites: STAT 3402  or STAT 4401 . Repeatability: May be repeated for credit when content varies, for a maximum of 8 units.
  • STAT 6860 - Selected Topics in Graduate Probability and Statistics

    Units: 4
    Probability and/or Statistics extending beyond regular courses. Variable content to be specified at time of offering. Prerequisites: Graduate standing and consent of instructor. Repeatability: May be repeated once for credit with consent of department and when content varies, for a maximum of 8 units.
  • STAT 6861 - Selected Topics in Graduate Probability and Statistics

    Units: 4
    Probability and/or Statistics extending beyond regular courses. Variable content to be specified at time of offering. Prerequisites: Graduate standing and consent of instructor. Repeatability: May be repeated once for credit with consent of department and when content varies, for a maximum of 8 units.
  • STAT 6862 - Selected Topics in Graduate Probability and Statistics

    Units: 4
    Probability and/or Statistics extending beyond regular courses. Variable content to be specified at time of offering. Prerequisites: Graduate standing and consent of instructor. Repeatability: May be repeated once for credit with consent of department and when content varies, for a maximum of 8 units.
  • STAT 6863 - Selected Topics in Graduate Probability and Statistics

    Units: 4
    Probability and/or Statistics extending beyond regular courses. Variable content to be specified at time of offering. Prerequisites: Graduate standing and consent of instructor. Repeatability: May be repeated once for credit with consent of department and when content varies, for a maximum of 8 units.
  • STAT 6864 - Selected Topics in Graduate Probability and Statistics

    Units: 4
    Probability and/or Statistics extending beyond regular courses. Variable content to be specified at time of offering. Prerequisites: Graduate standing and consent of instructor. Repeatability: May be repeated once for credit with consent of department and when content varies, for a maximum of 8 units.
  • STAT 6865 - Mathematical Modeling

    Units: 4
    (See MATH 6865  for course description.)
  • STAT 6870 - Seminar in Probability and Statistics

    Units: 4
    An intensive study of a selected topic in probability and/or statistics from current literature emphasizing student participation. Prerequisites: Graduate standing and consent of instructor. Repeatability: May be repeated once for credit with consent of department and when content varies, for a maximum of 8 units.
  • STAT 6871 - Seminar in Probability and Statistics

    Units: 4
    An intensive study of a selected topic in probability and/or statistics from current literature emphasizing student participation. Prerequisites: Graduate standing and consent of instructor. Repeatability: May be repeated once for credit with consent of department and when content varies, for a maximum of 8 units.
  • STAT 6872 - Seminar in Probability and Statistics

    Units: 4
    An intensive study of a selected topic in probability and/or statistics from current literature emphasizing student participation. Prerequisites: Graduate standing and consent of instructor. Repeatability: May be repeated once for credit with consent of department and when content varies, for a maximum of 8 units.
  • STAT 6873 - Seminar in Probability and Statistics

    Units: 4
    An intensive study of a selected topic in probability and/or statistics from current literature emphasizing student participation. Prerequisites: Graduate standing and consent of instructor. Repeatability: May be repeated once for credit with consent of department and when content varies, for a maximum of 8 units.
  • STAT 6874 - Seminar in Probability and Statistics

    Units: 4
    An intensive study of a selected topic in probability and/or statistics from current literature emphasizing student participation. Prerequisites: Graduate standing and consent of instructor. Repeatability: May be repeated once for credit with consent of department and when content varies, for a maximum of 8 units.
  • STAT 6875 - Seminar in Probability and Statistics

    Units: 4
    An intensive study of a selected topic in probability and/or statistics from current literature emphasizing student participation. Prerequisites: Graduate standing and consent of instructor. Repeatability: May be repeated once for credit with consent of department and when content varies, for a maximum of 8 units.
  • STAT 6876 - Seminar in Probability and Statistics

    Units: 4
    An intensive study of a selected topic in probability and/or statistics from current literature emphasizing student participation. Prerequisites: Graduate standing and consent of instructor. Repeatability: May be repeated once for credit with consent of department and when content varies, for a maximum of 8 units.
  • STAT 6877 - Seminar in Probability and Statistics

    Units: 4
    An intensive study of a selected topic in probability and/or statistics from current literature emphasizing student participation. Prerequisites: Graduate standing and consent of instructor. Repeatability: May be repeated once for credit with consent of department and when content varies, for a maximum of 8 units.
  • STAT 6878 - Seminar in Probability and Statistics

    Units: 4
    An intensive study of a selected topic in probability and/or statistics from current literature emphasizing student participation. Prerequisites: Graduate standing and consent of instructor. Repeatability: May be repeated once for credit with consent of department and when content varies, for a maximum of 8 units.
  • STAT 6879 - Seminar in Probability and Statistics

    Units: 4
    An intensive study of a selected topic in probability and/or statistics from current literature emphasizing student participation. Prerequisites: Graduate standing and consent of instructor. Repeatability: May be repeated once for credit with consent of department and when content varies, for a maximum of 8 units.
  • STAT 6895 - Practicum in Statistics

    Units: 1-4
    Supervised experience tutoring, grading, or consulting through the Statistics Department Consulting Laboratory. Students complete academic assignments integrated with on- or off-campus paid or volunteer activities. Prerequisites: Advancement to candidacy, approval of the graduate advisor. Repeatability: May be repeated for credit, for a maximum of 4 units.
  • STAT 6898 - Cooperative Education

    Units: 1-4
    Supervised work experience in which student completes academic assignments integrated with off-campus paid or volunteer activities. Prerequisites: At least 3.0 GPA and departmental approval of activity. Repeatability: May be repeated for credit, for a maximum of 8 units. A maximum of 4 units will be accepted toward the M.S. degree in Statistics.
  • STAT 6900 - Independent Study

    Units: 1-4
  • STAT 6950 - Graduate Statistics Capstone

    Units: 1
    Retrospective view of courses required for M.S. degree. Strategies for lifelong learning and contributions to the statistics profession. Preparation for, and completion of, M.S. Comprehensive Examination. Prerequisites: STAT 6501 ; Advancement to Candidacy. Co-requisites: STAT 6502 .
  • STAT 6999 - Issues in Statistics

    Units: 4
    Readings, discussion, and research on contemporary and/or significant issues in statistics. Repeatability: May be repeated for credit when content varies, for a maximum of 8 units.

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