Jan 22, 2025
PHYS 104 - Musical Acoustics Units: 4 ; Breadth Area: GE-B1, GE-B3 Basic introduction to the physics of sound waves. Focuses on developing a scientific framework to understand how different musical instruments produce a variety of sounds, how waves transmit the sound, and ultimately how qualities of sound are perceived. Lecture Units: 3; Lab Units: 1.
Possible Instructional Methods: On-ground. Grading: A-F or CR/NC (student choice). Breadth Area(s) Satisfied: GE-B1 - Lower Division Physical Science, GE-B3 - Lower Division Laboratory Activity Course Typically Offered: Spring ONLY
Student Learning Outcomes - Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to: - Learn measurement techniques to quantitatively record the phenomena of vibration, waves, and the spectral analysis of sound.
- Maintain a professional quality laboratory notebook recording their experimental work, data, and observations in a clear and organized format.
- Reduce data and graphically represent relationships between data and a theoretical model.
- Interpret the results and formulate a “Claim-Evidence-Reasoning” meaningful conclusion.
B1. Physical Science Learning Outcomes - Demonstrate knowledge of scientific theories, concepts, and data about the physical sciences;
- demonstrate an understanding of scientific practices, including the scientific method; and
- describe the potential limits of scientific endeavors, including the accepted standards and ethics associated with scientific inquiry.
B3. Laboratory Activity Learning Outcomes - Apply their knowledge of scientific theories, concepts, and data about the physical and sciences through laboratory activities;
- apply their understanding of scientific practices, including the scientific method in a laboratory setting; and
- demonstrate accepted standards and ethics associated with scientific inquiry, while completing laboratory activities.
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