Kinesiology, M.S. Program
Program Description
The Department of Kinesiology offers programs focusing on fundamental analysis of sport, exercise and physical activity phenomena. The purpose of the Master of Science degree program is to give students a cross-disciplinary knowledge of kinesiology, develop their scholarly skills, and hone their professional application. The program serves as a terminal degree for professionals as well as preparation for those intending to complete a doctorate in Kinesiology or in one of the Allied Health Professions. Because most students are working professionals, graduate courses are offered during the evening hours.
Program Learning Outcomes
Students who graduate with an M.S. in Kinesiology will be able to:
- Synthesize and apply multiple cognate disciplinary perspectives.
- Design and implement collaborative innovative professional applications.
- Make decisions using critical analysis of issues, theories, methods, ideas, and artifacts.
- Communicate persuasively using a contextually-grounded approach.
- Systematically reflect on the practice of social justice.
Career Opportunities
Athletic Director • Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Specialist • Community College Teacher • Corporate Fitness Director • Intercollegiate and Interscholastic Coach • Exercise Physiologist • Personal Trainer • Physical Education Administrator • Physical Education Teacher • Sport Psychology Consultant • University Instructor • Wellness Counselor/Educator
Upon acceptance into the program, students are immediately directed to a faculty member who will assist them in developing a course of study.
The department offers a complete range of laboratory facilities and technologies for graduate students. These resources enable comprehensive research opportunities in all areas of study. Motion analysis software, ventilatory gas analysis, biofeedback, coincidence timing, nutritional analysis, bone scanner, body composition analysis and computer statistical packages are examples of available tools.
Other features include the potential for individualized programs of study to meet specific interests and needs, extensive library resources, and an instructional format which stimulates high interaction among students and promotes independent scholarship.
Admission to the Program in “Classified Graduate” Status
Eligibility for admission to the M.S. degree program in “Classified Graduate” status requires a student to have a baccalaureate degree with a major approximately equivalent to the Cal State East Bay B.S. degree in kinesiology. The graduate coordinator or department chair will determine degree equivalencies. Students must also have attained at least a 3.00 grade point average in the major and have satisfied the University Writing Skills requirement.
The department encourages students to meet university prescribed deadlines for admission into the program beginning in the fall semester, although the department is willing to accept graduate students into the program during spring semester.
“Conditionally Classified Graduate” Status
Students who are judged to be admissible, but who do not meet all of the admission requirements specified above for “Classified Graduate” status, receive “Conditionally Classified Graduate” standing. Such students may need to complete certain undergraduate prerequisites in preparation for graduate study and/or may have other deficiencies, such as the University Writing Skills requirement, that must be resolved within the first semester of enrollment. Each student will be judged on an individual basis. The department may require the Graduate Record Examination (GRE), Aptitude Test Score, three letters of recommendation from former professors, written essay, and/or the repeat of undergraduate coursework in the case of below-standard grade point averages.
Generally, courses taken to resolve deficiencies will not count for credit in the M.S. program. In no case will more than 12 semester units taken in “Unclassified Post-baccalaureate” standing or at another university be counted toward the M.S. degree.
Advancement to Candidacy
“Classified Graduate” students are eligible for Advancement to Candidacy based on the criteria given below.
- Maintain a 3.00 grade point average in all graduate work completed.
- Submit to the graduate coordinator an approved program of study developed in conjunction with the appropriate faculty committee.
- Have passed the Writing Skills requirement or equivalency.