Feb 12, 2025
CMGT 201 - Surveying Units: 2 Construction surveying site layout techniques are studied. Benchmark, building lines, property lines, leveling and profiling are discussed in lecture with applied laboratory exercises. Broad-based background in interpreting plans. Typical plans for both residential and commercial buildings will be reviewed. Lecture Units: 1; Lab Units: 1.
Prerequisites: MATH 130. Possible Instructional Methods: Entirely On-ground. Grading: A-F grading only. Course Typically Offered: Spring ONLY
Student Learning Outcomes - Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to: - Complete a topographic survey and develop a map of the area surveyed using state-of-the-art mapping software;
- Prepare a boundary survey map along with metes and bounds from survey data;
- Identify sources of random and systematic error in linear and angular measurement.
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