Sep 05, 2024  
2024-2025 Cal State East Bay Catalog 
2024-2025 Cal State East Bay Catalog

Undergraduate Academic Alert and Disqualification Policy

The following policies govern undergraduate academic & administrative alert and disqualification:
Academic Alert

According to Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations, students must achieve at least a 2.0 grade point average (GPA) in all baccalaureate work, all work at Cal State East Bay, and all work in their major to receive a baccalaureate degree.

A student will be placed on academic alert if, following a Fall or Spring Semester, their Cal State East Bay cumulative GPA falls below 2.0. Academic alert warns individuals that their academic performance is below the state minimum required for graduation, and that their GPA must improve before a degree can be granted.

The alert status is shown on the student’s transcript.

Undergraduate students on alert will remain on continued alert when the following semester term GPA is 2.0 or better, but the Cal State East Bay cumulative GPA remains below 2.0. The continued alert status is shown on the transcript and is treated like alert in terms of academic standing.

Freshmen on academic alert are allowed a second consecutive semester of alert (known as “continued alert”) if their Cal State East Bay cumulative GPA is in the range of 1.50 to 1.99.

The Registrar will notify students who are placed on alert when semester term grades are posted. The notification will include a referral to academic advisors, including advisors in Academic Advising and Career Education, advisors in college success centers, and faculty major advisors. EXCEL or Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) students should contact their counselors.

Students remain on alert or continued alert until they are either returned to good academic standing or are disqualified.  When the Cal State East Bay cumulative GPA is raised to at least 2.0 following a Fall or Spring semester, the student will be returned to good academic standing.  

Academic Disqualification

As authorized by Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations, undergraduate students on academic alert are subject to academic disqualification when:

  • as a freshman (fewer than 30 semester units of college work completed), the Fall or Spring term grade point average is below 1.50;
  • as a sophomore, junior, or senior, the Fall or Spring semester term GPA is below 2.0.

The disqualified status is shown on the student’s transcript.

Administrative Academic Alert

As authorized by Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations, a student may be placed on administrative academic alert for: 

  • withdrawal or administrative disenrollment from all or a substantial portion of a program of studies in two successive terms or in any three terms. (Note: A student whose withdrawal is directly associated with a chronic or recurring medical condition or its treatment is not subject to administrative academic alert for such withdrawal);
  • repeated failure to progress toward the stated degree objective or other program objective, including that resulting from the assignment of 15 semester units of “NC,” when such failure appears to be due to circumstances within the control of the student;
  • failure to comply (after notification) with an academic requirement or regulation, as defined by campus policies, which apply to all students or a defined group of students. These academic requirements and regulations include, but are not limited to,

    • failure to complete a required practicum

    • failure to comply with professional standards appropriate to the field of study

    • failure to complete a specified number of units as a condition for receiving student financial aid or making satisfactory progress in the academic program

    • failure to complete General Education Areas A2 and B4 by the end of the third semester of a student’s undergraduate study

    • failure to complete the University Writing Requirement in a timely manner, as defined by the roadmap for the student’s major

When such action is taken, the student shall be notified in writing and shall be provided with the conditions for removal from administrative academic alert and the circumstances that would lead to administration academic disqualification, should alert not be removed.

Administrative Academic Disqualification

As authorized by Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations, a student who has been placed on administrative academic alert may be disqualified from further attendance if:

  • the conditions for removal of administrative academic alert are not met within the period specified;
  • the student becomes subject to academic alert while on administrative academic alert;
  • the student becomes subject to administrative academic alert for the same or similar reason for which the student has been placed on administrative academic alert previously, although not currently in such status.

Students who are not on alert may be subject to administrative academic disqualification if:

  • the student’s cumulative grade point average is below 1.0 at the end of any term;
  • the student’s cumulative grade point average is so low that in view of the student’s overall educational record, it seems unlikely that the deficiency will be removed within a reasonable period.

When such action is taken, the student shall receive written notification, including an explanation of the basis for the action.