Feb 10, 2025
ART 100 - Fundamentals of Drawing Units: 3 ; Breadth Area: GE-C1 Introduction to principles, elements, and practices of drawing, employing a wide range of subject matter and drawing media. Focus on perceptually based drawing, observational skills, technical abilities, and creative responses to materials and subject matter.
Possible Instructional Methods: On-ground. Grading: A-F grading only. Breadth Area(s) Satisfied: GE-C1 - Lower Division Arts Course Typically Offered: Fall & Spring
Student Learning Outcomes - Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to: - Observe and accurately render three-dimensional objects on a two-dimensional surface;
- Create drawings that demonstrate the basic principles of spatial illusion through the application of linear, atmospheric, and other perspective systems;
- Utilize a variety of lines and mark making in drawing;
- Organize spaces and objects within a drawing according to basic principles of design and composition;
- Accurately describe forms and space through gradations of value;
- Utilize and apply a wide range of drawing materials and techniques;
- Develop expressive content through manipulation of line, form, value, and composition;
- Evaluate and critique class projects using relevant terminology in oral or written formats;
- Examine and describe historical and contemporary developments, trends, materials, and approaches in drawing.
C1. Arts Learning Outcomes - Demonstrate an appreciation of the arts using their intellect, imagination, sensibility, and sensitivity;
- respond to aesthetic experiences in the arts and develop an understanding of the integrity of both emotional and intellectual responses; and
- in their intellectual and subjective considerations, demonstrate an understanding of the relationship among the self, the creative arts, and culture.
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