Feb 09, 2025
BIOL 425 - Techniques in Mammalian Cell Culture Units: 3 Techniques of in vitro culturing of primary and established cell lines of multi-cellular origin. Topics include nutrition, growth, cloning, cell fusion, transformation, preservation, karyotyping, autoradiography, metabolic labeling, quality control applications. Lecture Units: 1; Lab Units: 2
Prerequisites: BIOL 310 and BIOL 330. Equivalent Quarter Course: BIOL 4450. Possible Instructional Methods: Entirely On-ground. Grading: A-F grading only. Course Typically Offered: Spring ONLY
Student Learning Outcomes - Upon successful completion of this course students will be able to: - apply appropriate cell culture techniques, following safe procedures and adequate control of facilities, equipment, and reagents;
- apply qualitative methods of mammalian cell cultures, i.e., cell counting and analysis;
- demonstrate appropriate cryopreservation and cell banking techniques;
- apply methods related to sterility and microbial contamination tests;
- gather, interpret, and evaluate published scientific information involving mammalian cell culture;
- interpret data from experiments using the relevant methodologies described and draw appropriate conclusions from these data;
- maintain and manipulate primary and established cell lines under various experimental conditions (e.g., mitogenic stimulation and exposure to cellular stresses);
- create transient and stable transfection of mammalian cells, expressing wild type and mutant proteins;
- conduct immunofluorescent analysis of subcellular localization of transiently expressed proteins, as well as assess the viability and proliferation of cells grown under various experimental conditions using multiple proliferation assays;
- create and maintain a professional laboratory notebook.
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