Feb 09, 2025
ART 172 - Painting I Units: 3 ; Breadth Area: GE-C1 Introduction to painting through hands on activities, study of key aesthetic principles and contextual presentations. Students engage with the creative process through fundamental painting techniques, develop individual expression and an understanding of contemporary and historical art concepts.
Possible Instructional Methods: Entirely On-ground. Grading: A-F grading only. Breadth Area(s) Satisfied: GE-C1 - Lower Division Arts Course Typically Offered: Fall & Spring
Student Learning Outcomes - Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to: - Understand the physical properties of paint media and employ different techniques using painting tools and media;
- Understand basic color theory through perceptual assignments, presentations of color theory as well as expressive use of color;
- Create dynamic compositions using the formal elements of line, marks, shapes, color, texture and scale;
- Make paintings with expressive, imaginative content using informed, personal choices for markmaking, surface treatment, color and value to convincingly convey intentions;
- Discuss and critically evaluate their own and others’ work using appropriate art terminology in verbal and written form;
- Understand traditional and contemporary painting concepts at an introductory level, including representational, abstract, conceptual and narrative artwork;
- Use, store and dispose of materials safely.
C1. Arts Learning Outcomes - Demonstrate an appreciation of the arts using their intellect, imagination, sensibility, and sensitivity;
- respond to aesthetic experiences in the arts and develop an understanding of the integrity of both emotional and intellectual responses; and
- in their intellectual and subjective considerations, demonstrate an understanding of the relationship among the self, the creative arts, and culture.
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