Mar 31, 2025  
2023-2024 Cal State East Bay Catalog 

EDLD 715 - Transforming Teaching and Learning in Schools

Units: 3
Examine theoretical and empirical literature regarding pedagogy and curriculum for social justice, teacher learning and development, and ongoing professional learning.  Draft pedagogical vision, conduct a teacher-learning inquiry, and design a professional learning plan.

Prerequisites: Admission to Ed.D. Educational Leadership Program.
Possible Instructional Methods: Hybrid.
Grading: A-F grading only.
Student Learning Outcomes - Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to:
  1. Articulate personal beliefs about the purpose of education (philosophy), particularly in light of concepts of social justice (1.2).
  2. Demonstrate skills for effective collaborative group work (e.g., inquiry, dialogue, facilitation) and assess use of collaborative structures in multiple contexts (1.3).
  3. Demonstrate skill in facilitation of shared problem solving and decision-making (1.4).
  4. Design strategies for professional outreach and inclusion that contribute to strengthening communities of educational practice in pursuit of equitable student access and achievement (1.5).
  5. Identify analyze and assess methods of implementing change within an educational organization that leads to improved educational access and outcomes for all students (1.6).
  6. Identify, analyze, and assess structures necessary to stimulate a learning culture where individuals actively listen to understand, analyze, engage, and act (1.7).
  7. Identify and analyze historical experiences of inequity and theories of dominance/oppression (2.1).
  8. Identify how schooling has reproduced patterns of cultural dominance/oppression over time and analyze this dynamic in contemporary educational contexts (2.2).
  9. Articulate a commitment to cultural and linguistic competence/responsiveness in multiple contexts (2.3).
  10. Identify and assess own and others’ cultural and linguistic competence/responsiveness in specific contexts.
  11. Apply cultural and linguistic competence/responsiveness and knowledge of theories of inequity to refine one’s own practice (2.4).
  12. Design and assess an equity analysis within educational planning, assessment and decision- making (2.5).
  13. Design and assess an equity analysis in own research and practice (2.6).
  14. Design and assess multiple strategies to create and sustain culturally/linguistically competent/responsive schools and cultures where student-teacher relationships result in powerful and equitable learning (2.7).
  15. Design strategies for applying concepts of inclusion, relationship, and diversity, and social justice to specific institutional and community contexts in support of positive change (3.3).
  16. Articulate, compare, and assess strategies to ensure that under-served students, and parents, and community members are actively participating and influencing decisions (3.7).
  17. Analyze federal, state, and local structures and policies that affect curriculum and instruction (4.1).
  18. Design and facilitate processes for faculty to evaluate racial and ethnic biases they bring to working with racially, ethnically, and linguistically diverse student populations in terms of instruction, expectations, instruction, and assessment practices (4.4).
  19. Create and support shared vision for equitable instructional leadership leading to professional school culture in which teachers expand and deepen a range of socially just teaching and learning strategies practices that are effective for all students (5.1).  
  20. Demonstrate an understanding of instructional best practices in order to supervise and support faculty in strengthening socially just curricular content and instructional practices that fully engage and scaffold all (and particularly historically underserved) especially underachieving students, in powerful learning opportunities (5.2).
  21. Create, nurture, and sustain a professional culture that encourages and supports in which teachers are encouraged and supported in collaboratively assessing curriculum and instruction against student outcomes (5.3).
  22. (Professional culture that supports teaching for social justice) teachers in collaboratively inquiring into the relationship between their practices and student work/progress.
  23. Create systems and processes the support teachers in investigating, adapting and implementing socially-just teaching and assessment practices that are effective with a range of ably, racially, ethnically and linguistically diverse student population (5.4).
  24. Design and facilitate processes and structures that support a climate in which teachers are encouraged to pose questions of practice and engage in dialogue about race, ethnicity, language, home culture, equity, racism, bias, and institutional racism (5.5).
  25. Develop, implement, and assess a cohesive professional development plan that provides ongoing learning opportunities and supports for educators to deepen and refine socially just pedagogical knowledge and practice (5.6).
  26. Demonstrate proficiency in academic writing genres, including logical argumentation, coherent organization, and appropriate sentence structures (9.1).
  27. Assess, evaluate, and synthesize evidence to support an argument (9.2).
  28. Demonstrate proficiency in written and oral communication with practitioner audiences, including evaluation reports and summarizing/presenting research (9.3).

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