Feb 12, 2025
ART 340A - Creative Photography I Units: 3 Photography as fine art and the creative use of photography. Merging images and ideas, students will explore and produce expressive and creative fine art imagery.
Prerequisites: ART 240. Possible Instructional Methods: On-ground. Grading: A-F grading only. Course Typically Offered: Fall & Spring
Student Learning Outcomes - Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to: - Understand contemporary trends in fine art photography;
- Engage in creative and systematic investigation of formal and conceptual issues;
- Apply technical skills and visual elements in fine art production;
- Emphasize making photographic art as an ongoing process that involves the student in informed and critical decision making;
- Develop technical skills and become familiar with the functions of experiment with traditional darkroom techniques to achieve fine art goals;
- Become independent thinkers who will contribute inventively and critically to culture through the making of art photography;
- Use photography in both historical and contemporary forms to address issues of social justice,
- Create a portfolio of fine art images.
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