Feb 14, 2025
ART 346 - 3D Modeling and Animation II Units: 3 Production of intermediate level 3D models of characters and scenes for use in 3D digital animation used for storytelling and creative communication. Analyze and apply camera, lighting, and modeling techniques with animation principles in assignments and projects.
Strongly Recommended Preparation: ART 323. Prerequisites: ART 241 and ART 246. Possible Instructional Methods: Entirely On-ground. Grading: A-F grading only. Course Typically Offered: Spring ONLY
Student Learning Outcomes - Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to: - Apply 3D modeling techniques using a range of tools to create characters and scenes for animation;
- modeling techniques using a range of tools to create characters and scenes for animation;
2. Demonstrate and utilize techniques for lighting and camera motion in 3D animation;
3. Demonstrate mastery of the formal elements and organizing principles of animation art including action/movement(anticipation, follow through, squash & stretch, easing, timing, cycles) extremes, tweening, sequence, narrative, shot composition, editing, and sound;
- Critically analyze project development and pre-production cycles of 3D animation projects to create autopsies;
- Critically analyze aesthetics and cultural use of 3D animation in light of contemporary media theory;
- Create complex original artworks using 3D modeling tools to animate characters, scenes, and cameras;
- Work in specialist teams in the development and execution of 3D animated narratives and/or experimental work.
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