Jan 14, 2025  
2020-2021 Cal State East Bay Catalog 
2020-2021 Cal State East Bay Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Graduate Degree Requirements & Policies

Notice To Students re: Professional Licensure and Certification.  See Errata Non-curricular  page for more information.





Academic Course Load

A graduate student who wishes to receive a master’s degree in two years needs to enroll in approximately 8 units per semester (15 units per year in a 30-unit master’s program). Eight (8) units per semester is the minimum for financial aid and reporting purposes. A graduate student who wishes to receive a doctoral degree in Educational Leadership should check the Educational Leadership, Ed.D.  program chapter in this catalog, as well as consult the Doctoral Handbook (available from the Department of Educational Leadership  office) for academic load information.


Graduate Certificate Programs

Admission to a Graduate Certificate Program

Students who are already enrolled in the University as post-baccalaureates (i.e., pursuing a graduate degree or credential program) may apply to a graduate certificate program. Students who are not already enrolled may apply to the University as a post-baccalaureate classified student. Applicants for graduate certificate programs must meet the minimum requirements for admission to graduate and post-baccalaureate studies that are outlined in the Graduate Admissions and Program Information section of this catalog. Applicants should also see the graduate certificate chapters of this catalog for additional admissions criteria for each specific program. It is recommended that the student seek admission, if appropriate, to a degree program within the sponsoring department so that graduate units may be taken, where permitted, for later application to the degree. No more than 9 units (or 30 percent for master’s programs that are over 30 units) taken in classified post-baccalaureate status may be applied towards the requirements of a graduate degree.

Graduate Certificate Program Requirements

A graduate certificate program is a coherent set of academic courses, considerably narrower in scope and objectives than a degree, for which students can receive a certificate upon its successful completion. Most certificate programs are oriented toward occupations and/or career skills. Each certificate program must contain a minimum of 12 units. For programs that include undergraduate courses, the minimum is 15 units. Any undergraduate courses must be at the upper-division level. Only one course below the 600-level may be taken “CR/NC” and no graduate course may be taken “CR/NC” in a certificate program unless that is the only grading pattern for the course. Students must take at least 75% of the courses and all 600-level courses at Cal State East Bay. (For certificate programs, Cal State East Bay courses may be taken through University Extension or as a regularly admitted and enrolled student.)

No student is required to complete a certificate program. Completion of a certificate program is recognized by the awarding of a certificate. There is no notation about the program on either a diploma or permanent record. (The courses will, of course, be on the student’s permanent record.) 


Change in Educational Objective

Change in Educational Objective

Continuing post-baccalaureate students wishing to change their degree objective or credential program must file a “Change of Graduate Objective” application with the Office of Graduate Admissions. Applications are available online. Students may contact gradadmission@csueastbay.edu for more information.


Doctoral Degree Information

Cal State East Bay offers one doctoral degree, the Ed.D. in Educational Leadership. Students accepted into the Educational Leadership for Social Justice program should work very closely with their academic advisors to ensure that all policies and procedures are being followed. Policies and procedures for continuing student performance as well as program graduation requirements for this doctoral program are different from those required for students in master’s programs.  For information regarding the Doctor of Education, please see the Educational Leadership program chapter in this catalog.  

Contact the Department Office or website directly for specific requirements and program information for the Ed.D. degree.  A copy of the Doctoral Student Handbook may be requested from the Department of Educational Leadership, Arts & Education Building, Room 250, (510) 885-4145, email: edld@csueastbay.edu


Dual Master’s Degrees

If a student wishes to pursue two master’s degrees at the same time, they should apply to their primary degree via CALSTATE Apply and complete a “Change of Graduate Objective” form filed with the Office of Graduate Admissions to apply for the second degree.

Note: a student must fulfill all prerequisites and requirements for each degree.  See the Second Master’s Degree section below for more policies related to dual master’s degrees.


Master’s Degree Requirements

A student wishing to earn a master’s degree must complete the four requirements listed below:

  • Be Advanced to Candidacy;
  • Complete at least 30 semester units applicable to the degree.  Please see specific program requirements in this catalog for the total number of units required for each master’s degree program.
    • All units must be earned within the five calendar years immediately preceding the receipt of the degree. Outdated units may be accepted for one additional year with the approval of the major department and Graduate Studies. If not completed in the sixth year, currency in the subject matter of the outdated courses must be demonstrated. Courses older than seven years are only applied to the degree in exceptional circumstances.
    • A minimum of seventy (70) percent of the total units required by the degree program must be completed in residence while enrolled as an admitted graduate student at Cal State East Bay. For example, for a 30-unit master’s program, 21 units in residence are required. (Note: The number of transferable units for each degree program will be rounded to the nearest whole number of units.) Units taken while at other schools, while an undergraduate with permission to take graduate courses, while pursuing an additional baccalaureate degree in “Unclassified Post-Baccalaureate” status, while enrolled in another graduate degree program, or while enrolled in Continuing Education courses (including Open University courses) do not count as resident units. Courses offered in special session, e.g., summer, are considered resident units. Some graduate programs may require more than 70 percent of the required degree units in residence, so check the program’s section of this catalog for these requirements.
    • At least 1/2 (50%) of the units in the program must be in stand-alone 600-level courses.  Up to 50% of the units may be in upper-division undergraduate courses and/or dual-listed undergraduate/graduate courses.
    • No lower division units can be counted.
    • No more than 6 units of university thesis, departmental thesis or project work can be counted.
    • No more than 8 units of independent study can be counted.
    • No units counted towards the total graduate program units may be taken on a “CR/NC” basis unless they are in courses that are offered exclusively on that basis (primarily restricted to fieldwork and internship courses).  This does not apply to courses taken to satisfy prerequisite or proficiency requirements.
  • Complete a program of study approved by the department, which must include a thesis, project, or comprehensive examination; and
  • Earn a 3.0 grade point average in all units counted towards the degree, with a minimum course grade of “C” in every course. Any course that counts toward the degree requirements with a grade of “C-” or below will have to be repeated.

Please Note: individual master’s degree program requirements may be more stringent, including minimum grade requirements, than the University requirements listed above.  Please check each program’s section of this catalog for specific program requirements.


Required Units for Full-time Graduate Students

The following classifications apply to graduate students enrolled in the fall and spring semesters and in summer session (not University Extension non­-degree programs and shorter sessions including winter):

  • Full-time enrollment for “Graduate” students and “Classified Post­baccalaureate” students is 8 or more units for financial aid, F-1 and J-1 visas, and for veterans (or dependents of disabled or deceased veterans) or reservists (under Chapter 30, 31, 33, 34, 35, or 1606).

Note: Each semester, veterans and eligible dependents should consult the Veteran Benefits Coordinator before the first day of classes and submit their forms requesting certification of enrollment for V.A. benefits.  Also, graduate students who apply for Veterans’ Benefits (or for benefits as dependents of disabled or deceased veterans), international students wishing Department of Homeland Security certification, student athletes wishing to compete in intercollegiate sports, and students on most types of financial aid must be enrolled in courses that apply to a definite program (master’s degree and/or credential).


Second Master’s Degree

If a student already has a master’s degree and wants to pursue a second master’s degree, they must meet the following criteria:

  • Apply and gain admission to the department offering the second master’s degree program;
  • Fulfill all prerequisites and requirements for the second degree;
  • Complete at least 70% of the units required for the second degree in residence after admission to the second degree program. Up to 30% of units from the first degree may be applied to the second degree, if accepted by the second degree program.  If no units for the first degree are accepted, all units for the second degree must be completed;
  • Earn all units for the second master’s degree within the five calendar years immediately preceding the receipt of the degree.

If the second degree is in the same field as the first degree (e.g., business administration), the second degree must be in a different concentration and all units in the degree must be from different courses.



Academic Grading Symbols (Graduate)

Graduate Course Symbols & Grade Points Earned
Academic Grade Standard of Work Represented Grade (Quality) Points
A Superior 4.0
A- Superior 3.7
B+ Adequate 3.3
B Adequate 3.0
B- Adequate1 2.7
C+ Substandard 2.3
C Substandard 2.0
C- Unacceptable 1.7
D+ Unacceptable 1.3
D Unacceptable 1.0
F Failing 0.0
CR Credit2 not applicable
NC No Credit2 not applicable


1Note: A “B-” grade, though described as “adequate,” generates fewer than 3.0 grade (quality) points and must be balanced by a grade of “B+” or higher to maintain a 3.0 GPA.

2Note: These grades cannot be selected by students.  They are only available in graduate courses offered exclusively on a “credit/no credit” basis.

The typical grading pattern for courses graduate students will take is “A-F”; the use of “+” and “-” is at the discretion of each instructor.  As noted in the Master’s Degree Requirements section, grades lower than “C” may not be used to satisfy master’s degree requirements, and some programs may require grades higher than “C” to meet program requirements; check with the academic department about its policy.  A graduate student may use courses taken on a “CR/NC” basis to meet the degree requirements only if the courses are offered exclusively on that basis.  Typically, these courses are restricted to fieldwork and internships and a “CR” grade indicates that the student’s work is at least of “B-” quality.  In post-baccalaureate (500-level) courses, a “CR” grade also indicates that the work is at least of “B-” quality.


Appealing an Inappropriate Grade

Faculty have the sole right and responsibility to provide careful evaluation and timely assignment of appropriate grades. There is a presumption that grades assigned are correct. It is the responsibility of anyone appealing an assigned grade to demonstrate otherwise. In the absence of compelling reasons, such as instructor or clerical error, prejudice or capriciousness, the grade assigned by the instructor of record is to be considered final. Students who believe that an appropriate grade has not been assigned should attempt to resolve the problem with their instructor. If the student is not satisfied with the outcome, they should discuss the issue with the department chair in which the course was offered. If the issue is not resolved, the student should make an appointment with the dean or associate dean of the college in which the course is offered. If all previous actions fail, the student should contact the Presidential Appointee to the Grade Appeal and Academic Grievance Committee by calling (510) 885-3716. If the student has applied for graduation, the student should notify their graduation evaluator that a question is pending resolution. Once a degree is posted, no grade changes will be allowed.

Grade Appeal and Academic Grievance Committee

The Grade Appeal and Academic Grievance process, administered by this committee, allows students to resolve serious cases of alleged academic unfairness. After every effort by all parties to resolve the dispute has been ineffective, students can discuss their case with the Presidential Appointee to the Grade Appeal and Academic Grievance Committee. The Presidential Appointee will assist students in exhausting all normal channels and, if necessary, in filing a Petition (see link below) for a Grade Appeal Hearing. Students will need to submit their petition and supporting documentation to the Academic Programs and Services Office. The committee will review this documentation and the response(s) filed by the other parties involved in the dispute. If the committee finds possible grounds for a grievance, a Hearing Panel will be convened to hear the case. Under normal circumstances, the student must file their Petition before the end of the semester following the semester in which the alleged incident took place.

The Grade Appeal and Academic Grievance Committee is empowered to change a grade in accordance with the Grade Appeal Document and to assign a grade in cases where the instructor may have assigned an unfair academic grade. The Grade Appeal and Academic Grievance Committee is authorized to change a grade only after it has conducted a proper review of the case.

Grade Appeal Petition Form 

For additional information see the Student Rights, Responsibilities & Conduct  chapter.

More information is available from the Office of Academic Programs and Services (Student Services and Administration Building, Suite 4500; Tel. (510) 885-3716)


Cancellation of Registration or Withdrawal from the University

All Students

Students who find it necessary to cancel their registration or to withdraw from all classes after enrolling for any academic term are required to follow the university’s official withdrawal procedures. Failure to follow formal university procedures may result in an obligation to pay fees as well as the assignment of failing grades in all courses and the need to apply for readmission before being permitted to enroll in another academic term. Information on canceling registration and withdrawal procedures is available from the Enrollment Information Center, located on the first floor of the Student Services and Administration Building.

Students who fail to fulfill enrollment or matriculation requirements, or otherwise fail to adhere to academic or Cal State East Bay regulations, are subject to immediate administrative action which may result in the student being placed on Administrative Probation, or having enrollment for that term canceled.

Note: Matriculated students who have not enrolled in classes at Cal State East Bay for two consecutive semesters (not including summer or winter sessions), and do not enroll in the third consecutive semester, will be discontinued and will be required to submit a new application to the University for readmission.

Add/Drop Period

Submitting a “Withdrawal” form is not required if students find it necessary to drop all courses in which they enrolled in using MyCSUEB during the Add/Drop period. For refund information, refer to the Refund of Fees section in the Fees & Financial Services  chapter.

If students find it necessary to withdraw from the University after the Add/Drop period has ended (during the third through the twelfth week of instruction), they must complete a “Withdrawal” form, obtain approval signatures from each instructor and department chair, and return it to the Enrollment Information Center or the Academic Services Office. Course withdrawals are handled as noted in the section above.  A semester from which a student withdraws is not counted as an interruption of enrollment for matriculated student status. Even if approved, a late withdrawal petition does not result in a fee refund. Students should consult with Student Financial Services for any questions about fee refunds related to withdrawing from classes.

Financial Aid Recipients

Students who receive financial aid funds must consult with a financial aid counselor in the Financial Aid Office prior to withdrawing from the university regarding any required return or repayment of grant or loan assistance received for that academic term or payment period. Students who have received financial aid and withdraw from the institution during the academic term or payment period may need to return or repay some or all of the funds received, which may result in a debt owed to the institution.

Fee Refunds

A withdrawal may not automatically result in a fee refund. Students should consult with Student Financial Services for any questions about fee refunds related to withdrawing from classes.


Capstone Experiences

The capstone experience of the graduate program will be the successful completion of a thesis, project, or comprehensive examination. The quality of the student’s work, including quality of expression, is the major consideration in judging the success of this degree component.


A thesis is the written product of a systematic study of a significant issue. In the thesis, the student is expected to identify the issue, state the major assumptions, explain the significance of the project, detail sources for and methods of obtaining data, provide analysis of the data, and offer conclusions. The thesis should demonstrate original critical and independent thinking, appropriate organization and format, and thorough documentation. If the research involves human subjects, the protocols must be approved by the Institutional Review Board (see “Standards of Research with Human Subjects” in this chapter).

Cal State East Bay offers two kinds of master’s degree theses, University Thesis (numbered 691) and Departmental Thesis (numbered 699). Students required, or electing, to write a thesis must register for a minimum of one unit of either 691 or 699 in order to receive credit toward completion of this capstone experience. Students should check with the department for information on the number of units for which they must enroll.

The following criteria are the same for both the Departmental Thesis and the University Thesis.

  • The candidate must be a graduate student (i.e., admitted to a master’s degree program) to enroll in a thesis course; the academic department may add additional requirements.
  • The student’s thesis work will be supervised by a departmental committee which must include at least one Cal State East Bay faculty member who is a member of the major department. Please see the Thesis Committee Policy for additional thesis committee requirements.
  • The student may not receive credit for more units of thesis work than allowed by the degree program.
  • Each semester students will receive a grade of “RP” (Report in Progress) for units earned in 691 or 699 until they have completed their thesis; the student will then be given a final grade for the entire course. No “RP” units will be counted towards the degree or in calculating their GPA. If the thesis is not approved within five years of initial enrollment in a thesis course, the “RP” grade(s) will be changed to “F” or “NC” (depending on the grading pattern of the course).
  • Normally, a degree candidate will be required to present an oral defense of their thesis.
  • A Master’s degree candidate may not earn more than 6 units for either a University Thesis or Departmental Thesis. Some programs have lower unit requirements. Students should check the program description in this catalog.

There are also a few significant differences between the two kinds of theses:

The format of a University Thesis is established by the Office of Graduate Studies. Since these works are expected to serve as resources for future research, the format is formal. An electronic copy is placed in the Institutional Repository. A Departmental Thesis, on the other hand, is usually not as formal. The Departmental Thesis standards and format are determined by the department, and the thesis is retained by the department.  

University Thesis: 

For information on the steps to follow (the approval process, required format for the structural elements of the thesis, and deadlines) when writing a University Thesis, consult guidelines available online at: https://www.csueastbay.edu/aps/graduate-studies/university-thesis.html. If a student has questions concerning the selection of a topic, and/or the procedure to establish a thesis committee and research protocols, they should contact their department advisor or graduate coordinator. Students should also see if the department requires that a bound copy be submitted to the department. If the student has additional questions concerning the formatting and submission of their University Thesis after having read the University Thesis Writing Guide, it is recommended they contact the University Thesis Editor at: thesiseditor@csueastbay.edu

Departmental Thesis: 

For information about a Departmental Thesis (the department’s thesis guidelines, including format, acceptable thesis topics, and procedures to establish a thesis committee) contact the department advisor or graduate coordinator.


A project is a significant undertaking in either a fine or applied art or a professional field. Projects should provide evidence of originality, independent thinking, and appropriate form and organization. Students are required to describe their project in a written abstract that addresses the project’s significance, objectives, methodology, and conclusions. In some cases, the student may be required to present an oral defense.

Specific criteria for a Project (numbered 693) are the same as those for a Departmental Thesis with a few exceptions.

  • An “RP” grade in a project course will become an “F” (no “NC” option) after one year if the project is not completed.
  • While the project need not be considered a research resource, it should be of a caliber to constitute a valid terminal activity in a master’s degree program and will be permitted only when a thesis is not appropriate.

If a Master’s degree student changes from a program requiring a thesis to one requiring a project (or vice versa), they may count a combined maximum of 6 units for 691, 693, and 699 towards the degree.

Comprehensive Examination

A comprehensive examination is intended to assess the student’s mastery of relevant subject matter, their ability to analyze and integrate the knowledge of their field, their skill in critical and independent thinking, and their use of appropriate organization and accurate documentation. A record of the student’s examination (questions and responses) will be retained by their department. Some departments grant unit credit for exam preparation (numbered 692) while others do not.


Course Requirement Information - Course Syllabus

Faculty shall provide students with a course syllabus, which should be placed on the course Blackboard site at the beginning of the semester, containing the following information:

  • Name of instructor, office location, office hours, office telephone number, and @csueastbay.edu e-mail;
  • Course number and title, classroom location, number of units, prerequisites (if any), a course description, objectives and student learning outcomes;
  • Required texts and any other required and/or recommended materials;
  • Student-supplied equipment and materials necessary for course activities;
  • Course specific requirements and their due dates, such as examinations, quizzes, papers, field trips, and labs;
  • Grading policy, which includes the relative weight of examinations, quizzes, papers, class participation, and other factors, and the grading scale;
  • Attendance and make-up work policies and implications for grading;
  • The following statement and reference to University policies regarding cheating and academic dishonesty: “By enrolling in this class the student agrees to uphold the standards of academic integrity described at: http://www.csueastbay.edu/academic/academic-policies/academic-dishonesty.html.”
  • Accommodations for students with disabilities.
    • Sample statement: “If you have a documented disability and wish to discuss academic accommodations, or if you would need assistance in the event of an emergency evacuation, please contact me as soon as possible. Students with disabilities needing accommodation should speak with the Accessibility Services.”
  • Emergency information.
    • Sample statement: “California State University, East Bay is committed to being a safe and caring community. Your appropriate response in the event of an emergency can help save lives. Information on what to do in an emergency situation (earthquake, electrical outage, fire, extreme heat, severe storm, hazardous materials, terrorist attack) may be found at: http://www.csueastbay.edu/af/departments/risk-management/ehs/emergency-management/index.html. Please be familiar with these procedures. Information on this page is updated as required. Please review the information on a regular basis.”

Faculty are also encouraged to include additional items such as:

  • Course outline;
  • Types of quizzes and exams (e.g., true-false, multiple choice, short-answer, essay);
  • Availability of appropriate tutoring services;
  • Policies regarding audio and video recording and use of electronic devices;
  • Reference to University classroom behavior policies;
  • Classroom food and drink policies.

Furthermore, faculty should advise students of their expectations in the course no later than the end of the second class. Any changes in course requirements should be communicated to students in a timely manner. It is the student’s responsibility to read the course statement and to request any clarification of course policies. If a student adds the course after the first week of class, they must seek course information in a timely manner.


Declassification from a Degree Program

A student may be declassified (dropped) from a graduate degree or credential program for a range of reasons, including, but not restricted to, unprofessional conduct; failure to maintain professional standards; behavioral issues that interfere with the learning of others; failure to make progress toward the degree or program as set forth by the University and program policies; failure to successfully complete required components of the program such as fieldwork or practicum courses; failure to meet grade requirements to maintain good standing in the program and/or University; and/or the department/program faculty determine that the student is incapable of completing degree requirements at the level expected of a graduate student in the discipline even if the GPA is above 3.0. 

The declassification request must be initiated by the major department with support from the department/program chair and college dean or designee. Requests are submitted to the Office of Academic Programs and Services for final action and official notification to the student and the Registrar’s Office. The Office of Academic Programs and Services will also determine if the student should also be academically or administratively disqualified from the University. If the student is not disqualified from the University and wishes to continue in the University, a declassified student must formally apply to another graduate program. Declassified students will not be permitted to enroll through regular University or Open University in any undergraduate or graduate courses in the program or degree from which they were declassified. Unless the declassification was related to conduct issues that interfere with campus interactions, declassified students are eligible to apply to a new program and be accepted as a student by the new department/program. The student must be accepted to a new program no later than two semesters after being declassified; otherwise, the student must reapply to the University.


Faculty Office Hours Policy

The faculty of the University are available during regularly scheduled office hours, which are at times other than scheduled classes. The times of the office hours are posted outside each faculty office, at the faculty member’s department, on the department website, and on the faculty member’s course syllabi. The faculty member informs the department of their office hours the first day of classes each semester. 

Full-time faculty who are teaching are expected to hold a minimum of two
(2) regularly scheduled office hours per week. The way in which office hours are held should be congruent with the mode(s) of instruction. For example, faculty teaching online courses may hold office hours online. In addition to regularly scheduled office hours, faculty are expected encouraged
to meet with students by appointment (in-person or electronically) at mutually convenient times to a
reasonable extent. For faculty members who are teaching less than a full load, the minimum number
of scheduled office hours may be prorated, but the number of scheduled hours may not be less than
one hour per week.

If for any reason a faculty member cannot meet the posted office hours, the faculty member will inform the Department Chair. If possible, the department will note the absence on the faculty office door.

The normal schedule of availability is to be maintained during the Final Examination period, but may be rearranged to facilitate meeting students before exams. If a final examination conflicts with a posted time of availability, an alternative hour is to be posted for that week alone.


Final Examination Policy

The student can expect the instructors to provide comprehensive course requirement information for each course at the beginning of the semester. This will include the work that is expected of the student and the basis on which the student will be evaluated. Most courses have graded assignments throughout the semester and a final examination or paper. The University’s policy states that final examinations must be given only at the times published in the schedule of classes on MyCSUEB. The purpose of this policy is to ensure fairness for all students. Exceptions are, therefore, rare and must be approved in writing by the department chair. A student should contact the department chair or college dean if they believe this policy is not being followed. If the student is in a course which has a separate laboratory, activity or discussion section, the instructor is permitted to give a separate final examination (but only for that section) during the last regularly scheduled meeting of the section.


Graduate Student GPA

The student’s grade point average (GPA) is calculated by dividing the total number of quality hours (units attempted, excluding CR/NC courses) into the number of grade (quality) points earned. If they repeat a course required in the major, their department has the discretion, under specific circumstances, not to include an earlier attempt in the GPA calculation. The approval not to include the earlier attempt in the student’s degree program must be submitted by their department to the Office of the Registrar. This may be done at any time while a student is enrolled in the degree program, but may not be done after they have been awarded their degree.

The graduate program coordinator or department chair also has the discretion to request that grades in courses that do not count towards graduate degree requirements be excluded from a student’s GPA calculation. This will be permitted only if those grades result in the student being placed on academic probation. These may include courses taken in a second baccalaureate program, or courses taken in a different graduate degree program. They may not be courses taken after the student has been admitted to the current graduate program, or courses taken in the degree program that the student subsequently elects not to count toward graduate program requirements. They also may not include grades for courses that the student used for a conferred post-baccalaureate degree. The request not to include a grade in a student’s GPA calculation must be submitted by the graduate coordinator or department chair to the Office of Academic Programs and Services which will make the final determination of the request. This may be done at any time while a student is in the degree program, but may not be done after they have been awarded their degree.

If the student’s GPA falls below 3.00, they should consult immediately with the graduate coordinator or major department chair.


Graduate Student Registration Policy

Master’s degree students must follow the same registration policies and procedures as required for undergraduate students. See the Registration & Enrollment  chapter in this catalog for more complete registration information.

Registration procedures for Thesis or Project courses are slightly different. Master’s students must complete a “Special Registration Petition” (see below) for each semester they wish to enroll in one of these courses. The petition should be submitted to the department office before the add/drop deadline. The student is responsible for checking on the progress of this procedure.


Graduate Student Probation, Disqualification, & Reinstatement Policy

There are two types of probation and disqualification: (1) academic, and (2) administrative.

Academic Probation

Students must maintain a 3.00 GPA in all units attempted after admission to their graduate program, including all prerequisite courses, to remain in good standing. If the student’s GPA falls below 3.00, they will be placed on Academic Probation. (Grades in any coursework taken after admission to the student’s master’s program at CSUEB will count towards the GPA calculation for academic probation.) Should this happen, the student must consult with their graduate advisor prior to registering for the next semester. The student is also encouraged to take advantage of various University services (such as advising and tutoring) designed to assist them. 

Academic Disqualification

A student may be subject to academic disqualification if during any semester while on probation they do not achieve the minimum 3.0 GPA in all units taken after admission to their graduate program. The student may also be disqualified if, at any time, they do not meet the academic criteria of their department. In addition, an appropriate campus administrator may disqualify a student who at any time during enrollment has demonstrated behavior so contrary to the standards of the profession for which the student is preparing as to render the individual unfit for the profession. In such cases, disqualification will occur immediately upon notice to the student. 

Administrative Probation

A student may be placed on Administrative Probation if they:

  • withdraw from all courses for two consecutive semesters or any three semesters;
  • do not progress towards their degree while enrolled (such as earning a number of “NC” grades);
  • do not comply with appropriate academic requirements (such as taking the Writing Skills Test); or
  • earn only “IC,” “F,” “WU,” and/or “NC” grades for two consecutive, or any three semesters. 
Administrative Disqualification

A student will be administratively disqualified if they:

  • do not meet the conditions for removal of their Administrative Probation;
  • are placed on Administrative Probation twice for the same reason;
  • are placed on Academic Probation while on Administrative Probation. 
Reinstatement to a Graduate Program

If a student is disqualified, either academically or administratively, they may apply for reinstatement to their graduate program by completing a “Petition for Graduate Reinstatement.” The petition must be approved by the appropriate graduate coordinator or the department chair. Reinstatement will be approved only if the student is able to provide compelling evidence of their ability to complete their degree. Then it will be forwarded for consideration to the Director of Graduate Studies, who has final authority to approve reinstatement. If a student should become disqualified a second time, their reinstatement normally will not be considered. Reinstatement petitions are available at http://www.csueastbay.edu/academic/colleges-and-departments/apgs/office-graduate-studies/reinstatement.html.


Graduate Study Completion (All But Capstone)

Students who have completed all the units required for their master’s degree but are still working on their capstone experience (thesis, project, or studying for a comprehensive exam) may have continued access to University facilities by registering for XXXX 890 Graduate Study Completion course through University Extension, Continuing and International Education. (Students should register for the course within their major prefix; e.g. graduate chemistry majors should register for CHEM 890). This is a 1-unit course with a fee of $134 (fee subject to change). 

Registering for XXXX 890 will provide students with:

  • a valid Student ID card,
  • the ability to check books out of the library,
  • remote access to computerized databases in the library,
  • use of computer labs on campus,
  • the ability to continue to work on projects in science labs,
  • eligibility to purchase a parking permit, and
  • access to other benefits enjoyed by regularly registered students.

Enrollment in XXXX 890 also qualifies as enrollment for students who are serving as a teaching associate. Note: XXXX 890 cannot be used to satisfy any unit or course requirements for a master’s degree.

Students may register by picking up a “XXXX 890 Graduate Study Completion Form” in their department or in the University Extension Office in SF 102. Note: Students will need to obtain a signature from their major department.


Graduation Requirement in Writing Proficiency (UWSR)

All students must demonstrate competency in writing skills as a requirement for graduation. Information on currently available ways to meet this graduation requirement may be obtained from Academic Programs and Services.

Cal State East Bay has temporarily suspended the University Writing Skills Requirement (UWSR) until Academic Year 2021-22.  Students with rights to the 2020-21 Catalog for graduation requirements are considered to have satisfied this requirement.

Please note that some graduate programs (e.g., M.S. Music, M.B.A., M.S. Educational Leadership) require coursework which also fulfills the UWSR.   Students pursing these degrees must complete the courses required by their programs in order to earn a degree regardless of the UWSR suspension.

Please see Errata Non-curricular  for updated information.


Special Registration Petitions

Some courses may require a Special Registration Petition prior to enrollment.  Known colloquially by students, “Special Reg” forms are available from the department offering the course.  Typically, courses that will require special registration petitions are: 

  • Independent Study,
  • Individual Study,
  • Capstone Project,
  • Departmental Thesis, or
  • University Thesis.

Standards of Research with Human Subjects

The University has approved policies and procedures for the protection of human subjects in research, development, and related activities carried out by faculty, staff and students. An Institutional Review Board has been established to review research protocols in order to determine whether human subjects would be at risk and to protect their rights and welfare. Protocols must be approved before research commences. Further information and copies of the policy document may be obtained from the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, SF 302, (510) 885-4212 or online at: http://www.csueastbay.edu/orsp/.


Transferring Units as a Graduate Student

A minimum of seventy (70) percent of the total units required by the degree program must be completed in residence while enrolled as an admitted graduate student at Cal State East Bay.

Note: The number of transferable units for each degree program will be rounded to the nearest whole number of units.

Units taken while at other schools, while an undergraduate with permission to take graduate courses, while pursuing an additional baccalaureate degree in “Unclassified Post-Baccalaureate” status, while enrolled in another graduate degree program, or while enrolled in Continuing Education courses (including Open University courses) do not count as resident units. Courses offered in special session are considered resident units.

Please note that individual graduate programs may require more than 70 percent of the required degree units in residence. If so, it will be noted in the program’s section of this catalog for these requirements.

To request transfer credit:

  1. The student must have taken the course after earning a bachelor’s degree;
  2. Their department must accept the course(s) as relevant to their degree program;
  3. The institution at which the student took the course must customarily grant the level of credit for the course (graduate or upper division) that the student wishes to receive for it at Cal State East Bay;
  4. The student must have taken the course within five calendar years immediately preceding the receipt of their degree.

In general, Cal State East Bay does not allow the use of credit-by-examination from challenged courses for master’s degree requirements. Exceptions may be established by individual departments and must be noted in the degree description in the University Catalog. They are governed by the following policies:

  • The student must pass the exam challenging the course with a grade of “B-” or better;
  • Not more than 9 semester units of credit-by-examination may be applied to the degree; and
  • Challenged courses may not be credited to the residency requirement of your degree.

University Grading Policy

It is an integral part of the teaching responsibility of the faculty to provide careful evaluation and timely assignment of an appropriate grade to each enrolled student. There is a presumption that grades assigned are correct. It is the responsibility of anyone appealing an assigned grade to demonstrate otherwise. In the absence of compelling reasons, such as instructor or clerical error, prejudice, or capriciousness, the grade determined by the instructor of record will be considered final.

For purposes of correcting an error, an instructor may change a grade with approval of his/her department chair and college dean. No grade may be changed once graduation has been recorded unless an error has been made, in which case students have one term after their degree has been awarded to dispute the grade and have it corrected, or if a Grade Appeal petition has resulted in a grade change. The administrative symbol for withdrawal cannot be assigned by a faculty member.

See the Registration & Enrollment  chapter for the description of withdrawal policies and procedures.