Feb 08, 2025
PHYS 351 - Quantum Mechanics II Units: 3 Topics of study include the general theory of angular momentum and addition of angular momentum, entanglement, three-dimensional potentials, the hydrogen atom, and approximation methods in quantum mechanics with an emphasis on time-independent and time-dependent perturbation theory.
Prerequisites: PHYS 350. Equivalent Quarter Course: The two semester sequence PHYS 350 and PHYS 351 is equivalent to the three quarter sequence PHYS 3301 and PHYS 3302 and PHYS 3303. Possible Instructional Methods: Entirely On-ground. Grading: A-F or CR/NC (student choice). Course Typically Offered: Spring ONLY
Student Learning Outcomes - Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to: - Students will be able to solve problems involving the addition of angular momentum and explain the concept of quantum entanglement.
- Students will be able to solve problems such as the hydrogen atom involving three-dimensional potentials.
- Students will be able to use perturbation theory to calculate corrections to energies and eigenstates of various quantum systems.
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