The following courses have been approved for GE Area Upper Division B at the time of publication.
ANTH 310 Evolutionary Biology of Humans
ANTH 311 Human Fossil Record
ANTH 320 Archaeological Science and Indigenous Knowledge (Diversity Overlay)
ASTR 337 Extrasolar Planets
ASTR 338 The Cosmos
ASTR 339 Stars and Galaxies
BAN 320 Optimization and Simulation for Business Applications (Sustainability Overlay)
BIOL 333 Humans and Sex (Diversity Overlay)
BIOL 334 Humans and the Living Planet (Sustainability Overlay)
BIOL 335 Humans: Health and Disease (Social Justice Overlay)
CHEM 304 Chemistry of Wine Making
CHEM 305 Chemistry of Spices (Sustainability Overlay)
CHEM 306 Green Chemistry and Sustainability (Sustainability Overlay)
ENSC 320 The Science of Global Change (Sustainability Overlay)
ENSC 330 Weather and the Atmosphere (Sustainability Overlay)
ENSC 340 The Oceans (Sustainability Overlay)
ENVT 307 Social Impact through Sustainable Solar Design (Sustainability Overlay)
ENVT 340 Climate Change (Sustainability Overlay)
ENVT 445 Water and Watershed Resources
ENVT 447 Energy, Climate and Society (Sustainability Overlay)
GEOG 340 Climate Change (Sustainability Overlay)
GEOG 445 Water and Watershed Resources
GEOG 447 Energy, Climate and Society (Sustainability Overlay)
GEOG 450 Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
GEOL 310 Geology of the Western National Parks
GEOL 325 Volcanoes and Plate Tectonics
GEOL 330 Weather and the Atmosphere (Sustainability Overlay)
GEOL 340 The Oceans (Sustainability Overlay)
INDE 390 Human Factors and Work Methods
KIN 461 Exercise and Well-Being
MATH 318 Mathematical Contributions to Modern Society (Social Justice Overlay)
MGMT 350 Decision Science
PH 300 Environmental Health (Sustainability Overlay)
PH 327 Genes and Human Health
PH 435 Life Course Perspective on Health
PHYS 303 Biophysics
PHYS 304 Acoustics
PHYS 307 Social Impact Through Sustainable Solar Design (Sustainability Overlay)
PSYC 385 Science of Mental Illness
PSYC 386 Stress and Coping
PSYC 390 Human Factors and Work Methods