Feb 09, 2025
DANC 273 - Dance on Camera Units: 3 ; Breadth Area: GE-C2 Translating seen and found meaning in movement to the screen. The history of screendance; basics of digital video pre-production (research and planning); production (shooting); post-production (editing); and distribution. A roadmap for creating your own dance videos. Discussion Units: 1; Activity Units: 2.
Strongly Recommended Preparation: Previous experience in dance or video production/editing. Possible Instructional Methods: Entirely On-ground, Entirely Online, or Hybrid. Grading: A-F grading only. Breadth Area(s) Satisfied: GE-C2 - Lower Division Humanities Course Typically Offered: Variable Intermittently
Student Learning Outcomes - Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to:
- create original screen dance media, including planning, writing, shooting, choreographing, scoring, editing and distributing;
- reflect on how aesthetics, communication, sociology and technology shape today’s representations of the body on screen and in dance;
- create screen dances that respond in meaningful, innovative ways to respond to contemporary body representation in media;
- collaborate on dance and media creation in an extremely diverse environment.
C2. Humanities Learning Outcomes
- Show appreciation for the humanities using their intellect, imagination, sensibility, and sensitivity;
- develop their affective and cognitive faculties through studying great works reflecting the rich diversity of human imagination and/or inquiry; and
- engage in critical self-reflection relating themes in the humanities to the students’ own lives.
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