Feb 16, 2025
THEA 360 - Technology and Design Studio Units: 1 Production and performance practice to illuminate cultural and human issues. Production based on original material devised in class or scripts. Advanced tech and design assignments settled with design faculty before registering.
Strongly Recommended Preparation: Recommend taken prior to or concurrently: THEA 364, THEA 461, THEA 462. Prerequisites: All of: THEA 111, THEA 112, THEA 113, THEA 114. Equivalent Quarter Course: Any one from: THEA 1493, THEA 2493, THEA 3493, THEA 4493. Repeatability: May be repeated for credit for a maximum of 6 units. Possible Instructional Methods: Entirely On-ground. Grading: A-F grading only. Course Typically Offered: Fall & Spring
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